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Once they reached the bedroom he had every intention of pulling both his lovers into the fantasy so deeply they might not even realize it wasn’t real. He smiled, knowing that if any of his clan got a look at his face just then they’d run for the hills in fear. Nothing, nothing was going to stop him from finishing his Vows tonight.

Jaden stumbled and Duncan righted him, holding up his love, helping him the best way he could. Moira adjusted, carrying Jaden’s weight with a grunt and a small smile.

Just the way it should be.

They got Jaden naked before they put him in the bed. It would be easier that way on all of them. They were about to hit the point where Duncan interrupted Jaden from feeding on Jezebel, and he’d need Moira to back him up. He slipped out of his own clothes, trying desperately to hold to both Jaden’s strong mind and enough of reality to climb into bed before pulling Moira into the fantasy with them.

When she cuddled to Jaden’s front with a nod and a smile, he sighed and let go of reality, pulling her along with him.

Moira heard the sound off to her left, the stench from the alley causing her to wrinkle her nose. “Duncan?”

His gaze was glued to something in the dark. “He’s in there. Waiting.”

She sniffed, and then desperately wished she hadn’t. “This is his fantasy?”

“This is where I found him and set him free.”

“Oh.” She brushed her hand down the front of her pinstriped coat. The collar was so high and so starched the skin on her neck crawled. Her feet were encased in boots that had never been designed by Reebok, some kind of torture device was forcing her back straight and her tits out, and she had the kind of hat on her head that she’d vaguely heard referred to as a “vagina hat”, all curled up at the sides and so full of feathers at least three ostriches must have given their lives for it. Her skirts, plural mind you, brushed the tops of her so-called boots, and her hands were stuck inside a dead animal.

“It’s called a muff.”

She looked at him, brows raised.

Duncan coughed, his lips twitching. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Moira.”

She looked around. “I thought that’s exactly where it was supposed to be.”

He bit his lip. “Are you ready?”

If her back wasn’t already held straight by the wooden plank she was currently strapped to she would have stiffened her spine. As it was, she was afraid she’d snap something off if she did. “Whenever you are.”

He nodded and stepped into the mouth of the alleyway. She followed at a much more cautious distance, one eye on Duncan and the other on the slimy stuff that littered the ground. What the hell was wrong with these people? Hadn’t they ever heard of a trash can? She dodged a particularly noxious pile of…ew. Or a toilet?

“Here, kitty kitty.” Moira blinked as Duncan called to a small, battered cat at the end of the alley. “It’s all right, little one. I won’t hurt you.”

“Go away. Please go away.”

Her gloved hand went to her mouth. Jaden sounded scared, desperate. Desolate.

Young. Gods above, how old had he been when he’d been changed?

“Who is there?” Wariness had entered Duncan’s voice, but it was an act, part of the illusion Duncan wove for the vampire. It might have been real all those years ago, but now Duncan trusted Jaden with his life.

“Nightmares. Go away.”

“Come out where I can see you.”


“I will not hurt you.”

At that Jaden laughed. “No. But I might hurt you, and I do not want to do that.”

“I doubt you could hurt me, little one.”

“I am not a little one.”

“No, I can see that.”

Jaden gasped, his head rapping against the brick wall. Duncan’s fingers had reached out and tipped up Jaden’s chin, but the vampire ripped his face away, hiding his fangs behind his arm. “Get away.”



Duncan shook his head. “No. You need help.”

“I don’t need help.”

Moira was astonished. If this was the way it had originally happened, Jaden had fought every instinct he had to save Duncan’s life. Even she could see how much pain he was in, how hungry he was. Duncan had seen that inner strength, that shining nobility, and taken him in, given him a life that wasn’t about pain and degradation. No wonder Jaden loved him so.

Duncan reached out and cupped Jaden’s cheek. “Yes, you do.” He smiled, slow and sensual. “I know exactly what you need.”

Jaden frowned, looking confused before the hopeless defeat took over once more. “Go away.” His eyes closed, his head banging once more against the filthy bricks.

“No. Jaden, I won’t leave you.”

The confused frown returned at Duncan’s declaration. “What?”

Duncan smiled. “Moira?”

She stepped forward, avoiding a rather large, angry-looking rat. If she hadn’t known this was a Sidhe fantasy she would have been shrieking and climbing the nearest wall. “Hello, Jaden.”

He shivered. The rags he wore barely covered him. “Who are you?”

She smiled. “Deep down, you know who I am.” She reached his side and took his hand. “We belong to you, and you belong to us.” Her free hand reached for his cheek. Even through the glove she could feel how cold he was. “We’ve needed you.”

His eyes closed again. “No. I’m a monster.” His eyes opened, those dark, Vampiric eyes, red flames dancing deep within their depths. “You have to leave.”

“Jaden.” Duncan placed his hand on the back of Jaden’s head. “I told you I know what you need.” He gently pulled the vampire forward, tilting his head and exposing his throat. “Drink, and bond with me.”

With a sob Jaden struck, sinking his fangs into Duncan’s neck. She could hear the faint sucking sounds as Jaden drank deep. He moaned, snuggling up against the taller Sidhe, his arms wrapped so tightly around Duncan she was surprised the other man could breathe.

Duncan’s head tipped back, a look of pure ecstasy on his face. He cradled the vampire to him, holding him, rocking against him. With a start she realized that Duncan was getting off on Jaden’s bite.

How could he not have known? He must have felt this the first time Jaden bit him. Or what about all of the times since then? Did he fool himself into thinking that the desire he felt was nothing more than the result of the bite, Jaden’s vampiric nature taking hold and playing with his body?

“Jaden. Amoureaux. Enough. Moira needs you now.”

Jaden lifted his crimson dotted lips, his gaze centering on her. The hunger in their black depths would have frightened her if she hadn’t seen the way he’d taken Duncan. For all his hunger he’d been surprisingly gentle, keeping the Sidhe from feeling anything more than he had to.

A red-stained tongue licked his lips. “Moira.” The hungry way he said her name had her quaking in her boots partially from fear, partially from lust. His eyes narrowed on her, his body quivering as if he expected her to run.

She had no intention of doing anything so stupid. She smiled and held out her hand. “Jaden.”

He was on her so fast she didn’t even have time to gasp. Twin pricks of white-hot pain were her only warning before pure liquid lust shot through her system. Every pull on her neck felt like he’d scraped his tongue across her clit. Her nipples throbbed with unfulfilled need. She pulled him down to her, content to let him take what he needed and give her everything he was.