“Like anybody is still out here at the bar at 3:00 a.m.” the dark-haired bartender laughed. She held one slender hand out to Mark, while with the other she pulled the ripped collar of her black T-shirt down to expose her breasts. “I’m Sin-D,” she said. Mark got the cute spelling since one tit had Sin written in black marker, while the other was punctuated with a big D. She released the ripped cotton and pointed at the guy next to Mark.
“This is Asshole.”
The brawny guy laughed. “Thing is, she likes assholes. You’ll find that out if you stay near the bar too long. My name’s Kendrick.”
“Call him Dick for short,” Sin-D chimed in.
“You’ll find that she likes those too,” he answered. He held a hand out to Rae. “You can call me Ken. Or anything else you like.”
Rae felt her face flush as he gripped her hand and held it firmly. His hand was heavy and warm. A serpent was tattooed around his wrist. Rae felt instant, biblical temptation. Mark answered for her when the silence stretched. “Hi, Ken, I’m Mark and this is Rae,” he said. “She’s not usually shy.”
“I said she could call me Ken, not you,” Kendrick said, never taking his eyes off Rae. “And no, I don’t suppose she is shy,” he added, still squeezing her hand, then moving his fingers up to stroke the inside of her wrist. “Or she wouldn’t be here.”
“How much do I owe you,” Mark asked Sin-D as he handed Rae her drink.
She shook her head. “On the house. I live to serve.”
Kendrick looked at Mark and smiled. “First time?”
“Do we stand out that bad?” Mark answered. “No,” Sin-D said. “It’s not that. But we get to know everyone at NightWhere pretty fast-it’s a closed club, you know. So…it’s pretty easy to tell who’s only been here once or twice. After that…”
“After that, Sin-D’s probably slept with you,” Kendrick finished.
The bartendress slugged him. “I hope you’re ready for some welts, mister.”
“She promises a lot, but her flogging arm is soft,” Kendrick said.
“You are soooo going to hurt tomorrow,” Sin-D promised. “I want to warn you about one thing,” she said, moving out from behind the bar. She took Rae’s waist in her hands and moved closer, until the swell of their chests nearly touched.
“You came to NightWhere because you have sexual fantasies that you still have not been able to fulfill. Well…you can do anything you want here. Anything.”
She looked deep into Rae’s eyes, and Rae found herself moving her hands to Sin-D’s shoulders, engaging in the sensual dance.
“You can do anything at all here,” Sin-D said again. “We are invisible. We are outside the law. But you’ll never do anything here at the bar. If someone here talks to you, it’s just bullshit.”
She put her hands on Rae’s breasts, gave them a gentle massage and then pushed. “Get out onto the floor and don’t listen to a word this loser tells you,” she said. Sin-D grinned and pointed to the strobing lights of the dance floor.
Kendrick shook his head and took a deep sip of his beer. “Whatever,” he said, nonplussed. “I’ll be here waiting when you get back. I’m always waiting.”
“Because every now and then, there is a chicken that comes back,” Sin-D finished for him. “Ken bats cleanup.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Sin-D shook her head and pointed towards the dark corners of the room beyond the bar, where men and women danced provocatively in the dark. Farther past them, in the blue light of shadows, he could also make out nude bodies strapped on some kind of contrivance.
“This is the foyer of NightWhere,” she said. “Over there is the front room. This is the place to have a drink so you can kick off your shoes and move on inside. Sooooo…” she said, “…drink up, and get in there and get it on.”
Mark took Rae by the hand and led her out into the smoke and lights of the dance floor. “C’mon,” he smiled. “I’ll get you started.”
Rae kissed him, her mouth warm and soft. He could tell she was already excited. “You always do,” she said.
An old New Order bass line slapped through the fog and green strobe lights, as the singer sang about playing with his pleasure zone. Rae let the strap of her tissue-thin black blouse slip down her shoulder as she moved her hips and shifted her feet in a careful kaleidoscope across the floor. The blouse was really just strategic. If you looked hard, you could see all of her through it anyway, but it offered the illusion of clothing. It was a lot like this place. The black walls and black floors and mirrors that made it all seem larger and more grand than it really was…all just illusion. The clean smell of the smoke machines and the dancing arcs of light that made the whole place seem like another world. All illusion. It looked like a goth dance club, but this was simply the antechamber. The lobby, for pretense. People gathered here, got their blood pumping with a couple drinks and the ultra dance mix of an ’80s Depeche Mode song and looked for the reason to walk farther inside. Because nobody went anywhere just to stand in the foyer.
The dance floor was just the appetizer, not the main event.
People danced singly for a while there, running their hands seductively across their bodies, as if making love to themselves in public. And pretty soon, they weren’t dancing alone anymore. Not long after that, they weren’t dancing at all. At least not upright. And they most likely left the dance floor at that point for the seedier, darker corners of the club.
The beat from the speakers throbbed all around as Mark and Rae stepped into the mix of people on the floor. There were a dozen or so other couples moving in the circle that had been marked off on its perimeter with chairs and round tables. A few people stood on the sidelines, watching the action, but Rae loved to dance and didn’t slow as they stepped onto the floor. The vibration of the music sank into Mark’s bones, and while he was normally shy about dancing, it didn’t take long to fall into the rhythm. This was a dance floor unlike any normal goth or dance club because here…there were no rules. That was obvious at the start, as Mark watched one bald guy lift the black Harley T-shirt over the shoulders of a blonde woman. He dropped the shirt and fondled her tits right there on the floor as she ground her ass backwards against him. No false pretenses of propriety here.
Next to them, another couple had been engaged in a slow, very tight sway, but at the sight of the blonde’s disrobing, the woman-a thin little thing with a short-cut shock of black hair-suddenly broke away from the sinuous embrace with an equally rail-thin guy and instead knelt before the sumptuous, formerly Harley-clad, blonde, pressing her face to the blonde’s belly and reaching her hands around to cup the ass of the bald guy, drawing the three of them tight. Her former partner didn’t waste a moment, but instead moved behind the kneeling woman and raised his hand to spank her miniskirted ass. The skirt slipped up after he delivered the first couple blows, driving the small woman’s face against the blonde’s bare belly, before she moved her mouth lower.
Mark watched the spectacle and Rae bit his ear and whispered, “I think you can get some blonde or brunette here if you want tonight. But you might have to use your hand on them.”
“You know I don’t like that,” he smiled.
She slapped his ass playfully. “Well, maybe what you need is a mistress, since you don’t want to be a master.”
Just then, another man in a black silk button-down shirt split off from where he’d been moving closely with a fat woman whose heavy chest seemed ready to explode from the overly constricted confines of her pink blouse at any moment. He grinned as he shook his hips and stepped across the floor three strides to slip his hands up on Rae’s hips. Mark smirked at the tuft of wiry black hair that escaped the man’s equally black shirt. He had a sudden image of his wife braiding the man’s chest hair. Now that would be a different kink from the usual whips and chains…