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Kilgore gave it an approving glance. "Programmed to shut down if it leaves your hand. Impressive." He tossed it aside, sending it clattering across the floor. Approaching Mateo, his hands curled into fists. "I can kill you so many ways, but for once I'd rather do it with my hands. It's been a long time since I killed a Wrath, but I'll settle for an apprentice. Let's see how long you can maintain that Rush, boy."

Mateo grinned. "Long enough to put you down, old man."

They ran toward each other.

Chapter 14

Hessler knew he was dying. Dragging himself across the floor, leaving streaks of blood behind. Every move agonizing, every breath possibly his last. The armored vest was the only reason he hadn't been instantly killed, but the armor-piercing rounds still penetrated. He felt his strength draining with every effort. But he had to finish the mission. All he had to do was get to the com center and shut the shielding down.

Sergeant Chen was slumped over the armrest, dangling hair shrouding her face. Her death was quick, painless. One pull of a trigger and everything she was and could be… gone. In the swell of his current torment, Hessler almost envied her.

But the pain let him know he was still alive. He heard noises around him — the squeak of shoes against the slick surface of the floor, grunts and whirring noises as two men engaged in a ballet of death; delivering punches and kicks so fast that their limbs blurred. Hessler didn't understand how Mateo was still standing, much less going toe-to-toe with Kilgore. But the boy held his own, somehow managing to move just as fast as the enhanced soldier.

Hessler made it to the communications centers, pushing Chen to the side. His hands shook as he removed the disabling tab from his holoband. Director Lynch's withered face immediately appeared on the screen, cold eyes glimmering.

"You're dying, Agent Hessler."

Hessler's fingers trembled as he focused on the effort of tapping the keyboard. "Not… before I… finish the mission… sir."

"I'm activating your medical reserve."

My what?

His heart nearly exploded, chest flashing from icy cold to blazing hot. He slipped and collapsed on the floor, doubling over in pain. Something was alive inside of him, a hive of insects swarming in his bloodstream. Nanobots, reserved for Special Agents on the verge of death. They unleashed a wound healing cascade; accelerating his cells, rebuilding his collagen framework. It was the first time he'd ever needed an emergency procedure; he'd forgotten about the installation he'd received when reaching Special status. Somehow the healing felt even worse than the injury.

Gasping, he pulled himself up. His limbs shuddered with the exertion, but he seemed slightly less dead. "Thank you, sir."

"Later, Agent Hessler. Listen to me carefully. Kilgore somehow absorbed aberrant energy on Mars, giving him his abilities."

"Aberrant?" Hessler shook his head, fighting off a wave of dizziness. "That's the… energy that caused the Cataclysm."

"Correct. At one point, thousands of individuals possessed such powers. Every Haven has a defensive system installed in case of a resurgence of such beings. You need to activate it."

Hessler's eyelids drooped as he stared at the flood of data scrolling across multiple screens. The quick-healing process required lengthy recovery, requiring him to fight his body's efforts to shut down. "How do I do that? I don't even know what I’m looking at right now."

"Focus, Agent Hessler. This might be our only shot at taking Kilgore down. Use the resources available. Your newfound allies can assist you. Shut down the force shield, activate the aberrant-suppressant system. Those are your orders."

Lynch's profile disappeared from the screen, but Hessler wasn't fooled. He was still watching. Always watching. Hessler tapped the datcom in his ear. "Come in, Jinx."

Her voice buzzed over. "I heard the conversation. I still have remote access to the system. Working with Deejay on shutting down the shielding. And helping Cash get into the Maximillian building. And getting access to the anti-aberrant controls. And cloning myself to do all of this at once."

Hessler slumped forward, nearly blacking out. He gritted his teeth and pushed himself away from the desk. "Whatever you can do, do it fast. I don't think Mateo can old off Kilgore much longer."


The city was in chaos. Alarms blared, squads of soldiers clashed with one another. Cash and Happy darted between the brightly lit buildings, trying to avoid being pulled into the conflict. When they arrived at Maximillian Tower, they could only stare in marvel at the liquid-metal surface of the building. Mysterious, gleaming, and completely sealed.

"This place reminds me of a story I read as a child," Happy said. "A city of glass and diamond-coated dreams. Full of beautiful, graceful beings who entertained children that wandered inside. But underneath, the city was full of hideous monsters who enslaved the children the beautiful beings gave to them."

"Nice," Cash said. "Guess that makes us the children?"

Happy checked the setting on her rifle blaster. "Nope. We're the ones that kill the monsters."

"You still got your mind set on going against Kilgore?"


"What did he do to you?"

"I trusted him. And be betrayed that trust. He gave me to the monsters. And I'll never forgive him for that."

"Fair enough." Cash tapped on the datcom. "Jinx, whenever you get a chance. Not like we're about to be shot down by some rogue squadron or anything."

"Tu si eres baboso, Cash. But I got you. Entrance to a private lift. Should take you right to the command center."

A portion of the liquid surface slid open, revealing the glass elevator.

"Gracias, Jinx. Never doubted you for a second."

The elevator began its ascent as soon as they boarded. Jinx buzzed in his ear. "Okay, guys. We're on the clock now. I just dismantled the force shield. United Havens army is on the way."

"You did what?"

"Hey — this place is a powder keg. And it's Hessler's mission. He took a few bullets for this."

"Yeah? Is he still alive?"

"For now. But we have to get Kilgore out in the open."


"It's the only way the suppressants will work. If he's enclosed, it's a no-go. I think I can lure him out. He's been after something this whole time. He orchestrated all of this just to get the information. If he thinks we have it, then he'll pursue. I can crack through to his datcom and get him to chase me."

Happy tapped her com. "No, Jinx. He'll kill you. Give me the info and patch me through. I'll be the bait."

"Are you sure? I'm in the Cayenne. Protected."

"Doesn't matter. He'll just shoot you down. Trust me, Jinx. I can take him out. I need to be the one who takes him out."

Jinx sighed. "Okay, Happy. Buena suerte."

A hard smile touched Happy's scarred lips. "He's the one in need of luck."


Kilgore was impressed. The boy was better than he expected. Lightning quick strikes put Kilgore on the defensive. With his leg hampered, he was a touch slower than normal. Mateo seemed to recognize that, driving his attacks toward Kilgore's injury. Forcing him to retreat. Kilgore was patient, warding off the attacks and answering with an occasional counterstrike. He knew it was only a matter of time before Mateo's adrenaline was spent. The Rush was perfect for overwhelming attacks, but not for a drawn-out battle.

A voice buzzed in his ear.

"Hello, Kilgore."

He ignored the woman. It was a trick to distract him. One of Mateo's cohorts. Grinning, he redoubled his attack; a flurry of short punches that drove Mateo back.