7 V.I. Lenin, “Theses on the Constituent Assembly”, Pravda, 13th December, 1917
8 Cliff, Ibid, pp.35-36
9 Steinberg, Ibid, pp.267
10 Novaya Zhizn No 4, 6th January, 1918, p.3
11 Maxim Gorky, Novaya Zhizn No 6, 9th January, 1918, p.5
12 Liebman, Ibid, p.235
13 T.E. Novitskaya, compiler of Constituent Assembly records, Uchreditel’noe Sobranie, 1918, Nedra, pp.15859, quoted in King, Ibid, pp.95-96
14 Sub, Ibid, p.326
15 Broido, Ibid, p.26
16 Brinton, Ibid, p.16
17 A. Lozovski, Rabochii Kontrol, Socialist Publishing House, Petrograd, 1918, p.10
18 Sirianni, Ibid, p.102
19 David Mandel, “The Factory Committee Movement in the Russian Revolution”, in Ours to Master and to Own, Ibid, p.119
20 V.I. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 22, Moscow, p.215
21 William G. Rosenberg, “Russian Labour and Bolshevik Power: Social Dimensions of Protest in Petrograd after October”, originally published in Slavic Review Volume 44, 1985, reprinted in Kaiser, Ibid, p. 98-131
22 Quoted in Brinton, Ibid, p.26
23 Quoted in Brinton, Ibid, p.27
24 Kommunist, No 2, April 1918, p.5
25 Alexander Rabinowitch, “The Petrograd First City District Soviet during the Civil War”, in Party, State and Society in the Russian Civil War: Explorations in Social History, Indiana University Press, 1989, p.153
26 Rabinowitch, Ibid, p.134-36
27 Vladimir Brovkin, “The Mensheviks’ Political Comeback: The Elections to the Provincial City Soviets in Spring 1918”, Russian Review Volume 42, Issue 1, 1983, p.1
28 V.I. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 27, p.133
29 Brovkin, Ibid, p.6
30 Kostromskoi Guberni, May 1918, p.305-06
31 Brovkin, Dear Comrades: Menshevik Reports on the Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War, Ibid, p.83-85
32 Brovkin, Russian Review 42, Ibid, p.11, p.13, p.14
33 A. Lockerman, Les Bolsheviks a l’oeuvre, Paris, 1920, p.54
34 Quoted in Novaia Zaria No 1, 22nd April, 1918, p.34
35 Leonard Schapiro, The Origins of the Communist Autocracy: Political Opposition in the Soviet State, First Phase, 1917-22, Palgrave Macmillan, 1956, p.191
36 Rosenberg, Ibid, p.118
37 Rabinowitch, Ibid, p.226
38 Quoted in Broido, Ibid, p.77
39 Quoted in Rabinowitch, Ibid, p.255
40 Akhapkin, Ibid, p.147-53 for the full text of the Decree on Nationalisation, 28th June, 1918.
41 K. Radek, “After five months”, Kommunist 1, April 1918, p.3-4
42 V.I. Lenin, The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government, originally published in Izvestia, 28th April, 1918; Progress Publishers, 1970, p.19, p.21, p.25, p.35, p.46
43 Leon Trotsky, Terrorism and Communism: A Reply to Karl Kautsky, originally published 1920, Verso, 2007, p.104
Chapter Eleven: Surveillance State
1 Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States, Harper Perennial, 2001, p.372
2 Sharon Smith, Subterranean Fire: A History of Working-Class Radicalism in the United States, Haymarket Books, 2006, p.95
3 For a detailed breakdown and analysis of the FBI’s secret COINTELPRO memoranda, some of it redacted, see Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall at http://archive.is/YJA4m
4 Tim Weiner, Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA Penguin, 2007, p.556
5 John Pilger’s documentary The War on Democracy is a detailed exposé of the CIA and US State Department’s involvement in the attempted coup in 2002 against Hugo Chavez’s democratically elected socialist government, which unlike the Bolshevik government maintained freedom of the press and political pluralism.
6 Isaac Deutscher, The Prophet Unarmed, Trotsky: 1921-1929, Oxford University Press, 1959, p.109
7 J.O. Martov, letter to P.B. Axelrod, 1st December, 1917, Hoover Institution Archives, Nicolaevsky collection, series no 17, box 511, files 1-12
8 Ulam, Ibid, p.550
9 Quoted in Donald Rayfield, Stalin and His Hangmen, Penguin, 2004, pp.65-66. Rayfield’s work is full of detail on individual Chekists and Stalin’s inner circle, but it hardly touches on the mass killings of the White Terror, which on most evidence exceeded its red counterpart. His source evidence–drawn not only from the Russian State Archive of Social-Political History (formally the Communist Party Archives) and the State Archive of the Russian Federation, but also from the Georgian Central State Archive and the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, as well as formerly (until 2004) inaccessible Cheka and NKVD documents, correspondence, interrogation records etc.–is impressive but unbalanced.
10 Legget, Ibid, p.17
11 Golos Truda, 3rd November, 1917, p.1
12 N.I Pavlov, “Party Blindness”, Golos Truda, 18th November 1917, p.4
13 Richard Stites, Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution, Oxford, 1991, p.56
14 For the complete chapter on Makhno in Avrich’s Anarchist Portraits (1988), see http://www.ditext.com/avrich/7.html
15 The entire text of the Declaration can be found in the Appendix to Peter Arshinov, History of the Makhnovist Movement 1918-1921, Freedom Press, 2005 (originally published 1923).
16 Michael Mallet, Nestor Makhno in the Russian Revolution, MacMillan, 1982, p.124
17 Cited in Arshinov, Ibid, p.103-04
18 Figes, Ibid, p.533
19 V.I. Lenin, “How to organise competition”, December 1917, Collected Works Vol.35, p.204
20 “‘The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!’: Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars, 21st February, 1918”, in First Decrees of Soviet Power: Acts of Legislation November 1917 July 1918, ed. Yuri Akhapkin, Lawrence and Wishart, 1970, pp.108-09
21 Carr, Ibid, p.169
22 I.N. Steinberg, In the Workshop of the Revolution, New York, 1953, p.145
23 Dzerzhinsky’s report of 17th February, 1919 and the Soviet Central Executive Committee’s resolution on concentration camps are quoted in Richard Pipes, The Russian Revolution 1899-1919, Collins Harvel, 1990, p.834
24 Karl Kautsky, The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Manchester, 1918 (re-issued by Ann Arbor Paperbacks, University of Michigan Press, 1964), pp.4-5
25 Salvadori, Ibid, p.257
26 V.I. Lenin, The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky, 1918, text in Selected Works, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1952, p.11, 20
27 Kautsky, Ibid, p.23, pp.6-7
28 Lenin, Ibid, p.25, 24
29 V.I. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 26, Moscow, 1964, p.303
30 Karl Marx, “The Civil War in France”, in Selected Writings, Ibid, p.542
31 Karl Kautsky, “Demokratie und Demokratie”, Der Kampf, xiii, 1920, p.209