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When the elevator stopped, they turned around. The room they entered was surprisingly personal; a study or meditation room with black walls, teak furnishings and hardwoods, and an expansive view of the city. Jude Maximillian stood up when they entered, gesturing for them to sit in strategically placed chairs opposite his chaise lounge. The heir of Maximillian Industries looked every inch the paragon of aristocratic wealth in his tailored black suit, tieless shirt, perfectly coifed hair, and closely-cropped beard. He was in his mid-thirties but looked ageless, as if he'd live forever.

"General Hamilton." His mouth twisted when he glanced at Kilgore. "And guest."

Kirk settled into his leather-padded, stainless-steel chair. "Mr. Maximillian, this is Captain Beowulf Kilgore. He's the head of my security detail."

A wary look crept into Maximillian's eyes. "I… know you by reputation, Captain. I heard you died on Mars."

Kilgore's lips pulled back in an animal grin. "I did. Then I got better."

Maximillian cleared his throat, taking an involuntary step backward and nearly stumbling over the chaise. "What exactly is the reason for this visit, General? You told me there was a threat to this Haven. I can assure you that the security of Los Nuevos is the most complex of any Haven. I designed the system myself. No one goes in and out undetected."

"Your security system has been compromised."

"Bullshit. I'd know it the instant it occurred. If such a thing was possible."

"Your system accounts for technical threats: viruses, breaches, etc. You have your sentries, your movement-tracking sensors, your millions of cameras, etc. But one thing your system doesn't account for is a low-tech intrusion, however."

Maximillian's forehead creased in confusion. "I don't follow."

"You know the city has a complex system of tunnels underground."

"Of course I know. It's practically a city of itself. Occupied by homeless people, vice dens, outlaws, and rebels against society. They're no threat to us precisely because they can't get into the Haven."

"They can't. The New Legion can, however."

"You know this how?"

"Because less than twenty-four hours ago they raided a top-secret United Havens compound and stole the access codes to every Haven in the Territories."

Maximillian appeared to regain his composure, settling down on the edge of the chaise with a superior smile. "There are no access codes that can bypass my security."

"They don't have to. As I said, a low-tech intrusion is the Achilles heel of your Haven. The access codes can't lower the shielding or attack your defense systems. What they can do is unlock sealed doors hidden in the underground tunnels. Doors that open by a simple numerical sequence on their keypad. These hidden doors open to tunnels that access the Haven, allowing Blood Legion soldiers disguised as synoids to enter the city and plant enough explosives to level this Haven on command."

Maximillian kept his face unruffled, but his strain was evident by the distended veins in his neck. "You said that you were here to prevent an attack. Now you make it sound as if it already happened."

"It has already happened. I'm here to tell you to surrender your Haven peacefully, Mr. Maximillian. Your life, wealth, and influence are tied to this city. I am in control of all of that now. And if you cooperate, none of it will be harmed."

Fury flashed across Maximillian's face. "You're threatening me? I can find your petty agents; I can stop your explosives. It will only take seconds. You forget yourself, General. You made the foolish mistake of putting yourself at risk. You came here unarmed. I didn't."

Panels on the wall slid open, allowing four sleek, black-armored sentry androids to enter, all bearing ion blasters. The weapons aimed at Kirk and Kilgore, humming with ominous intent. Kirk didn't bother giving the order. He knew what would happen next.

Maximillian stood; a condescending smile on his face. "You're a traitor to the UH, General. I'll hold you and your bodyguard in a cell until the HSSC decides what to do with you."

Kilgore extended his arms. Blue light flickered from the palms of his hands. Kirk had no explanation for what happened next, despite seeing similar feats before. One second Kilgore's hands were empty, the next they both held automatic Origin shotguns as if he pulled them out of thin air.

Kirk dropped to the floor as the room erupted in gunfire. The energy rounds from the shotguns decimated the androids at close range, while the automatons somehow couldn't fire faster than Kilgore moved. In seconds the heavy robot bodies slammed to the ground. Bits of scorched metal and wiring rained down, the heavy scent of burnt wiring filled the air.

The guns winked out of Kilgore's hands. One of his palms flashed again, and a handheld remote appeared.

Maximillian stared in shock from where he crouched behind the leather chaise. "This… isn't possible."

Kilgore grinned, flashing brilliantly white teeth. He pressed the button on the remote.

Maximillian's head swiveled around the room. "What did you just do?"

Kirk stood, brushing off his jacket. "That device remotely links to the failsafe you installed in case of a synoid emergency. You know what it does."

Maximillian ran to the window. Kirk took his time joining him. From their position, it was too far to see, but Maximillian placed a hand on the window's surface and activated the magnification feature, zooming in on the streets.

Where the city died.

Bodies froze and fell one after another, creating an apocalyptic scene. Every synoid in the city was shut down in a matter of seconds, stalling traffic and stopping the Haven in its tracks. Flying vehicles hovered uselessly; autopilot controls barely managing to keep them crashing into each other. The frantic people that remained ran in a state of mass panic, streaming for safety into nearby buildings. Human law enforcement milled about, unsure how to handle a catastrophe that had never occurred before.

Kirk glanced at Maximillian. "You installed the failsafe, so you know how efficient it is. Your synoids are out of commission. My men will take over your facilities one by one and take out any remaining security forces. If you value the lives of your human personnel, I advise you to order them to stand down."

Maximillian took a deep breath. "This will never work. The UH has to know what you've done by now. They'll send forces to deal with you."

"I hold an entire Haven hostage, Mr. Maximillian. And not just any Haven. Their most valuable one. The one that produces the systems and equipment that keeps them running. I believe that gives me the upper hand. And with the Haven's shielding still intact, nothing gets in or out without my permission. I think I'll be a bit more careful than you were with the low-tech weak points in the system."

He nodded to Kilgore, who stepped forward, clamping a hand around Maximillian's neck. Maximillian gasped, holding up his hands as he was forced down on his knees.

"No — please don't. I… I'll do what you want!"

Kirk pulled a DNA analyzer from his jacket pocket. "What I want, Mr. Maximillian, is to see whether or not you're the real deal." He placed the device against Maximillian's neck and pressed the button. After a few seconds, the digital display flashed.

Kirk frowned.

Kilgore extended a hand. Lightning flashed across his palm, and a Vector handgun appeared in his fist. He pulled the trigger, blowing away Maximillian's head. Bluish liquid splattered across the walls. A damaged brain core sizzled in what was left of Maximillian's skull before the synthetic body slumped to the floor.

The nearest window rippled like water, morphing into a display screen where Jude Maximillian gazed at them with malice-filled eyes.

"This is precisely why I don't meet in person anymore, General."