Nightside City

Nightside City
Научная фантастика
Язык: английский
Год: 1989
Страниц: 47
Добавил: Admin 12 Май 11
Проверил: Admin 12 Май 11
Формат:  FB2 (133 Kb)  EPUB (245 Kb)  MOBI (817 Kb)

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With the dawn, Nightside City would die. But someone was willing to kill to keep Carlisle Hsing in the dark...Nightside City was built on the dark side of the Epimetheus, back when everyone was sure that the planet had stopped rotating. Now, slowly but surely, Nightside City was moving toward the dayside--and doom. Already the first rays of deadly sunlight had begun to hit the tops of the tall buildings of the West End, and that part of the city had become a ghost town.So when private investigator Carlisle Hsing heard that somebody was buying up all that worthless West End property, she was intrigued. And when the clues pointed to a secret plot to save the city from dawn, she had to learn more. If such a plan could succeed, Hsing was all for it. But why keep something like that a secret?Hsing was determined to find the answers. And suddenly her enemies were all too willing to show her the light.

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