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Lynch's profile winked off, but Hessler felt no relief. He had the feeling that Lynch was still watching, eyeing Hessler through the cockpit camera, through his holoband, through satellites orbiting the stratosphere. There was nothing Lynch couldn't spy out, which made Hessler wonder how Hamilton managed to invade the Haven in the first place.

Maybe Lynch knew. Maybe he allowed it to happen. What does he gain? Is he working with Hamilton? Are we just pawns in some sick game of his?

He wiped a trickle of sweat from his brow. Stop it. That kind of thinking will drive you mad. Concentrate on the mission. On what you need. Someone willing to throw their lives away for the chance of scoring big. Where do you go to find someone that stupid?


"Fifty mil? Yeah, let's take the job. Change our course to Los Nuevos."

Deejay blinked from the monitor. "You didn't even ask about the details."

"What's there to know? A suicide mission to infiltrate the most secure Haven in the Territories, nab a top-ranked and highly respected rebel General, and get out without being killed. But… fifty mil, Deejay. With that kind of dough, I can finally get that body that you need."

"That you need, Cash. I told you I'm fine the way I am. A body won't change things for me."

Cash glanced over the table. Mateo sat across from him in the cramped kitchen, slurping down a bowl of cereal. Outside the window, browns and greens whirred by as the Battle Cat propelled along its predestined course. The sensation was like floating on air thanks to Mateo's work on the gyro system. The kid was good. That didn't mean Cash wanted him included in every conversation, though.

He lowered his voice, leaning toward the wall monitor. "We'll take about this later, Deejay. For now, let's consider the pros and cons."

"Fine. The pros?"

"Fifty million, of course."

Mateo looked up from his bowl. "Sixteen."


"Sixteen million after the split."

"You're in with this? I thought I'd give you the chance to opt out. It's gonna get hairy over there."

Mateo smiled. "I'm your partner, Cash. Plus, I don't think you're thinking things out very well. You're going to need help to pull this off."

"Okay, fine. You get your cut, I get mine, and Deejay gets hers."

Mateo laughed. "Deejay? Since when does an AI get a cut?"

Cash thumped the table with his fist. "You got one more time to call Deejay an AI."

Mateo's grin vanished. "Sorry, Cash. Just seems like you're trying to be slick with taking two thirds for yourself."

"My job, my rules. Who were you thinking about when you calculated?"

"Happy, of course. Don't you think she'll want to go with us? We need an extra man. Woman, I mean."

"Happy?" Cash barked a laugh. "You wanna put your life in the hands of an assassin who forced her way here and won't leave? I know her kind. Turn sideways, and she'll stab you in the kidneys, kid. I'll be happy to get rid of her as soon as I get the chance."

"It's a trap."

Cash jumped at the sound of Happy's voice. She slouched against the doorway, bionic eye glowing in the shadows.

Cash groaned. "Great. How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough to hear your dumbass decision. We're halfway to the drop-off point to collect your bounty on Jinx. You want me out the way? Stick to the rivers and lakes instead of chasing waterfalls."

"What the hell does that mean?"

She sighed, folding her arms. "It's an old saying. The point is, you already have a sizeable prize in custody. Deliver her as arranged and collect your payment. I'll be on my way, and you can try for this other bounty afterward. Perfectly logical."

He shook his head. "No way. Every merc and bounty crew in the world will be gunning for the bounty in Los Nuevos, and they won't be taking any detours. The sooner we get there, the better. With luck, we can still make the Glades afterward. Kelly Crimson gave us a week. It's only been two days."

"And you think you can make it to Nevada, succeed where everyone else has failed, and make it to the Everglades in time?"

"Why not? I'm pretty good when my back's against the wall. Plus, that kind of cash doesn't fall from the sky very often." He took a bite out a ration bar and chewed. "I don't expect you to change your plans because of this, of course. You're welcome to take your bomb off my rig and strike out on your own any time you want to."

"You know you're being used, right? A rebel military general seizes the country's most important Haven, and the answer is posting a bounty? You ever stop to think why?"

"Uh… no. Too busy thinking about the reward."

"Exactly. It's right from the HSSC playbook. They'll watch while the merc and bounty crews get killed trying to find a way in. If anyone succeeds, the HSSC will move in and take all credit for the op. The bounty crew gets hung out to dry — if they make it out at all. This type of threat deserves a military response. Why do you think they’re not taking charge of the op?"

"Because they can't get through the shielding."

"And you think you can?"



"Because they don't have Deejay. I do."

Happy glanced at the screen at the wall, where Deejay looked back with a coy smile. "You think your ALP can break through the defenses of the most highly advanced security system in the country? Now I know you're delirious."

Cash crossed his arms. "Hey, no one's holding you hostage. Don't like it? Skip out. We won't miss you."

Mateo smiled at Happy. "I'll miss you."

Cash gave him a warning glance. "No one's talking to you, kid."

Happy grabbed a handful of ration bars from the shelf and stuffed them in her pocket. "I'll stay and guard the ship while you do… whatever stupid thing you're planning on. If you get killed I'll take Jinx to New Haven on my own."

"If that happens I'll be too dead to care, so suit yourself. Deejay, what do we know about the bounty head?"

An image posted on the wall. "General Kirk Hamilton. Decorated soldier and officer, certified his legendary status with being credited for winning the Red War."

Mateo looked up from his game with a puzzled expression. "What's the Red War?"

"Are you kidding, kid? Were you raised in Hinterland or something?"

Mateo's eyes dropped. "I mean, I heard about it, sure. Just don't know much about what happened."

Cash sighed, scrubbing a hand through his hair. "Deejay?"

"The Red War was fought on Mars. Previously used as a prison destination for the most violent criminals, everything changed with crimsonium was discovered."

"You mean blood shards."

"The common term, yes. A discovery that changed technology forever because of their ease of use in nuclear fission, propelling us into the Energy Age. But when Russian and Chinese miners clashed over territory rights, that scuffle quickly engulfed into a full-out war that threatened to dismantle the One World Order and send the Earth into unparalleled chaos. General Hamilton led a wave of troops that would become known as the Blood Legion. Representing the OWO coalition, he quickly won one victory after another, eventually restoring control of the planet back to the OWO. Since synoids and android parts were quickly worn down by crimsonium dust, most of the fighting was done by human soldiers, making it the bloodiest war in post-Cataclysm history. Millions died on Martian soil."

Mateo listened with wide eyes. "Wow."

"Yeah, wow," Cash said. "But let's get back to the guy with a price on his head."

Pictures of General Hamilton scrolled across the screen. "He was celebrated as a hero, but it came with a heavy price. The casualties were high on the Blood Legion's last mission, known as the Battle of Olympus Mons. Nearly two-thirds of Hamilton's men were massacred by the last pocket of rebel fighters. Only a combination of Hamilton's cunning tactics and the fearlessness of his squadron leader was able to propel the Legion to victory."