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The slight burn only enhanced her pleasure.

He thrust a few times, each more deliberate than the last.

She didn’t realize she was bucking against the restraints until Tyler leaned forward, planting his hands on each side of her torso, pushing himself even farther inside.

“Stay still or I don’t move.”

His voice held a note of steely command that made her breath catch and her pussy clench around him. And her body go still.

“Good. Now I’ll fuck you.”

His hips began to move at that same steady pace but his mouth covered hers for a heated kiss that stole what little breath she had left. Forceful yet gentle enough that she actually wanted him to kiss her harder. She hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes until she opened them again and found him much closer.

He looked nothing like the steady businessman now.

He looked hard, determined. And totally in control.

Of her and everything else.

His cock rubbed high inside her, at that mystical spot that had to begin with a G. And every time he pushed forward, he scraped against her clit, wracking her body with shivers.

She was going to come again. The only question was how hard.

And would she survive it.

“That’s right. Let go, Kate.”

He didn’t increase his pace and she couldn’t tell if she needed him to or if she was the one holding back. Couldn’t decide if her pleasure was in her hands or his.

Most definitely his.

Yes. She had to let go, had to—

Shutting off the voice in her head, she blanked her mind and sank into the sensation of his cock inside her.

And let the fire burn her from the inside out.


“So, I guess you have to get back to the hotel today.”

Tyler had just finished his coffee and was putting the mug in the dishwasher when Kate finally spoke.

He’d woken this morning to find Kate already out of bed, showered and making coffee. He couldn’t believe he’d slept through all of that. Then again, he’d been wiped out last night.

Kate, however, still seemed to be running on adrenaline. Or maybe this was her normal speed—full-steam ahead.

He wanted to stick around long enough to find out.

But, “Yeah, I do. We’ve got a client staying with us that I need to talk to.”

Curled onto the overstuffed chair in her living room, she looked so damn sexy in a hot pink silk robe as she stared at him over the rim of her coffee cup. Those huge dark eyes watched his every move, but he couldn’t decide if she had regrets about last night.

No way did he want her to have regrets. In fact, he wanted her to want more but he knew he shouldn’t push her.

“A business client?”

“A possible investor in the spa. And a friend.”

Interest sparked as her gaze sharpened. “So the spa . . . Tell me a little more about your plans.”

His first inclination was to give her the glossy overview and leave it at that. He wasn’t used to discussing business with anyone but Jed and Greg, who’d become a trusted advisor. Greg had a cutthroat way of looking at business that Tyler appreciated. While he trusted Jed as he trusted no one else in his life, he and Greg shared a business sensibility Jed just didn’t have.

Then he remembered that Kate was not only a bed partner but a potential vendor. And a smart woman.

She’d realize he was blowing her off.

“Jed came up with the idea. Actually, I think he came up with it because he wanted to go to a place like the one he had in his head but couldn’t find.”

Her expression showed her disbelief. “Seriously? There are spas all over the world and he couldn’t find one he liked?”

Settling back into the couch, he realized he liked having her across from him so he could watch her. She was a stunner, with her hair still rumpled and no makeup and that robe hanging open just enough that he could see the soft curves of her breasts in the neckline. “Jed may seem to be the easygoing playboy but he’s really damn hard to please. He knows what he wants and he knows how he wants things to be. He’s got a deeply ingrained sensuality, and I don’t mean that in a strictly sexual way.”

Her head tilted and ribbons of hair fell over her shoulder, reaching nearly to her nipples. An image of her sitting there naked flashed through his mind and his cock began to throb. With another woman, he might have tried to hide it or will the erection away.

Not with Kate. He wanted her to see how she affected him.

“Then what do you mean?”

“I mean he knows what makes people feel good, whether it’s visual or tactile. The art he collects is a perfect example. Yes, most of it’s erotic but he chooses the pieces because they evoke an emotion, a response. That’s what he wants to do with the spa.”

She nodded, her lips curving in a smile. “And what do you bring to the table?”

“You know that already. I handle the business angles. The money, the staff. All those finer details Jed doesn’t want to be bothered with.”

“And you didn’t offer anything at all to the feel of Haven?”

He considered saying no, but that would be a lie. Still, his contribution to the aesthetics of Haven had been relatively small. And for the spa it would be even less. He just didn’t have the time. “I designed the atrium.”

Her smile told him she’d already known but was pleased he’d confided in her. It wasn’t something he bragged about. Not that he wasn’t proud of it. He was. But his work in the atrium had been one of the things that had gotten him through Mia’s death and he really hated to talk about that.

“Tell me about it. Where’d you get the idea?”

Setting her coffee cup on the nearest table, she let her head fall back against the chair cushion, her body relaxing. He wondered what she’d do if he walked over to her, slid her to the edge of the chair, and brought her off with his mouth. She’d certainly seemed to enjoy it last night.

Or would she think he was trying to avoid her questions? That he only wanted her for sex?

Better to stay where he was.

Later, he’d see if she’d be interested in riding him right here on the couch.

“My grandmother. My mother has been . . . ill most of her life, and Jed and I spent a lot of time with my grandmother at her home on the Main Line. Nana would spend hours in her gardens. And when I say gardens, I mean at least two acres of cultivated beds. Yes, she had help, but she was in charge of every aspect. What to plant, when to plant, where to plant. She should have been a landscape architect. Those beds are works of art.”

“And you helped her with those.”

He grinned. “Under protest, at first. I remember when I was ten, Nana had to drag me out of the house to help her. I used to think she loved torturing me by having me deadhead and weed. I mean, gardening was for girls. Or the hired help.”

“Not for a mighty Golden.” Her raised eyebrows held a challenge.

“Yeah, I guess you could say I had an oversized ego back then.”

“Don’t all ten-year-olds? But somewhere along the line, yours got deflated. How did that happen?”

He’d learned that life didn’t always go your way. “When I realized my mother would never be completely healthy or mentally stable. It was reinforced when my fiancée died.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your mother. I didn’t realize she had problems.”

“Neither did I until I was thirteen. I knew she had violent mood swings, and I realized pretty early on that her personal assistants were really private nurses. But we didn’t talk about our problems in my house. Jed became our mom’s jester. He was the only one who could put a smile on her face sometimes.”