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"So, where are they — on their lunch break or something?"

Happy snatched a uniform off the hangar. "Doesn't matter. These will get us in. If we're lucky we'll get to Hamilton and no one will be the wiser."


A few minutes later they walked into the abandoned streets of Los Nuevos in their borrowed uniforms. Mateo looked at the colossal, glittering buildings with wonder even the oversized helmet on his head couldn't mask.


"Something else, ain't it?" Cash grinned. "If there was ever a city made outta money, this would be the place."

"Yeah, look at all the money lying on the ground," Happy said, voice slightly muffled through the helmet's com line. "Looks like the apocalypse."

Synoids were scattered across the cityscape, frozen in stride or lying stiffly on the ground. Cars were stalled, randomly abandoned in the streets. Though the city lights flashed and lit up the night, it was eerily silent.

"Where are the people?"

"Following protocol," Hessler said. "In emergency situations, civilians retreat to their safe rooms until they're given the go-ahead to come out. Keeps the streets clear and civilian injuries to a minimum."

Cash checked his weapon. "Okay, these pulse blasters have a stun setting. Make sure it's on. We're not here to kill soldiers if we can help it. Not even rebel ones."

"Speak for yourself," Happy said.

"C'mon, Happy. Try to rein in that killer instinct for once. Or we'll be the ones with bounties on our heads."

"This isn't going to work," Hessler said.

"Don't be a wet blanket. We haven't run into any trouble so far."

"So far? We just got out here. First patrol and we're dead. Look at your boy."

Cash tried not to snigger. Mateo was the shortest of them, and it showed in his borrowed uniform. The sleeves were too long, the pants loose and baggy, haphazardly stuffed in in his boots. The helmet gave him the appearance of a bobble-head toy.

"So we avoid the patrols. Deejay, can you guess where the General would be?"

Her voice buzzed in his ear. "I ran the algorithms. The highest probability indicates Hamilton will be occupying the Maximillian tower, where he has direct access to the command center."

"Gotcha." He looked at Hessler. "See? Not so hard; was it?"

"You're not looking at reality, Cash. The four of us against multiple squadrons of Blood Legion veterans? We won't live long enough to see Hamilton, much less capture him. We need to find a way to open the entrance in the shield barrier and get my men inside or this will be over before it's begun."

"It already has begun," Mateo said.

Cashed waved Mateo back. "Look, Hessler. I appreciate your concerns. But we're following my plan, and my plan is to find Hamilton."

"And try not to get killed," Mateo said.

"Damn straight. You got a problem with that, Hessler?"

Happy scanned the empty street a few yards away. "Maybe we should split up."


"Yeah. I'll come with you to look for Hamilton. Hessler and Mateo search for a way to shut down the shield. We'll stay in touch on the com."

Hessler nodded. "She has a point."

"Yeah. A point that makes no sense. Split up? Haven't either of you heard of strength in numbers?"

They paused, shifting stances when the sound of running footsteps approached. A squad of New Legion soldiers rounded the corner, scanning the area with their weapons out. They noticed Cash and his crew and ran over, forming a threatening semicircle. The squad leader pointed.

"What are you doing here? Who's your squadron leader?"

Cash stepped forward, using his most authoritative voice. "I'm in charge here. Lieutenant Dick Fingerman. Is this your post? I'm checking to see why it's been abandoned."

The squad leader half-lowered his weapon, taking a hesitant look around. "Abandoned? We've been fighting traitors. They're all over the place."

"Traitors, is it? Well, how do I know you're not in league with them?"

"Me? I've been with Hamilton since the beginning. And I sure don't know any Lieutenant Fingerman." He leaned forward, looking at Mateo. "And you. Why aren't you wearing a uniform that fits, soldier?"

Happy raised her rifle. "Screw this." She shot the man in the chest with a stun blast, knocking him into his startled soldiers.

Gunfire erupted. Cash and Happy ran down the avenue, ducking in between cars and firing over their shoulders. Cash yelled orders over the helmet mic.

"Okay, I got an idea. Let's slit up. Hessler, you take Mateo and shut down the shield. I'll take Happy with me to find Hamilton. We'll stay in touch on the com."

Happy slid over the hood off a car, firing backward at the pursuing soldiers. "Nice plan, fearless leader. Glad you can think under pressure."

He covered her retreat with a volley of scattered shots. "Much appreciated."

"That was sarcasm."

He grinned, crouching while running as she fired a protective burst over his head. "I know."

They were barely ahead of their pursuers, but Cash knew it was hopeless. There were bound to be reinforcements coming and when that happened—

Another squadron ran into the area, directly in the path of the pursuing soldiers. Cash and Happy ducked down, hiding behind a haphazardly parked car while the two squadrons engaged in angry shouts and accusations.

"You're in the way. We were pursuing a group of traitors that—"

"Identify yourselves, or we will consider you a threat. Do it now!"

"You identify yourselves. How do we know you're not with them?"

"With who?"

"Don't play games. They ran right past you."

"We didn't see anyone else. Only you."


"What are you doing? Take your hands off your weapons!"

"Stop trying to threaten us."

"I'm warning you; put your weapons down!"

"Traitors. I knew it!"

"Stop. Stop it now!"

It was too late. One panicked soldier fired, followed immediately by the thunder of both squadrons shooting almost simultaneously. Screams echoed, and the surviving soldiers scattered, shooting nonstop as they sought defensive cover. Ricochets pinged off buildings, windows shattered, and the air filled with the electric scent of energy rounds.

Looking up, Cash caught sight of the gleaming surface of the Maximillian Tower. Almost there. Just gotta live long enough to make it.

He tapped Happy on the shoulder. "Let's go while the getting's good."

She nodded, following as they ducked into the nearby alley, trailed by the sounds of gunfire and death.


Jinx drained the last of her Red Fool energy drink and tossed the can, scoring when it landed neatly in the wastebasket. The sounds of gunfire and shouting blared over the com, fading in and out in sporadic intervals. It didn't sound like things were working out well at all. She stared at the security monitors, where feed of various stations in the city was displayed. Soldiers stormed the streets, but most of them seemed to be fighting one another. She only saw a flash of her crew once. Agent Hessler ducked low in the shadows of one of the buildings, followed by Mateo, who had removed his oversized helmet and loped about as if enjoying himself. They rounded a corner and disappeared.

She pressed a button on the desktop microphone. "Hey, everything okay? What's going on over there?"

Cash's voice crackled over the line. "Still alive, Jinx. Just in case you're thinking about making a run for it."

"In your dreams, azaroso. Where are you?"

"Getting close to Maximillian Tower. We're gonna need a way in. I’m pretty sure knocking on the front door won't work."

"I'll find you an in." Her fingers paused on the keyboard when the room rumbled. Checking the security cam, she stared at a military airship landing in the parking lot above her head. "Qué vaina!"