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“Will you let me take you later?” Jaden’s voice was rough, his body trembling in her embrace.

Duncan put his arm around Jaden’s waist. “You’ll be my first.”

Jaden closed his eyes and shivered. “Fuck me.”

“No, fuck Moira.” She tugged on his hair. “C’mon, Jaden. I’m waiting.”

“You shouldn’t leave a lady waiting.” Duncan slapped Jaden’s ass, making the vampire jump. “So get to it.” Duncan yawned.

Jaden leaned down and whispered in her ear. “He’ll be asleep before you come the second time.”

“I heard that, oh ye of little faith.”

She hid her giggle in Jaden’s shoulder. Duncan’s indignant statement would have worked if he hadn’t yawned in the middle of it.

“You know, I have two naked people in bed with me, one with a fit of the giggles and the other one yawning in my face. If I’m not careful I could develop a complex.” Jaden slid his hand down to her breast and began plucking her nipple. “Luckily I have an ego the size of Nebraska.”

She couldn’t stop laughing. “Only Nebraska?” She screeched as he began tickling her. “Stop, stop! Uncle!” Jaden stopped. Both men were looking at her with wicked amusement. “Oh, no. I swear. I will get even.” She squirmed, trying to buck Jaden off her, but the vampire wasn’t moving.

Duncan flexed his fingers. “Worth it?”

Jaden grabbed her hands and held her down. “Yup.”

“I will cut both of you off! I mean it.” She tried to clamp her legs shut but Jaden’s body was in the way.

“Now why would you do that?” Duncan’s hand landed on her breast. He plucked at her nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure/pain straight to her clit.

“You’d think we were planning on torturing her or something.” Jaden licked her other nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

“Oh boy.”

Jaden continued to suckle her while Duncan plucked her nipple. “You want Jaden inside you, sweetheart? Hmm? You want him to fuck you?”

“Yes.” She arched her back, her body confused. Should she move closer to Duncan and his wicked fingers or Jaden and his hot mouth?

The decision was taken out of her hands when Duncan’s hand moved down to her wet pussy. He began to circle her clit in a teasing glide. Her hips moved restlessly under his fingers, the combination of his strokes and Jaden’s mouth almost too much.

“You ready for me?”

She had a sudden vision of what she would like to do to both of them. “Wait.”

Duncan’s fingers stopped. Jaden stared down at her, his eyes bled all the way to black.

“I need to move.”

Jaden was frowning, but Duncan began to smile. “I like the way you think.”

She grinned and shoved at Jaden, who reluctantly moved from between her legs. “Okay. What’s going on?”

Duncan rolled over onto his back, his arms going behind his head. He spread his legs with an inviting smile. Moira got on her hands and knees between them and took hold of his cock.

“Getting the picture?”

Jaden grunted and got behind her, his hands on her hips. “I think I got it.”

She leaned down and sucked Duncan into her mouth, her tongue lapping at the vein running along the underside. Duncan moaned, his eyes drifting closed. Moira began to move, taking him as far down as she could. He tasted sweet and effervescent, like sparkling wine.

When Jaden’s cock nudged her opening she lifted her hips, inviting him inside. He slid against her. She was already wet and ready for him. “Please. Need you.”

He slid into her easily, setting a slow rhythm designed to drive her mad. She used the momentum of his thrusts to set the rhythm she used to suck Duncan’s cock, keeping them all on a slow, steady ride to orgasm. Jaden leaned over her, peppering her back with kisses. His hands went around her to press into the mattress, keeping his weight off of her but still enveloping her in his warmth. One of Duncan’s hands reached out and wrapped around Jaden’s forearm, connecting them all together. Silver lights began to dance as Duncan’s touch wove them together.

“Fuck, yes. Fuck her mouth, Duncan. Let her know how much you love it.”

Duncan’s eyes drifted open, landing first on Jaden and then on Moira.

Hell, she was all for picking up the pace. She tightened the muscles of her pussy, earning a groan from Jaden. She nodded, refusing to let Duncan slip from between her lips, her gaze locked on his face. She wanted him to know that she needed this as badly as he did.

Duncan thrust up into her mouth. She hummed in pleasure around him, loving the soft groan the vibration earned her. She used her tongue, licking the underside of his cock as he glided in and out of her mouth.

Behind her, Jaden was fucking her harder, faster, picking up Duncan’s rhythm, keeping them all connected. It wasn’t perfect, they weren’t living in each other’s minds this time, but it was damn close.

Jaden moved, the arm not held by Duncan lifting from the bed. His hand took hold of hers and brought it to her clit. “Stroke yourself, sweetheart. Make yourself come.”

She began to do as he said, but it wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be. Stroking herself, sucking Duncan and fucking Jaden, she had to find her own balance between the three. Once she did, she teetered on the verge of orgasm.

Duncan’s free hand landed in her hair. He drew in a hissing breath. “Close, sweetheart. Ready?”

She nodded, glad he’d warned her first. She was ready when he came in her mouth, swallowing every drop he gave her. He fell back with a sigh and a smile, his eyes glittering behind half-closed lids.

Now she could concentrate solely on what Jaden was doing to her. She bucked back into him, no longer allowing him to be the one who controlled their lovemaking. She was ready to come, and she wanted him to come with her.

She tightened her muscles, milking him, trying to drag him closer to the edge. He shuddered, her actions threatening to push him over an edge he was fighting away from. “I’ll come after you do, sweetheart. I want to feel you go over first.”

She shared a look with Duncan. “Make him come.”

The corners of Duncan’s mouth lifted.

“Wait— Oh, hell.

She had no idea what Duncan was doing to Jaden, but from the sounds of it Jaden really liked it. Jaden’s smooth strokes became jerky, uneven. He began to pound into her, driving himself to orgasm. The hand holding her own let go and grabbed hold of her hip, holding so tightly she’d have a bruise there.

She loved it. Moira gave back everything her vampire gave her, and finally begged for one thing more. “Bite me.”

Sharp pain, then a pleasure so intense she thought she would black out. Her entire body seized as the orgasm consumed her, leaving her too breathless to cry out.

When she was finally able to open her eyes she found her head resting on Duncan’s stomach, his limp, sated cock still close to her lips. Jaden lay beside her, panting softly, one arm draped over both her and Duncan, keeping them connected.

Underneath her, Duncan snored lightly.

“I told you he’d be asleep before you came for the second time.”

She turned her head to glare at him. “That was only one.”

He yawned. “True. I owe you one.” He snuggled closer, pulling her up so that she was sandwiched between him and Duncan. Duncan, oblivious, slumbered on.

Moira kissed Jaden’s forehead, knowing he was fading fast. “Sleep, a ghra. You can pay me back later.”

She waited until both men were breathing evenly before slipping out of the bed. She watched them for a moment before slipping into her clothes and gliding out the door.

No one would harm her men while she stood watch.

No one.