Okay for today, I thought. Chemical Bank and Trust, with all my worldly goods 1 thee endow.
I walked home briskly and packed. Beside the small bag I had carried the money in, 1 had a flight bag and everything I owned fitted in, with room to spare. I left the old parka hanging in the closet. Whoever moved in next would need it more than I. Then I wrote a note to the landlord saying that I was giving up the apartment. 1 had no lease and was on a month-to-month arrangement, so there wouldn't be any difficulties there. I folded the note and stuck it in an envelope and dropped the key in with the note. Downstairs I put the envelope in the landlord's mailbox. Carrying the two bags, I left the building without looking back. I wouldn't ever again have to worry about keeping warm at that particular address. I hailed a cab and gave the driver the name of a hotel on Central Park West. It was a neighborhood I had never lived in and had only rarely visited. Even with my night-time job and my reclusive habits, in my old neighborhood on the East Side there were bound to be people who had come to recognize me, my bookie, the bartender in the saloon around the corner I sometimes drank in, a waitress in a nearby Italian restaurant, others, who could point me out to someone who "light come around making inquiries about me. Eventually, I knew, I would put a great deal more distance behind me, but for the time being crossing Central Park would have to do. But I didn't want to flee blindly. I knew that I needed at least one day to think and plan. The hotel was a busy one, but middle-class and commercial, and not the sort of place a man who had entered into sudden wealth would choose to celebrate in.
I asked for a single room with bath, registered under the name of Theodore Brown, gave as my home address Camden, New Jersey, a city I had never visited, and followed the bellboy with the bags into the elevator. On the way up, I studied the man's sullen, narrow face. He was young, but there was no trace of innocence in the guarded eyes, the tightly closed lips. It was a face designed specifically by nature for corruption. What wonders a man with a face like that could perform with a hundred thousand dollars.
In the room, which overlooked the park, the bellboy put the big bag in a chair, turned on the light in the bathroom, ostentatiously earning his tip.
'I wonder if you could do me a favor,' I said, taking out a five-dollar bill.
The bellboy eyed the bill. 'Depends on what the favor is,'
the bellboy said. 'The management, don't like whores coming in and out.'
'Nothing like that,' I said. 'I'd just like to make a bet on a horse and I'm new in town and...' I had entered a new life, but I was taking some baggage along with me. Ask Gloria cantered out of the stables of my past.
The bellboy showed his teeth in what he imagined was an accommodating smile. 'We have a house bookie,' he said. I can have him up here in fifteen minutes.'
'Thanks.' I gave him the five-dollar bill.
'Very good of you, sir,' the bellboy said. The bill disappeared. 'Do you mind telling me what you're going to play?'
'Ask Gloria in the second,' I said. 'At Hialeah.'
'It's a fifteen-to-one shot,' he said. He was a student of the sport.
'So it is,' I said.
'Interesting,' he said. There was no doubt about what he was going to do with my five dollars. Dishonest as he was, he would live and die a poor man.
When he left the room, I loosened my tie and lay down on the bed, although I still wasn't tired. Try money, I thought grinning, for that run-down feeling, that midmorning sag.
More and more, thinking these days is in the form of a television commercial.
The house bookie appeared promptly. He was a huge fat man in a rumpled suit. with three ball-point pens slipped into the breast pocket of his jacket. He panted when he moved and spoke in a high, almost soprano voice, surprising coming out of all that bulk. 'Hi, pal,' he said as he came into the room. He looked around the room swiftly, taking everything in. He was a man prepared for ambush. Although he performed in daylight, he lived in the same world as the cop in the prowl car. 'Morris said you were looking for a little action.'
'A little,' I said. '1 like Ask Gloria...' I hesitated for a moment. 'For three hundred to win in the second at Hialeah. The morning line has her at fifteen to one.' I had a peculiar. feeling of lightheartedness, as though I were in an open plane, without oxygen, and had suddenly climbed from the deck to twenty thousand feet.
The fat man took a creased sheet of paper from his pocket, unfolded it, ran a finger down it. 'I can give you twelve to one,' he said.
'Okay,' I said. I gave him three bills.
The bookie took the bills, examined them closely, glanced briefly at me. I detected respect, a certain delicate wariness.
'My name is...' 1 started to say.
'I know your name, Mr. Brown. 'Morris told me,' the bookie said. He made a note with one of the pens on the sheet of paper. 'I pay off at six o'clock in the bar downstairs.'
'See you at six,' I said.
'You hope.' the fat man said, without smiling. He placed the notes that 1 had given him on the outside of a roll of bills, snapped a rubber band deftly around it. He had small, fat, nimble hands. 'Morris always knows where to find me, Mr. Brown,' he said as he went out.
After that, I unpacked and started to put my clothes away. As I was taking my toothbrush and shaving things out of the kit, my razor fell to the floor and skidded beneath the chest of drawers. I knelt to retrieve it, running my hand under the chest. Along with the razor and a small pile of dust, I brought out a coin. It was a silver dollar. I blew the dust off the coin and put it in my pocket. They don't clean very thoroughly in this hotel, I thought. Good for them. Today, 1 was definitely ahead of the game.
I looked at my watch. It was almost noon. I picked up the telephone and gave the number of the St Augustine to the operator. As usual, it was nearly thirty seconds before there was an answer. Clara, the operator, regarded all calls as wanton interruptions in her private life, which consisted, as - far as I could ever tell, of reading magazines on astrology. She used delay as a means of protest and punishment for electronic interrupters of her search for the perfect horoscope, wealth, fame, a young and handsome dark stranger.
'Hello, Clara,' I said. 'Is Mr. Drusack there?'
'He sure is,' Clara said. 'He's been on my neck all morning to call you. What the hell is your number anyway? I couldn't find it anywhere. I called the hotel we have here as your address and they say they never heard of you.'
'That was two years ago. I moved.' Actually, I had moved four times since then. A typical American, I had continually pushed toward new frontiers, always farther north. The wealth of the Yukon, by way of the East Eighties, Harlem, Riverdale, the frozen tundra. 'I don't have a number, Clara.'
'What do you mean, you don't have a number?'
'I don't have a telephone.'
'You're a lucky man, Mr. Grimes.'
'You can say that again, Clara. Now give me Mr. Drusack.'
'My God, Grimes,' Drusack said when he got on the phone, 'you sure left me a mess. You better get right on down here and help me straighten it out.'
'I'm very sorry, Mr. Drusack,' I said. I tried to sound genuinely grieved. 'I'm busy today. What's the matter?'
'What's the matter?' Drusack was shouting now. I�ll tell you what's the matter. The goddamn Western Union called at ten o'clock. There's no John Ferris at that address you gave them, that's what's the matter.'