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"Maybe they had all the lights on and that's what we saw from the road," Kyle said.

"Well, it would explain the light we saw, but then… where did they go?" Michael asked.

Looking inside, Michael saw that there was enough food there to last his friends weeks, maybe longer. If no one was here now, someone was expecting some company… a lot of company.


Okay, I'm getting just a little bit freaked out here," Maria said, looking into the freezer.

"No kidding," Isabel said. She was getting impatient with Maria and her outbursts.

"Excuse me, but it's midnight. We're in the liber-creepy haunted house from hell. It's sealed up like a tomb… irony intended… and no one's been here for years except that the meat fairy filled up the fridge recently. Oh, and I left out the fact that, according to Madame Sees-the-Future over there, I'm scheduled to get chased down these stairs by the bogeyman."

"Actually, I think it was more in the front of the house," Liz said, smiling and pointing the other way down the hall.

"You think this is funny?" Maria said, her voice rising even higher in pitch. Then she smiled in spite of herself.

Liz clearly had patience for Maria. For that matter, so did Michael… a seemingly endless supply, on this trip.

Better them than me, Isabel thought.

"Look, there's no reason to panic. I'm. sure there's a logical explanation for everything," Liz said.

"Why?" Isabel said, more sharply than she had intended.

For a second, Liz didn't respond; then she said, "Well… there usually is."

Isabel just shook her head.

It's getting late.

Where did that thought come from? Isabel wondered.

"What?" Max said to her. She realized she must have spoken it out loud.

"I said it's getting late," Isabel said, more testily than she had intended.

Max just nodded and said, "Right, we should settle in for the night."

Maria started to protest, but Max waved her off, "After we've searched the house to make sure it's empty."

"If you think I'm going upstairs…," Maria said.

"Then you can stay by yourself down here," Isabel said.

Maria just glared at her.

Michael stepped up to Maria and put an arm around her shoulder. "Stay close to me and you'll be fine."

That seemed to satisfy her, and she was… thankfully… quiet.

"What if we find someone?" Liz asked.

"Then we'll tell them our car broke down and politely ask if we can stay the night," Max said.

"We'd better leave out the part about being alien human hybrids on the run from a ruthless secret organization within the federal government," Michael said.

Max nodded and gave a small smile. "Probably a good idea."

"What if the place isn't empty, but there's nothing alive here?" Maria said.

"What?" Isabel said.

"You know, ghosts," Maria said.

"Come on, there's no such thing," Liz said.

"How can you be sure?" Isabel found herself asking, surprised for a moment that she was on Maria's side of the discussion.

For a second, Liz was unsure, then she said, "Well, you can't see them. And there's no proof… "

"You grew up in Roswell believing the same things about aliens, until you started dating one, right?" Isabel said, immediately regretting her harsh tone.

"I guess we can keep an open mind," Liz said, giving her a strange look.

I don't need to keep an open mind, Isabel thought. I used to talk to a ghost all the time. Not so much lately, though. In fact, the last time we talked, he complained, "You newer call, you never write."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure that any ghosts we meet will be wisecracking but friendly and join our little troupe," Michael said. "Now, can we get on with this?"

"Yes, let's," Isabel said, pushing her way past the others and stepping into the hallway that led to the rest of the house.

"Hold on," Max said, but Isabel continued down the hallway. Max didn't catch up to Isabel until she was standing in the next room.

He stepped inside and started to say something to Isabel but he was too startled by his surroundings to finish the sentence. He was in the largest dining room he had

ever seen. There was a long table in the center. Max quickly counted ten chairs on each side, plus one on each end. Someone behind him hit a switch, and the chandelier over the table came to life, filling the room with a soft, yellow light. With the light on, Max could make out more detail. The walls were a rich, dark wood and had candle-holders mounted every few feet.

He couldn't get over the scale of the room. You could fit the entire Crashdown in here and have room to spare, he thought.

"Remind me to go into the lumber business," Kyle said.

Unlike the outside of the house, the inside was in good shape. In fact, it had been impeccably maintained. And there was something wrong with that fact, Max realized.

"There's no dust," Liz said, speaking his next thought out loud.

"That's right… if no one's used this house in years, there should be dust covering everything, even with the Saran Wrap over all the windows and doors," Maria said.

Just then, there was a bright flash outside that illuminated the three large windows on one side of the room. The loud thunderclap followed a split second later.

"Ahhhh!" Maria screamed.

"Oh, please," Isabel said.

Max saw that Isabel had been annoyed with Maria ever since they'd arrived at the house. The girls had never been great friends, but they had reached some sort of detente shortly after Maria had learned their secret. Now, Isabel seemed to have a very short fuse with Maria. True, Isabel had not been herself since they left Roswell and she left

Jesse, but she had mostly been quiet and withdrawn. This was something else.

Maybe this is a good sign, Max thought. Maybe she's coming back to herself.

It was possible, Max knew, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something else, something new, was bothering her. He made a mental note to ask her about it when and if they were ever alone. Even then, he doubted it would work. Isabel rarely opened up to him anymore.

Liz calmed Maria down with a hand on her shoulder, and Max noted that the plastic covering the windows made the outside world look distorted, as if he were looking at it through a fog. It gave him a claustrophobic feeling, even though he was standing in such a large room. It also made it more difficult to see what was happening outside. Well, he hoped they would leave early enough that that wouldn't be much of an issue. With any luck, they would be gone long before anyone showed up.

"Maria, it's okay. There's nothing to worry about," Liz said.