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He returned his attention to his iPad, then said, “We do cool things in the lab.”

She firmly said, “By the time you reach your junior year, St. Anne’s will have to send you to chemistry classes at UVA.”

“Mom, I’ll bet Cal Tech has a great chemistry department.” A flash of enthusiasm crossed his face.

She smiled, for one moment seeing his excitement. Cal Tech was years away.

“Do you want me to drive you anywhere today?” she asked. “Maybe stop in and visit some friends?”


“Another year and a half and you’ll get your license.”

“Dad said he’d buy me a car. He wanted to buy me an old Volvo because he kept saying they’re safe. They’re ugly.”

“Let’s see where we are in a year and a half.”

Tyler’s eyes flashed. “Mom, I need a car.”

“I didn’t say you didn’t need a car, but it’s a ways off.”

“Why can’t I have Dad’s car?”

“Never.” She heated up. “You are not driving that car, you’re not driving his car.”

“The Acura dealer cleaned it up.”

“Tyler, for God’s sake. I’m selling the car. I don’t want to look at it. We’ll talk about this when the time comes.”

“You’re the one who says time flies.”

“It does. And I hope next Christmas is easier than this one.”

“Mom, all Dad cared about was his business. When was he ever even home? I wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted me to be like Mrs. Vavilov’s sons. You know, football players. He didn’t care about me.”

“That’s not true. Tyler, whatever his failings, he was your father.”

“Yeah.” He sank farther into the cushy chair.

“I miss him.” Her eyes filled with tears.

“I don’t. I don’t have to hear about how lucky I am. I don’t have to hear about what kids at Silver Linings go through or what a good athlete Dad was. I hate sports. He would spy on me. He’d ask me weird questions like do I like boys. I’m glad he’s dead.”

“Tyler, you don’t mean that.”

“I do. Mom, he’d get the old jocks at Silver Linings to work with me. His words—‘work with me.’ That meant the weight room or throwing the football. All I want is my computer. I can do a lot more than those dumb jocks.” He raised his voice, then lowered it. “And I don’t like boys.”

She glared at him, but there was an element of truth to her son’s accusations. Everyone loved Lou—Mr. Energy and Ideas—but he was never home.

“Tyler, I never once thought you were gay, not that it matters. I love you. Your father had a narrow definition of manhood. He made so much of it, I wonder if he was afraid he wasn’t really a man despite appearances. He was hard on you, but he loved you.”

Tyler sprang up, strode to the fireplace. He grabbed the urn off the mantel and threw it into the fire.

“He can burn in hell.”

That Christmas night, finally home, Harry asked her husband, “How hungry are you?”

“I could eat a whole ham,” Pewter volunteered.

“Not very,” said Fair. “I’d be happy with a sandwich. I told Coop to come by, but she’s on overload.”

“Oh, it’s Christmas night. I’ll warm up the sweet potatoes and a few slices of ham. Just seems more like the holiday. Actually, I’m not too hungry either.”

“I am.”

“Pewter, pipe down.” Harry tapped the cat’s rear end with her toe.

“Brutality!” Pewter could have been a student at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. “How can I survive winter with such insensitivity, without lots of calories to ward off the cold?”

“Quite nicely, I think.” Tucker couldn’t hold it back.

Whap! Pewter smacked the corgi hard on the shoulder.

“Don’t you dare.” Harry raised her voice and the wooden spoon in her hand, which provoked the gray cat to hold her tail high and sashay away from the dog. “No fighting.”

Still, Pewter hissed.

“Sometimes these critters wear me out.” Harry watched the cat’s performance.

“Imagine if she were as big as a horse.”

“Fair, what an awful thought.”

As the food warmed up, the aroma filled the kitchen. At least it smelled like Christmas.

Pewter’s snit vanished when Harry cut ham into cubes, putting it in the three separate bowls.

As she put food for herself and Fair on the table, she sat down. “Honey, thank you for going along with Cooper. I sort of dragged you into it.”

“Didn’t mind a bit. She had to work at short notice. Cooper puts in a lot of hours, and on holidays, too.”

“Her boyfriend is in Oregon. Maybe when he comes back, she’ll have some time. The department ought to give her time off. Really.”

“How’s that going with Barry?” Fair inquired about Barry Betz, the new UVA batting coach Cooper had been dating for three months.

“Okay. She put a framed photo of him on her desk at home. Always a good sign.” Harry scooped out some sweet potatoes. “Sad about Flo Rice, isn’t it? She acted mad as a hatter, but I can’t be angry with her. She really is sad. How many lonely people are out there on Christmas? It breaks my heart.”

“You’d think that her sister and Coach could get someone to live with her.” Fair, too, was relishing his sweet potatoes.

“Might be difficult. I mean, Flo might be difficult.”

“Right. But I don’t see how they can leave her as she is. What if she keeps running away and her house stays cold? Seems well built enough. Poor Mr. Thompson’s is falling apart. Boy, he was tough when I had him for math senior year.”

“Yes, he was. I took that class the next year and I had to work at it. He was a good teacher. I had him for eleventh and twelfth grade. That’s another person that could use some help.”

“Yes. What’s sad about him is he was a brilliant teacher,” Fair said.

“At least they both have dogs, and who knows, maybe Flo will settle down. Christmas triggers a lot of emotions, you know.”

“Does for me. I think of my parents, their friends, my grandparents. People seemed happier then, or maybe as a child and then a young person I couldn’t look beneath the surface.”

“I don’t know. The past is always golden, isn’t it?” Harry thought for a moment. “Well, maybe not. I wouldn’t have wanted to live through Henry the Eighth’s Dissolution. Being Catholic may or may not be easy, depending upon which country you live in, right?”

Fair looked at his wife. “Harry, there’s a thought, but St. Cyril’s is doing fine. Then again, we’ve had since 1607 to figure out religious differences.”

“Oh, don’t give us credit. What we had was Maryland. The Catholics could go there. Religious intolerance certainly played a role in our beginnings.”

The sweet ham melted in his mouth. “It’s your glaze that makes it so good.”

“My secret is a little orange juice. But remember, it’s a secret.”

He laughed.

Later, the humans by the fire, Fair’s arm around Harry’s shoulders, the three animals slipped out to the barn.

Odin came by, thrilled with the rich scraps.

The two cats looked down as he looked up.

“I’ve never tasted anything so good.”

From the other side of the barn door, Tucker said, “It’s Christmas.”

Pewter, filled with ham and importance, called down, “Yes, they found this baby in the bulrushes, put him in a cradle and lit torches and stuff to fight off the long winter night.”

“When was this?” the coyote asked.

“Over two thousand years ago,” Pewter said.

“Pewter, it was Moses in the bulrushes. Jesus was born in a stable. There were cats,” Mrs. Murphy corrected her.