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“Yes sir-I’ll look forward to that.”

Waylon McCabe sat back with a feeling of satisfaction so deep it almost dulled the pain of the tumors eating away at his body from within. In a few minutes he would call Dusan Darko in Belgrade and pass on the information he would need to intercept Vermulen and seize the bomb. The assault would have to be expertly handled. McCabe wanted the weapon intact and Vermulen alive. He also needed Dr. Francesco Riva in one piece. From the moment Vermulen had told him about the meeting in Rome, McCabe had realized that the Italian’s expertise would be vital to his plans.

So now it was Easter Saturday: Just one day to go before Armageddon would be unleashed, the warrior Christ would descend from heaven, and he would be led to eternal life. True, there would be suffering. But McCabe didn’t care. He had killed a lot of people for a lot worse causes than that.


When agents from the FBI’s San Antonio field office called at McCabe’s Kerr County ranch, they were told that he wasn’t home: He’d left for Europe, on business. It didn’t take too long after that to establish that his private jet had taken off from Stinson Municipal Airport, six miles south of San Antonio, shortly after 3 A.M., local time.

“Can you describe the aircraft?” asked the special agent who’d made the call.

“I don’t know the exact model, just a regular executive jet, eight-seater…” replied the airport official.

The agent was barely paying attention and about to hang up when the official interrupted himself and said, “No, wait-that’s wrong…”

“What is?” The agent didn’t even bother to disguise her lack of interest.

“Well, Mr. McCabe just had that plane adapted, only got it back no more’n ten days ago. So now it’s got kind of a bulge in its belly and, you know, a door that opens up, I guess like a bomber, or something…”

Now she was a lot more interested.

Nine in the morning, Eastern Standard Time, and the pace was picking up. A bunch of aeronautical engineers and corporate executives were trying to explain how they had been pleased to work on Waylon McCabe’s aircraft for free, believing the modifications were going to be used to drop supplies to starving Africans.

By now the plane had left U.S. airspace. McCabe’s pilot had filed a flight plan to Shannon, Ireland, right at the limit of the plane’s range. The tracking data, however, suggested he was actually heading farther north, toward Reykjavik, Iceland.

“Can’t we get someone at State to call the Icelandic authorities, get them to impound the plane, arrest McCabe?” asked Mulvagh when Jaworski passed on the information.

“On what grounds?” came the reply. “Waylon McCabe is not a fugitive from justice, has committed no crime, and we have no reason to believe he’s carrying any contraband, drugs, or weapons.”

“Yeah, but he’s just about to…”

“About to what, exactly?” Jaworski interrupted. “We don’t know what he’s going to do-that’s the problem.”

By now, McCabe’s telephone, travel, and financial records were undergoing extensive investigation and analysis. McCabe’s doctors refused to discuss their patient’s health in any detail, citing their absolute duty of confidentiality. But trips to cancer-treatment centers in Houston and New York told their own story. It didn’t take long, either, to spot the million-dollar donation to the Reverend Ezekiel Ray, and the calls between the two men.

Mulvagh handled that interview personally.

“Can I ask you what you discussed, Reverend?”

Ray hesitated.

“I’m afraid I can’t talk about that. It’s a personal matter between me and one of my congregation.”

“I understand, but it’s not like the confession booth, right? I mean, you aren’t obliged to keep your conversation secret.”

“That’s correct, but even so…”

“Reverend, I appreciate your position. But I have to tell you, this is a matter of national security. We need to know what’s been on McCabe’s mind. Could you at least tell me what kinds of things you talked about, in general, even if you don’t go into specifics?”

Several seconds’ silence were followed by a thoughtful sigh.

“Yes, I suppose I could do that.”


“Well, as you probably know, my ministry is centered on the concept of the rapture, the ascension into heaven of the chosen, at the end of time, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation. Mr. McCabe was deeply moved by the prospect of rapture, as are many, many of the decent Christian men and women who attend my services.”

The preacher was hiding something. Even down a telephone line, unable to see the other man’s face, Mulvagh could sense it: Something to do with the rapture had put Ray on his guard.

“I’m sure they are, Reverend,” Mulvagh persisted. “And when McCabe talked about the rapture, what was it, exactly, that moved him? What made him want to talk to you in person? He must have wanted to know something-something he couldn’t find out just by listening to your sermons, or watching you on TV.”

“He wanted to know…”

Again Ray paused.

“Yes?” asked Mulvagh.

“He wanted to know about the final battle against the Antichrist. That’s the conflict that Saint John prophesies that will bring about the coming of Christ.”

“What about that battle?”

“Oh, my… I just don’t know if I should tell you this. But what Mr. McCabe wanted to know was, What would God think if he-that’s McCabe-started the battle himself?”

Hour by hour, the investigation picked up pace. By lunchtime agents had made the connection to Clinton Tulane and established a further link between McCabe and Dusan Darko. It was clear now how McCabe planned to get hold of the bomb, and in what country. All that remained was its ultimate destination.

A brainstorming meeting was convened at the White House; all the agencies involved in the case were invited.

“We’ve got to consider every possibility, no matter how crazy it sounds,” said Leo Horabin, the national security adviser. “So whatever you’ve got on your mind, don’t be afraid to say it.”

Tom Mulvagh waited his turn, letting others air their ideas before he said his piece.

“I think you have to consider the religious aspect,” he said. “We’ve been thinking about this subject for a while at the Bureau-you know, religious crazies trying to bring about Armageddon. In fact, we’re planning a research paper on the subject. We’re thinking of calling it Project Megiddo, because that’s the hill, in Israel, where the Book of Revelation says the final battle will occur. So if I were looking for flashpoints, places where a crazy with a bomb might be heading, that would be where I’d start.”

“I hear you, Tom,” said Jaworski, “but it could be just about anywhere. A lot of these guys really hate the Arabs. Maybe he wants to take out Mecca, or Jerusalem…”

“How about St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome?” said an officer from the DIA. “Hundreds of thousands of people gathered to hear the Pope-helluva target.”

Horabin looked around the room, then came to his conclusion.

“I think you’re right, Tom. The target will have some kind of religious significance. And it would make sense if it was within easy reach of Kosovo, within Europe or the Middle East. I want a complete list of all possible targets that fall within those parameters. And I want contingency plans for all of them.”


Night had fallen in Macedonia, and Carver had just taken possession of the quintessential Balkan car, one of the countless battered old Mercedes sedans that are shipped south from Germany to poorer, less discerning markets. This was an eight-year-old C-class diesel, with a creamy-beige paint job that made it look like a motorized crème caramel, and a broken exhaust that spewed thick, gray-blue smoke into the atmosphere. An MI6 agent in Macedonia ’s capital, Skopje, name of Ronan Biddle, had given it to Carver when he flew in that evening, along with the passport, visas, and accreditation papers that identified him as a BBC radio news reporter. The pockets of a scuffed leather fisherman’s bag held the tape recorder, laptop, phone, map, and notebooks that backed up his cover. He’d also been provided with the standard equipment he required as an assassin and saboteur: a selection of tools, plastic explosives, knife, gun, and ammunition. Underneath his clothes, he wore, as ever, the money belt containing the cash, bonds, and passports that were his constant companions. His hair had been clipped short, a basic barbershop crew cut, just before he left France. He was fed up with seeing Kenny Wynter every time he looked in a mirror.