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7 Derek Wall, Economics after Capitalism, Pluto Press, 2015, p.97

8 Hardt and Negri, Ibid, p.xiii

9 Hardt and Negri, Ibid, p.295

10 Cited in Fitzpatrick, Ibid, p.89, p.93

11 Lynn Mally, Culture of the Future: The Proletkult Movement in Revolutionary Russia, University of California Press, 1990, p.42

12 I. Eventov, Mayakovsky-Plakatist, Iskustvo, 1940, p.25

13 Liebman, Ibid, p.327

14 Stites, Ibid, p.71-72

15 Quoted in “Intellectuals in the Proletkult: Problems of Authority and Expertise”, Lynn Mally, in Party, State, and Society in the Russian Civil War, edited by Koenker, Rosenburg and Suny, Ibid, p.299

16 Trotsky, Ibid, p.130

17 Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia, Cornell University Press, 1992, p.5

18 Leon Trotsky, Problems of Everyday Life: Creating the Foundations of a New Society in Revolutionary Russia, Pathfinder Books, 1973 (originally published 1924), p.20, p.76

19 Pablo Iglesias, “Understanding Podemos”, New Left Review 97, May-June 2015

20 Iglesias, Ibid

21 Victoria E. Bonnell, “The Iconography of the Worker in Soviet Political Art”, in Making Workers Soviet: Power, Class and Identity, ed. Lewis H. Siegelbaum and Ronald Grigor Suny, Cornell University Press, 1994, p.343.

22 Stephen White, The Bolshevik Poster, Yale University Press, 1988, p.32

23 White, Ibid, p.22-23

24 Leon Trotsky, “Vodka, the Church and the Cinema”, Pravda, 12th July, 1923

25 V.I. Lenin, “Party Organisation and Party Literature”, Novaya Zhizn No 12, November 1905

26 Leon Trotsky, Class and Art, New Park Publications, 1974 (originally published 1924), p.7

27 N. Berdyaev, The Philosophy of Inequality, 1925, quoted in Burbank, Ibid, p.199

28 Fitzpatrick, Ibid, p.43

29 A.V. Lunacharsky, quoted in Solomon Volkov, The Magical Chorus: A History of Russian Culture from Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn, Vintage, 2009, p.72

30 See Chapter 3 of Trotsky’s Literature and Revolution for an eloquent and fascinating analysis of Blok’s work.

31 Clive James, “Transparent Petropolis”, From the Land of Shadows, Picador, 1982, p.235

32 Dzerzhinsky’s note cited in Vladmir Brovkin, Russia after Lenin: Politics, Culture and Society 1921-1929, Routledge, 1998, p.23

33 Leon Trotsky, Pravda, 27th September, 1922

34 Inaugural Congress of Soviet Writers, Stenographic Record, Moscow, 1934, pp.479-503, pp.573-77

Chapter Fifteen: The Transitory Mood of the Workers’ Democracy

1 Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme, in Selected Writings, ed. D. McLellan, Oxford, 1977, p.564

2 Quoted in Deutscher, Ibid, p.508

3 Goldman, Ibid, p.247, p.246

4 Cohen, Ibid, p.55

5 V.I. Lenin, Collected Works Vol. 33, Moscow, p.58

6 Goldman, Ibid, p.32

7 Deutscher, Ibid, p.449

8 Donny Gluckstein, The Western Soviets: Workers’ Councils versus Parliament 1915-1920, Bookmarks, 1985, p.147

9 Rote Fahne, Berlin, 9th January, 1919

10 Karl Kautsky, Das Weitertreiben der Revolution, Berlin, 1919, p.4

11 V.I. Lenin, Collected Works Vol. 28, Moscow, pp.443-44

12 Daily Herald, June 1917, report of Leeds Convention

13 Gluckstein, Ibid, p.85

14 J. Martov, letter to N.S. Kristi, 30th December, 1917

15 Brovkin, Ibid, p.41

16 Krokodil, October 1929

17 Statistical data on the number of state officials cited in Liebman, Ibid, p.321

18 V.I. Lenin, Collected Works Vol. 36, Moscow, p.557

19 Deutscher, Ibid, p.47

20 Murphy, Ibid, p.161

21 Pravda no.2, Editorial, Moscow, 4th February, 1919

22 Vosmaia konferentsiia RKP, Moscow, 1961, p.221

23 Rabinowitch, “The Petrograd First District Soviet During the Civil War”, Ibid, p.150

24 Text of Putilov workers’ Resolution in “Putilov Meeting”, The Times, London, 4th April, 1919

25 Vladimir Brovkin, “Workers’ Unrest and the Bolsheviks’ Response in 1919”, Slavic Review, Vol. 49, Issue 3, 1990, p.361, which cites multiple contemporary reports from Pravda, The Times, the Bulletin Russe (Lausanne), the Proletarskaia Revoliutsiia 55 (1926)–based on reports from a Baltic Fleet Commissar who refused to follow orders to suppress the Putilov workers–and several Bulletins of the Russian Liberation Committee of May 1919, as well as US Consul Imbrie’s Dispatch 86100 4323 18th April, 1919.

26 Leggett, Ibid, p.313

27 Brovkin, Ibid, p.356

28 Brovkin, Ibid, p.367, also citing reports from Tambov and Smolensk that it was the abuse of power by local Communists that created working-class resistance.

29 Brovkin, Ibid, p.369, cites reports that reveal what actually happened in Astrakhan, despite the Soviet government imposing a complete news blackout on events in the town.

30 Brovkin, Ibid, p.371

31 The complete text of F.W. Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management, is at http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/pds/gilded/progress/text3/taylor.pdf

32 For a summary of Gorz’s analysis and its implications for trade unions, see http://globalsolidarity.antenna.nl/gorz.html#top

33 Stites, Ibid, p.147

Chapter Sixteen: Trotsky and Martov

1 Keep, Ibid, p.289

2 Report in I s’yezd, Moscow, p.76

3 Diane P. Koenker, Republic of Labor: Russian Printers and Soviet Socialism 1918-1930, Cornell University Press, 2005, p.4

4 Sobraniye Uzakonenii, 1920, No 8, Article 49; in record of Third All-Russian Trade Union Congress, 1920, 1, Plenum, p.50-51

5 “The Tasks of the Trade Unions”, M. Tomsky, Ninth Party Congress, Appendix 13, p.534

6 Leon Trotsky, Sochinenya, Vol. 15, p.126

7 Leon Trotsky, Ninth RCP Congress, p.100, cited in Robert V. Daniels, The Conscience of the Revolution: Communist Opposition in Soviet Russia, Harvard University Press, 1960, p.121

8 Koenker, Ibid, p.165

9 V.I. Lenin, Ninth RCP Congress, Report of the Central Committee of the RCP, Vol. 27, p.76, quoted in Maximoff, Ibid, p.114

10 Ninth Party Congress, Resolutions, Appendix 12, p.532

11 Third All-Russian Congress of Trade Unions, stenographic report, Moscow, 1920, p.87-97

12 Leon Trotsky, Terrorism and Communism: A Reply to Karl Kautsky, Verso, 2007 (first published 1920), p.124, p.125

13 Trotsky, Ibid, p.127, p.137