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Pulling out his wallet, he withdrew a keycard, opened the door, then held it open for her. “I had your bag delivered earlier. If you need anything”—give me a call—“just let the desk know. They’ll get you whatever you need.”

She nodded, looking around the room before meeting his gaze. Damn, she did look exhausted. How had he missed that before?

Because he’d been too damn hot for her, that’s why.

Feeling like a total heel, he leaned forward to stroke a kiss along her soft cheek. His hand clenched into a fist at his side, wanting to grip her hair and pull her close. Tumble her back into bed and wrap himself around her for the night.

Not going to happen.

When he drew back, he was really afraid he saw tears in her eyes, but the smile she gave him this time seemed more genuine.

“I’m sorry, Tyler. I’m just so ti—”

“Hey, no need for apologies. Get some sleep. When you wake up, dial star-forty-five. It’ll connect you to my apartment. We can get some breakfast, if you’d like.”

“That would be nice.” She stopped, and he thought she might say something else but then she just shook her head and he figured retreat was his best option right now.

“Good night, Kate.”

“Good night, Tyler.”

Her words were barely audible as she stepped back into the room and closed the door.

He stood there for several seconds, staring at the door like some lovesick fool, before he forced himself to head to his apartment.

Once there, he headed straight for the fridge and a bottle of beer, though he knew he didn’t have enough alcohol to put him to sleep tonight.

He settled himself on the couch with the remote and prepared for a restless night.

* * *

Kate sat on the edge of the sleek gray couch in the living area.

The room had a definite modern vibe, with interesting patterns and color combinations. And at any other time she’d be checking out the design styles.

Tonight, she barely registered the visuals.

She’d freaked. Why the hell had she freaked?

She’d just had the best sex of her life. She could be sprawled all over Tyler in his bed and wake up at any moment to have more great sex.

What the hell was wrong with her?

Maybe it’d been too soon after the breakup. Maybe she hadn’t been ready.

Which was a total joke.

She’d been more than ready, had been lusting after the man since she’d met him New Year’s Eve.

Hell, she’d broken off her engagement because she couldn’t get him out of her head.

And now? Now that she’d had him, was that it?

She so wanted to talk to Annabelle, but Annabelle was probably in bed with Jared and wouldn’t be answering her phone anytime soon.

Those two were so in love, it made her ache to be in their proximity. And it had shown her what she’d be missing if she’d settled for Arnie.

Dropping her head in her palms, she groaned, wondering when the hell she’d gotten so far off track with her life.

She’d had such amazing plans. Finish college. Move to New York or Philadelphia or Chicago, maybe even LA. Snag an apprenticeship with one of the costume companies working for the stage. Work her way up to designer.

Have a career. Build a life away from small-town Pennsylvania.

Then her mom had died and she’d been frozen with grief.

Like tonight, she’d been afraid to move on.

She wanted to kick her own ass. She wanted Tyler to open the door and not take no for an answer.

But she knew he’d never force her into doing anything without getting her consent first.

And she’d told him no tonight.

At least, she’d made it clear that she’d needed space.

When maybe that’s not at all what she’d wanted.


Her frustration ate away at her fear. And she really wanted to talk to Annabelle.

Picking up her phone, she typed in Hey. What’s up?

But she erased it before she hit send.

Damn it, she didn’t want to be Needy Best Friend.

With a sigh, she trudged into the gorgeous bedroom, figuring if she told herself long enough she was tired, she actually would be.

Lying on the bed, she closed her eyes—

And jolted awake from a dead sleep when her phone blared “Marry You.”

Fumbling around, she finally snared the obnoxious device and answered with a smoky, “Hello?”

“Oh, thank God! Kate. You gotta get here as soon as possible. It’s a disaster.”

The panicked voice on the other end made Kate fly up into a sitting position. “Talia? Is that you?”

“Of course it’s me. Who else would be calling you at six thirty on a Saturday morning before I’ve had my coffee and right before the biggest wedding of my career!”

Uh-oh. “Please tell me it’s not a problem with the dress.”

Talia Driscoll laughed maniacally and Kate cringed as she threw off the covers and ran for her overnight bag.

“I could tell you that but it wouldn’t be true. I need you here. Five minutes ago.”

“Oh shit.” Kate froze, hands tightening on her jeans as pictures of the wedding dress she’d custom made for one Margaret Mary Shanahan flipped through her mind.

Daughter of Pennsylvania senator Daniel Shanahan. Daughter of old steel money courtesy of Daniel Shanahan’s wife, Tracy Carnegie Shanahan. And yes, she meant those Carnegies.

Her throat felt as dry as the Sahara and her stomach had clenched into a painful ball. “How bad is it?”

Talia didn’t answer right away and Kate thought she might puke. “Not quite apocalypse but definitely Armageddon.”

“Shit.” Kate put the phone on speaker and put it on the bed as she threw on clothes. “I’m not at home. I’ll be there in an hour. Can you deal with it until then?”

Meaning could she deal with an already jittery bride who really was a sweet girl but tended to crumble into complete meltdown at the first sign of trouble?

Talia groaned. “Oh God. I need a drink. And I don’t mean coffee. Just get here as soon as you can. I will pay any and all speeding tickets or I will have Daddy Shanahan wipe them clean. Kate—”

“Don’t panic,” Kate jumped in, knowing exactly what Talia was about to say. This was way too big a deal for them to have something screw it up. “I’m on my way.”

She hung up before Talia could say another word and reached for the bedside phone.

“Good morning, Kate. Did you sleep well?”

She shivered in response to that voice even as she told herself she didn’t have the time for it. “I need to be in Reading as fast as possible.”

A slight pause. “Give me five minutes.”

When the phone clicked in her ear, she sat, blinking at it. Anyone else would have badgered her with questions.

Five minutes.

She sprang into action. No time to wash her hair but she could take a quick shower.

When he knocked at her door five minutes later, she was stuffing the last of her things into her overnight bag.

And even though she didn’t have time to ogle him, she couldn’t help the sharp twist in her gut at the dark stubble on his face, which he obviously hadn’t had time to shave, and the wet and rumpled hair.

Of course, she couldn’t stop her gaze from dropping lower, taking in the tight gray University of Pennsylvania T-shirt that exposed strong arms and the worn jeans that molded to muscled thighs.

She was so totally an idiot.

And he was so absolutely not. “I’ve got the car waiting out front.”

She wanted to throw herself against that broad chest and cling for all she was worth. Instead, she straightened her spine and nodded. “I’m ready whenever you are.”