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“So what can I do for you?”

“My dad’s in a bad way and I guess I’ve come to the point in my life where I just want to see things with a bit more clarity.”

“I’m very sorry about your dad, but I don’t know exactly what you mean.”

“Carol, it wasn’t until my brother told me that I remembered that you were over watching us the night my mom disappeared.”

“Oh, God, John, I didn’t know that. It was the most awful time. I still get the shakes thinking about it.”

“Well, I’m a CID agent now and the case has never been solved, and I’ve decided I’m going to look into it.”

“Oh, okay. Now I see what you meant. What do you want to know?”

“Pretty much everything. Because apparently I had what Bobby called selective memory when it came to all of it.”

“Well, cut yourself some slack. You were just a little boy. So go ahead and ask your questions. It might be easier that way.”

“So my mother went out that night?”

“Yes. I was going out that night too, but my boyfriend at the time called and canceled on me. He was always doing that, which is why I finally broke up with him.”

“So you came over at what time?”

“Oh, jeez, let me think. It was so long ago.”

“A ballpark is okay.”

“Well, it was after I had my dinner, that I do remember. So, say seven?”

“Do you know where she was going?”

“No, she didn’t say. She did say she expected to be home around ten or so.”

“So she was definitely coming back?”

“Of course she was. What, did you think she was going to abandon you and Bobby?”

“But she didn’t come back,” said Puller slowly.

“I know,” said Carol somberly. “Ten came and went. And then eleven. And then midnight. I called my mom and told her what was going on. There were no cell phones or anything like that back then. My mom didn’t know what to do. But my dad was home and he called the MPs. Then he came over to stay with me and you and your brother. I remember every hour that went by I thought she would walk in the door. But she never did. The MPs took my statement. Then I guess they followed that up and searched for her.”

“And my father?”

“He showed up that morning. We had brought you and Bobby to our house for the time being. I remember him bursting in our front door like he’d been fired out of a howitzer. He talked with my father, and then the MPs came by to talk to him. I wasn’t party to any of that.” She paused. “You say you don’t remember any of that?”

“Not until now.”

“Well, it might have been a defense mechanism, John. The brain is tricky. It can do stuff to protect us.”

“What did you think happened to my mother?”

“There was a lot of speculation.”

“Like what?”

Puller heard her clear her throat nervously. He said, “I’ve heard the rumors, Carol. About my parents not getting along.”

“I want you to know that I never saw any of that, but I wasn’t really around when they were there together either.” She paused. “But I have to admit that some people thought she might have left him, although I knew she would never walk out on her sons. I’m not surprised that you wouldn’t have known about that. Adults aren’t going to talk to little boys about stuff like that.”

“Was it that bad between them?”

“I don’t know, John. I’ve been married for twenty-two years and have three kids. My husband and I have had our ups and downs, even gone into counseling a few times. And I have to admit, some days I think about chucking it all. But I never really would, because my kids are everything to me.” She paused and added, “And I do know that your mother loved you and your brother more than anything.”

“She said that to you?”

“She didn’t have to. She showed it in the way she was around you two. As a mother I know what to look for now. Jackie adored you both.”

Puller couldn’t say anything for a few moments. “I appreciate you telling me that.”

“So I can also tell you that the reason she didn’t come home that night had nothing to do with either of you.”

“What about my father?”

Now Carol didn’t say anything for a few moments. “I’m not sure what you’re suggesting.”

“I’ve heard people suggest that my father might have been the reason my mother didn’t come home that night.”

“But he wasn’t even in town. At least that’s what I was told.”

“What if he were? Was there scuttlebutt about that?”

“Not in my house. But then again, my dad thought your father walked on water.”

“My dad had that effect on people he commanded.” He paused, forming his next question. “Carol, how was my mom dressed that night?”


“Yeah, casual or…?”

“Oh, no, not casual. Nice dress, heels, panty hose, some jewelry, her hair done up, makeup and everything. She was really beautiful. I remember thinking as she walked out the door that she was really put together. Funny, I remember that so vividly. But teenage girls are very much into clothes and accessories. I can tell you from experiences with my two daughters that that hasn’t changed.”

“So where could she have been going all dressed up like that?”

Carol didn’t answer right away. “Well, it might have been some function. Or maybe dinner with a friend.”

“But that would have come out in the investigation.”

“I guess that’s true. There weren’t many places around back then to go dancing or drinking or anything,” she said slowly. “Not that she would have anyway,” she added hurriedly. “I meant for single people.”

“Right. Not for married people.”

I wonder if she was dressed to impress someone? Another man, maybe? And if my dad found out? Followed her?

He said, “So did you know some of the ladies back then who were her friends? Someone she might have confided in?”

“I’d have to give that some thought. My mother would have been one, of course.”

“Your dad told me she had passed away a few years ago. I’m sorry.”

“Thanks. That’s the price of loving someone. You get ripped apart when they leave you.”

Don’t I know that, thought Puller.

She said, “I might be able to dig up a name and call you back. My family kept in touch with several of the folks at Fort Monroe.”

“I’d appreciate it.”

Puller gave her his number.

“Oh, John?”


“I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for.”

“Me too.”


PAUL ROGERS HAD walked around the perimeter of Fort Monroe. He had done this a dozen times now and saw things on the last circuit that he had failed to see on the first. In some ways the place looked like a Hollywood back-lot set of a small town. The only thing missing was the film crew and actors.

This had been his playground of sorts thirty years ago. He’d been in his twenties, alone, confused, intimidated.

He was still alone. But he was no longer confused or intimidated.

He eyed the terreplein that ran around the fort. He had often run around this strip of grass and knew that it was one point two miles in length. Constructed over a sixteen-year period, the fort, also known as “the Gibraltar of the Chesapeake,” had walls that extended over a mile and encompassed over sixty acres of land. The old rusted gun mounts could still be seen. These were the Endicott batteries that had replaced the cannon in the fort. Rifled barrels had led to the fortress cannons being rendered obsolete. Ships could fire from a long way away and the cannon could not match that range. The Endicott batteries had been brought in to fix that problem. Then with the invention of the airplane even the Endicotts became obsolete. After that the strategic and operational attributes of the fort were pretty much exhausted. It became more administrative and focused on “training and doctrine” after that, and indeed became the Army’s center for those two intertwined disciplines.