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“I understand you left with a man. Is there someone new in your life?”

And there it was. The zinger.

Way to bury the lede, Dad.

There was no way she going there, not with him. “No, Dad. There’s not. The man is Annabelle’s boyfriend’s brother. His name’s Tyler Golden. He’s simply an acquaintance.”

An acquaintance she’d had mind-blowing sex with.

Yeah, really not going there.

“Kate.” He paused, and she braced herself for the speech, whichever one it might be. “Do you think that’s wise? You’ve only just broken off your engagement with Arnold. People will talk. I don’t want you to be the center of people’s conversation.”

“I know, Dad. That won’t happen.”

He fell silent and so did she. She was an adult and she wasn’t about to offer up any more information. Though he might still consider her a child, there were things he didn’t need to know about her life. Such as the fact that she had sex. He could go on thinking she was a virgin until she married.

He sighed. She heard it loud and clear and she fought the urge to cave and tell him what he wanted to hear.

“Well, I should let you get back to work. Maybe we can schedule dinner soon. If you have the time.”

She held back a sigh. Her dad had mastered the art of the guilt trip a long time ago. “Sure. I’m, ah, meeting an old professor tomorrow night but I’m free every other night.” And yes, that was totally pathetic. She had no hope that Tyler would call. At least, not to ask her out.

She didn’t think she’d ever see him outside of business again. “Why don’t we plan on Sunday night? I have plans Friday and Saturday.”

Gee, her dad had plans for the weekend and she didn’t. How pathetic was that? “Sure, that’s great.”

At least she’d have all weekend to sew.

* * *

“Kate, it’s Tyler. How are you?”

Shocked was the only word that came to mind Friday night around eight as she sat at her machine, eyes nearly crossed.

She’d been here close to five hours, sewing together tiny bits of lace and satin and chewing over last night’s conversation with Dinah. Her former professor had offered her a great opportunity, practically gift-wrapped and on a silver platter. She should’ve jumped at the offer immediately.

Instead, she’d smiled and said she had to give it some thought.

She’d been expecting a call from Annabelle to tell her how stupid she was being when she’d answered her phone without looking at the number.

Now, she rescued her latest design from the machine before she could totally ruin the fabric then she sat back in her chair and tried not to feel like a tongue-tied teenager.

“I’m fine. And you?”

Oh, look how polite we’re being.

She nearly snorted.

“I’d like to see you,” he said. “I know I should have called earlier, but we had a situation at the hotel. This is the first chance I’ve had to call and I’d really like to see you.”

Okay, maybe not so polite.

And possibly a little drunk? Had he slurred his words? Or was she hearing something that wasn’t there?

Or maybe the entire conversation was a dream. Maybe she’d fallen asleep, which would account for the strange vibe.

“Are you okay, Tyler?”

“I’m fine.” And he did sound fine. Absolutely controlled. “I’d simply like to see you.”

That was the third time he’d said that. A shiver of anticipation ran up her spine. She’d wondered if he was going to call her again. But as Thursday and today had passed and he hadn’t, she’d thought maybe he never would.

And yeah, she’d been a little pissed off about that.

Which was totally irrational because she could’ve called him.

Only she hadn’t.

“Would it be okay if I came in?” he asked.

Oh no.

She shot out of her chair and headed for the window at the back that overlooked the parking area. Sure enough, there was Tyler’s Mercedes.

Her heart thudded like a bass drum and she could barely breathe. She’d never had a man do this to her before. She wasn’t entirely sure she liked it.

“What are you doing here, Tyler?”

“I want to see you.”

The low tone of his voice made her heart pound even faster. “You don’t call first?”

“Aren’t we talking on the phone right now?”

And people thought she was a smart-ass. “But you’re sitting in my parking lot.”

“I called first.”

“But . . .”

“If you don’t want to see me, we’ll go.”

She paused. “We?”

“I had a friend drive me. I had a little too much to drink.”

“So you’re drunk.”

“No. I didn’t drink enough to be impaired. I’m just cautious.”

Which she should be, too. Trouble was, she wanted to see him. She’d missed him. Which totally sucked because she’d been determined not to break down and call him.

But here he was. Practically gift-wrapped.

“May I come in, Kate? Or should I leave?”

“No. I mean, come up. Is your friend . . . joining you?”

A pause. “He’d like to meet you, if it’s okay with you.”

“Um, sure. That’s fine.”

He didn’t miss the hesitation in her tone. “I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have barged in like this. We’ll—”

“No. No, it’s fine. Please, come up.”

She hung up before she could say any more then ran for her bedroom. She managed to tear off her old sweats and pull on a pair of worn jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt before she heard the knock on her door.

Taking a deep breath as she covered the few feet to the door, she didn’t give herself time to second-guess. Instead, she braced for impact.

And still couldn’t manage to completely control her response to him.

Tyler nearly filled the narrow doorway, all broad shoulders and wide chest. She looked up into his face and noticed how intently he stared at her.


Her stomach actually fluttered as the sound of his deep voice penetrated. “Hello, Tyler. Please come in.”

Gosh, what manners. Dad would be so pleased.

She moved to the side so he could enter then felt her gaze catch on the man behind him.

She’d thought Tyler was tall but this man had at least a few inches on him. But where Tyler had that dark and brooding vibe, this guy had a loving-every-minute-of-it smile. One of those completely confident, devil-may-care smiles that made people want to be in his presence.

And totally screwed with her sense of balance.

Tyler had already knocked her for a loop. If she got any more off-kilter, she’d simply fall over.

“Kate Song, this is a good friend of mine, Greg Hicks.”

The name sounded familiar but she couldn’t say she recognized him. She held out her hand after she’d closed the door behind him. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Hicks.”

Tyler and his friend exchanged a quick glance she couldn’t interpret before Greg turned his smile up a notch. “Great to meet you, Kate. Tyler’s told me a lot about you.”

He had? Like how he’d tied her to her bed and fucked her until she nearly passed out?

She almost tripped over her own feet as she led them toward her tiny living room.

“I told him about your designs for the boutique and your wedding gowns.” Tyler’s hand touched her elbow, as if to steady her. Or to reassure her he hadn’t divulged any other secrets. “Greg’s been a friend of mine for years.”

Directing her to the couch, he sat beside her, while Greg sat in the armchair that seemed to shrink beneath his bulk.

Yet, even though she obviously acknowledged the man’s appeal, he didn’t make her want to strip him down to the skin and run her hands all over his body.