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Her rhythm picked up now, her head bobbing faster and faster until he thought she’d make him come in her mouth.

At the very last second, she pulled off, nearly gasping for air.

With passion-glazed eyes, she scrambled to her feet before crawling onto the couch, one thigh on either side of his. Pulling a condom from God-knows-where, she covered him quickly, her hands trembling.

But there was no fumbling as she positioned his cock straight into the air and sank down on it in one, smooth motion.

She was so slick, he felt no resistance at all.

“Fuck, you’re wet.”

She leaned in to rest her forehead against his. “You do that to me, Tyler. Only you. Now move.”

Buried deep inside her, he almost didn’t want to. He could come just from the tight grip of her pussy.

But she needed friction.

Gripping her hips, he lifted her up then let gravity take its course. She slid down with a moan, her fingers digging into the muscles of his shoulders. He let her stay there for several seconds, not wanting to rush.

But Kate obviously had other plans.

She rocked forward then rolled back, making his eyes roll back in his head. “Jesus, Kate. You do that again and I won’t be responsible for not getting you off before I come.”

She slid one hand into his hair and tugged. “Then you’d better learn a little self-control, because this time I’m in charge.”

Her words felt like an erotic slap against his senses and his body responded with a surge of blood to his cock.

Clamping down on his instinctive urge to take over, he let his head fall back so he could look at her.

Her eyes were half open and glazed with lust though he knew she watched him. Her teeth clamped into her bottom lip and she did that rock-and-roll again and nearly made his eyes cross.

Forcing his eyes to remain open, he watched her work herself into a higher state of ecstasy with each movement.

And watching her sharpened his attention to a laser’s precision.

He noticed every breathless sigh each time his cock pressed against a particularly sensitive area inside her. Noticed how she’d hitch in a short breath when she sank down on him and took him deep. How her movement increased as her eyes closed.

She appeared lost in her own world, but her fingers kneaded his shoulder and his scalp, and when she leaned forward, she licked at his earlobe before nipping it.

“You feel so amazing inside me.” Her words, whispered in his ear, felt like she’d wrapped a fist around his lungs and squeezed. His balls tightened and he couldn’t hold back any longer.

On her next downward slide, he grabbed her hips and pulled her down. Hard.

She gasped, her eyes flying open to stare into his.

When he was sure he had her complete attention, he gripped her hips even tighter and slowly drew her upward. Not far enough that his cock slipped out, but to the point that she was stretched around the widest part of him.

Then he held her there while he started to thrust. It took some effort on his part but it was worth it. The position hit different angles inside her and one in particular made her gasp.

With his control beginning to unravel, he worked with a single-minded purpose—to make her come.

If he gave himself a raging case of blue balls until then, so be it.

Every gasp she made, every time she tried to wriggle out of his hold made him that much more determined.

The balance of power had shifted and she seemed to know it.

She didn’t say a word as she held on while he pounded into her, both of them reaching for something they hadn’t known they needed.

Something still just out of reach.

“Tyler, oh, my God. Just—”

He shifted her a half centimeter forward.

“Yes!” she cried out, her fingers biting painfully into his shoulder as she came.

He couldn’t stop, continued to thrust until she practically melted around him.

When she finally released his shoulder and lay limp against his chest, he brought her down one more time, sank as deep as he could go, and came with a deep groan and a sense of pure satisfaction.


Kate needed a shower but was too wiped out to move.

She knew if she asked the man who’d made her like this to clean her up, he’d be on his feet and have her in the bathroom in two seconds flat.

She wasn’t sure she wanted to move just yet.

Lying here, she felt his cock continue to twitch deep inside and it brought a smile to her lips. Beneath her ear, she heard his heart thundering and his chest rose and fell like he’d just finished sprinting up twenty flights of steps.

That she’d been able to rouse him to this condition made her feel like a conquering heroine.

That is, if the heroine was too tired to do more than breathe afterward.

Which she was.

And sated. She felt completely and utterly satisfied.

She couldn’t ever remember—

“Kate. Are you still awake?”

Was she? She had her doubts. Could this blissful state be considered sleeping?


It was really all she could manage to say at the moment and perfectly expressed the way she felt.

After a few silent minutes, as his heart slowly reverted to a normal rhythm and she could breathe more easily, he shifted beneath her.

“Alright, sweetheart. Enough lying around already. Time for a shower.”

Since that sounded good, she draped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her face into the curve of his neck. “Okay. But you have to carry me since my state of . . . whatever state this is, is all your fault.”

He chuckled, a deep rasp of sound that, amazingly, made her pussy clench with desire.

She couldn’t believe after that last orgasm that she could even think about having more sex right now.

This must be what obsessed means.

Lying against him, she thought about that as he maneuvered her into his arms with minimal effort then stood as if she didn’t weigh more than a sack of potatoes.

She felt warm and boneless against him and she wondered if she’d seen a bathtub in his bathroom.

Then couldn’t remember if she’d seen his bathroom at all.

She became sufficiently curious to lift her head from his chest when he stopped moving. Opening her eyes, she looked around. “Wow. I didn’t realize how much of a hedonist you really are.”

He paused before pulling back so he could see her expression. “What do you mean?”

“I mean this bathroom. It’s amazing. You designed this too, didn’t you?”

His lips twisted in a crooked smile. “What makes you think that?”

Where his bedroom was decorated in shades of light and dark blue, the bathroom was black and white. But it wasn’t at all cold.

The walls appeared to be covered with black moiré silk and the black marble shower took up nearly a third of the floor space. A clear glass door hid nothing from view and she saw several showerheads protruding from the walls and the ceiling.

A sunken tub that could hold a party of four occupied the other side of the room, and she nearly started to salivate over that.

“It’s masculine and bold but understated enough not to be pretentious.”

“Glad you like it.”

“Oh, I do. That tub is amazing.”

“Then I guess we’ll have to christen it.”

“You’ve never used it?”

He shook his head and something crossed his expression, some old pain. “I’m not really one to soak for hours on end.”

Setting her on her feet next to the massive tub, he bent to twist the taps. Water immediately gushed forth and, seconds, later, steam heated her skin.

“I think it’s finally time for this to come off.”