Am I missing something completely obvious here or are they actually suggesting the father did it `“ set light to the house with his little children asleep upstairs? That's beyond belief `“ what sort of monster does something like that to his own kids?
They're called `Family Annihilators'. If you watched as much trashy American crime TV as my wife you'd know all about them.
There's a good article about it `“ based on some research done by a team at Birmingham uni. Apparently there are four types `“ `self-righteous' ones who are usually going through a divorce and blame the mother for breaking up the family and usually call her to taunt her with what they're about to do (nice), `disappointed' ones who think everyone has betrayed them, `paranoid' ones who think they're under some sort of threat, and `anomic' ones (no, I didn't know what it meant either) who see the family as a symbol of their own success, but then find themselves going bankrupt or something and everything crashing down around their ears. Here's the link http://www.wired.co.uk/article/family-killers
And they're all men. Now there's a surprise.
`I'd have sold tickets,' says Boddie, glancing up at the viewing gallery and then back down at me, `if I'd known you were bringing a posse.'
I would say something darkly ironic by way of retort, only right now I'm focusing on not gagging in front of my entire team. I should have copped out and stayed upstairs with the rest of them, but sometimes leadership really is thrust upon you.
The body on the table in front of me is charred blue-black, but here and there the skin has split open in long slicing gashes like ruptured fruit. You can see the pale grey bone of the skull, the yellowish coils of the intestine.
`As we can see,' says Boddie, his voice muffled by his mask, `the cadaver exhibits the classic pugilistic attitude typically observed in severe burns victims. Supine position, clenched fists, raised knees and so on.' He glances up and raises his voice. `And for the benefit of the ingГ©nues among you, he wasn't going one last round with the Grim Reaper. The extreme heat causes the proteins in the muscles to coagulate and contract, resulting in this rather quaintly combative appearance.'
He moves round towards the head of the table. `I can confirm that the body is male, but I will not be able to give an accurate estimate of weight or height, given the shrinkage consequent on the fire damage. Likewise, with this degree of charring, I doubt I will find any exterior distinguishing marks worthy the name. Apart, perhaps, from this.' He indicates one of the clawed hands. `As the more observant among you will already have spotted, there is a ring on the fifth finger of the left hand.' He looks up at the gallery. `What I imagine Detective Sergeant Gislingham would call his `њpinky`ќ.'
I can't hear the laughter but I can see it. Ev is nudging Gislingham, who's managing to grin.
`We must hope Alan Challow will uncover some useful identifying mark on it by way of inscription,' continues Boddie, leaning over the skull, `because our friend appears to have lost most of his jaw.'
`One of the joists came down on top of him,' I say, through gritted teeth.
`So I see,' says Boddie drily. `How very unfortunate. I'm afraid there's far too much damage here to attempt a reliable identification through dental records. I will, of course, conduct routine X-rays to see if there are any bones with healed breaks that might assist with identification, but our best bet is probably DNA. There's a brother living, I believe?'
I nod.
He bends again, inspecting the skull from different angles. `Interesting. I suspect we may have a significant fracture in the right temporal area.' He raises his voice again. `For those up in the cheap seats, bones often crack in intense heat, which can make it difficult to determine whether the injury to a burns victim was pre- or post-mortem. Many an otherwise competent officer has come a cropper on that one.'
`You're saying someone could have hit him?'
`I'm saying it's possible. Just as it's possible he hit his head when he was overcome by the fumes.' He picks up his scalpel. `So shall we take a look?'
As the blade pierces the blackened flesh I glance up to see that most of them have turned away or found a sudden urgent need to check their phones. With one exception. DC Asante. He's taking notes.
Draft extracts from full report
FRS Incident No. 87/1434 Date of Incident: 4 / 1 /20 18 Time of Call for incident: 00: 47 HRS Address: 23 Southey Road, Oxford OX2 Use of Premises Domestic / residential Name of Occupier: Michael Esmond Fire Investigation Officer
Name: Watch Manager Paul Rigby Service No: 667 FRS: Oxfordshire INCIDENT AND INVESTIGATION SUMMARY SHEET / OVERVIEW Date / Time FIO Mobilised 00: 52 Hours
4 / 1 /20 18 Date / Time of Arrival of FIO 01 : 15 Hours
4 / 1 /20 18 Cordon Established Y Yes Cordon Established by ✓ FRS No Police Scene Secured Y FRS Police Incident Log started at: Y Police FRS Incident Commander Station Manager G Lowe Police Incident Commander DS C Gislingham Reason for Investigation Fatality/possible arson Police Investigation Officer Name A Challow Workplace St Aldate's Appliances attending Oxford fire appliances
Slade fire appliances
Call signs and time in attendance 21P1 at 00:55
21P2 at 01:01
30P1 at 01:15
30P2 at 01:30
Primary Witness `“ Before Arrival of Fire and Rescue Service Name of person discovering the fire Mrs Beverley Draper Contact address 21 Southey Road, Oxford OX2 Contact phone No. 01865 003425 How was the fire discovered? Visible from window Was an alarm sounding? No Time discovered 00.45 Who called the FRS? Mrs Draper Were any actions taken before the arrival of the FRS? No Incident Description The 999 call from the adjacent house indicated that there could be four persons present in the property, including two children. The first appliance booked in attendance at 00:55, with a first impression message of smoke issuing from the right-hand first and second storey of the property, with flames visible at the lower level. SM Lowe instructed his crew to lay out a hose reel and Firefighters 354 Fletcher, 143 Evans, 176 Jones and 233 Waites to get ready in breathing apparatus sets. These firefighters immediately ascended to the first floor by ladder, making entry through a window. Zachary Esmond was located by 354 Fletcher in a room identifiable as a nursery and immediately removed and handed to the care of paramedics. Shortly afterwards, Matthew Esmond was discovered at ground level, on the staircase. Zachary Esmond was pronounced dead at the scene. Ambulance staff administered first aid to Matthew Esmond before transfer to John Radcliffe AE. During this time, additional firefighters wearing breathing apparatus were committed into the property to fight the fire at ground floor level. Access was only possible from the rear left-hand side (kitchen), due to severe fire in the hall and front entrance.