15 Samuel Farber, Before Stalinism: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Democracy, Polity Press, 1990, pp.192-93
16 Getzler, Ibid, p.235
17 The “Ultimatum” to the Kronstadt sailors was issued in Petrograd by Trotsky as People’s Commissar of War. Its full text can be found in Kronstadt by V.I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky, Pathfinder Press, 1979, p.67
18 Figes, Ibid, p.767
19 Leon Trotsky, “Kronstadt and the Stock Exchange”, Pravda No 63, 23rd March, 1921
20 Cited in Broido, Ibid, p.66
21 Avrich, Ibid, p.224
22 Cohen, Ibid, p.124
23 Serge, Ibid, p.172
24 The entire text of Lenin’s “The Tax in Kind” article is at https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1921/apr/21.htm
25 Figes, Ibid, p.768, and references to support the estimation of the total imprisoned and shot during the suppression of the Tambov rebellion.
26 “Pause! Read! Consider!” proclamation cited in Appendix to Arshinov, Ibid
27 Cited in Figes, Ibid, p.683
28 Berkman, Ibid, p.310, p.311, p.314
29 Serge, Ibid, p.88
30 V. Alexandrovna, Perezhitoe (1917-21) (Past Life), Paper No 12, “Inter-University Project on the History of the Menshevik Movement”, pp.69-82
31 V.I. Lenin, Collected Works Vol. 33, Moscow, p.65
32 V.I. Lenin, Collected Works Vol. 32, Moscow, p.412
33 Record of the Eleventh Party Congress, CPSU in Resolutions, 1, p.607, p.610
34 Record of the Eleventh Party Congress, Ibid, pp.103-04
Conclusion: New and Surprising Worlds
1 “Noam Chomsky on Violence, Leninism and the Left after Occupy”, interview with Christopher Helali, 11th September, 2013, at http://www.thenorthstar.info/?p=10111
2 Eric Hobsbawm, Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century 1914-1991, Michael Joseph, 1994, p.69
3 Peter Koivisto, “The Decline of the Finnish-American Left 1925-45”, International Migration Review 17, 1983
4 Maurice Brinton, The Irrational in Politics, Black Rose Books, 1968, p.11
5 Vladimir Brovkin, Russia after Lenin: Politics, Culture and Society 1921-1929, Routledge, 1998, pp.174-75
6 John B. Hatch, “Labour Conflict in Moscow 1921-1926”, in Russia in the Era of NEP: Explorations in Soviet Society and Culture, edited by Sheila Fitzpatrick, Alexander Rabinowitch and Richard Stites, Indiana University Press, 1991, pp.62-67
7 Daniel R. Brower, “The City in Danger: The Civil War and the Russian Urban Population”, in Party, State and Society in the Russian Civil War, Ibid, p.61
8 Diane P. Koenker, Journal of Modern History, Ibid
9 Lewis H. Siegelbaum and Ronald G. Suny, “In Search of the Soviet Working Class”, in Making Workers Soviet: Power, Class and Identity, Ibid, p.16
10 Sotsialistichenskii vestnik No 18, 20th September, 1924
11 Diane P. Koenker, Republic of Labour: Russian Printers and Soviet Socialism 1918-1930, Cornell University Press, 2005, p.170
12 Koenker, Ibid, pp.166-67
13 Fitzpatrick, Ibid, p.21
14 Diane P. Koenker, “Urbanisation and Deurbanisation in the Russian Revolution and Civil War”, Journal of Modern History 57, 1985, pp.424-50
15 E.P. Thompson, “Eighteenth Century English Society: Class struggle without class?”, Social History 3, May 1978, p.147-8 and 149
16 Cited in A.V. Lunacharsky, Vpadochrye Nastoeniya Molodezhi, p.56-7
17 Tony Cliff, Trotsky: Fighting the Rising Stalinist Bureaucracy 1923-1927, Bookmarks, 1991, p.149
18 https://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1927/opposition/
19 Articles by Bukharin cited in Cohen, Ibid, p.159
20 Articles by Bukharin cited in Cohen, Ibid, p.140
21 Deutscher, Ibid, p.234
22 Anne Applebaum, Gulag: A History of the Soviet Camps, Penguin, 2004, pp.44-45. Although Applebaum is a classic product of the Anglo-American ruling class (educated at Yale and Oxford, Foreign and Deputy Editor at the Spectator, on the editorial board of the Washington Post and married to the Polish Foreign Minister) her history of the Gulag, based on state and personal records previously unearthed or inaccessible, is definitive and irreproachable.
23 George Orwell, New English Weekly, 12th January, 1939
24 E.P. Thompson, “The New Left”, The New Reasoner No 9 (Summer 1959), pp.1-2
25 Jack Newfield, “A Populist Manifesto: The Making of a New Majority”, New York Magazine, 1971, pp.39-46
26 Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Obsolete Communism: The Left-Wing Alternative, AK Press, 2000 (first published 1968), p.197, p.221
27 Foot, Ibid, p.448
28 http://www.redpepper.org.uk/my-supportfor-jeremy-corbyn-is-about-much-more-thanreclaiming-labour/
29 Bookchin, Ibid
30 Gorz, Ibid, p.7
31 Leon Trotsky, Literature and Revolution, Ibid, p.284
32 Victoria Burnett, “A Job and No Mortgage For All in a Spanish Town”, The New York Times, 25th May, 2009
33 Bukharin’s articles on the cooperative sector are cited in Cohen, Ibid, p.196
34 Karl Marx, Inaugural Address to the First International Working Men’s Association, 1864, cited McLellan, p.178
35 “Exiting the Vampire Castle”, Our Kingdom blog, 24th November, 2013
36 Bray, Ibid, p.257
37 For a fascinating analysis of the Mousai House, see http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_mousai_house_--_a_grassroots_model_for_a_cooperative_economy_20160702
38 Noam Chomsky, “Notes on Anarchism”, New York Review of Books, May 21st, 1970
39 Brand, Ibid, p.342
40 Leon Trotsky, “The USSR in War”, Byulleten Oppositzii, October 1939, p.9, p.15
41 W.H. Auden, “September 1st 1939”
42 See http://criticallegalthinking.com/2012/08/20/pussy-riot-maria-alyokhinas-closing-statement/
For almost three years, like Elvis Costello, “Every Day I Write the Book”. So first and foremost to my wife Sue, who said it would be nice, when it was finished, to have me back on the sofa watching the TV as used to be the case. I owe her much more than these words can say.
This book is not a work of original primary research, except to the extent that neglected works of forgotten socialists and anarchists can be found in old pamphlets in the second-hand sections of left-wing bookshops and online. Although my academic background is in history and I have done professional research work for the British trade union movement and for my first book on the Labour Party in the mid-1970s, I am an amateur historian. I have had neither the time nor resources to visit the archives of Moscow, St Petersburg or Harvard University, and I am glad that others have so that I can mine their work. In that respect I have stood on the shoulders of giants, most especially Diane Koenker, Richard Stites, Vladimir Brovkin, Sheila Fitzpatrick and Alexander Rabinowitch. I must also thank my friend Valerie Phillips for loaning me some of her collection of Russian revolutionary agitprop posters and prints.