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“Jaden’s in trouble. I can’t get to him because he took my car.”

Shane slapped him on the back. “No problem. Follow me.”

“Duncan? You still there?”

“He’s a little busy plotting something with my brother.” Moira followed behind the two men, curious to see how Shane could help.

“Which brother?”

The concern in his voice would have amused her if the situation wasn’t so dire. “Shane.”

“Shit. Stay away until it’s over, Moira. Promise me.”

When hell opened its first ice skating rink.

Shane led the way to the shed, and Moira found herself chuckling. “Oh, boy. You’re letting us borrow Bumblebee?”

Shane threw open the shed doors, exposing the tarp-covered car. He pressed his finger to his lips. “Shh. Just don’t let Akane see it.”

Moira helped her brother uncover the bright yellow Corvette.

Duncan rubbed his hands together with child-like glee. “Happy birthday to me.”

“Uh, no. Still my baby, thank you.” Shane took the keys out of his pocket and tossed them to Moira. “Get your own, Mr. Gentleman.”

Moira slid behind the wheel and started the Corvette. “Come on, Duncan.”


She ignored Jaden, gesturing instead to Duncan. “Let’s go.”

“Moira, damn it, answer me.”

Duncan climbed into the passenger seat and put on his seat belt. “Let’s go.” He placed his hand on the dashboard and concentrated.

Moira blinked. The beautiful yellow Corvette now looked like some rusty junk ball choking its way out of the shed. Behind her she could hear Shane laughing like an idiot as she drove off, the dust kicking up behind them looking black and thick, enhanced by Duncan’s magic.

“Duncan. Use your head. You come after me and they’ll blame you. I’m sanctioned for this kill. You most certainly are not.”

Moira pulled out of the farm’s driveway and onto the road. “You think Shane will tell Akane what’s going on? She’s a witness to the attack. That might come in useful if the clan turns against Jaden.”

Duncan ran his hands through his hair, the gesture screaming his frustration. “I don’t know. I’m still not entirely sure why Charles is doing all this.”

There had to be something in the contract, something that all of them had missed. Moira hadn’t looked too deeply at the contract, and now she was kicking herself. “I doubt it’s revenge. It’s got to be something else.”

“What is so special about Leo Dunne? Why all the focus on him?”

“Other than the fact that his powers are almost pure Sidhe?” Moira shrugged. “I have no clue, but the entire clan keeps harping on that fact.”

“Fuck. Until we figure that part out we’re flying blind.”

“Guys?” Jaden’s voice was full of strained amusement. “You know I can hear you, right? Where are you?”

Moira pulled up to the gate leading to Charles Malmayne’s estate. She stared at the huge mansion. The oversized portico was almost obscene, thrusting out from the main body of the house. “Jaden? You were right. He’s definitely overcompensating.”

She reached out to press the button that would open the gates.

“Hello?” The voice was deep, almost guttural.

“Duncan Malmayne to see Charles Malmayne.”

“One moment.” There was a click, and the gates swung open.

“Stupid, stupid move, Moira. They know I’m here now.”

She couldn’t let herself think about that too much. She was determined to save not only Jaden but the Malmayne clan. The only way to do that was to confront Charles and find out what the hell was going on.

She pulled through the gate and up the long drive, parking in front of the porch. It definitely reminded her of a hotel. All it needed was the oversized ashtray slash trash cans. “Do we need to check our bags at the front desk?”

Duncan didn’t respond other than to step out of Shane’s car. “Let’s get this over with.”

She got out and followed him up the stairs to the door. “What do you think is going to happen?”

His jaw tightened. He rang the bell and took hold of her hand.

“Oh.” She stood as tall as she could despite the fact that she was covered in dirt and redcap blood. She was Lady Malmayne, and as such she pulled on her mother’s teachings to give herself as regal an air as she could. She might not be able to glamour herself into appearing clean and dignified, but damn if she couldn’t make herself look like a warrior queen just off the battlefield.

“Which you are. Now get back into the car and go home, Queenie. And take Toto with you.”

She let the corners of her lips lift into a small smile. Duncan was practically vibrating next to her. She bet Jaden would regret calling him that.

The door swung open. Charles’s butler bowed to Duncan. “Lord Malmayne.” He ignored Moira completely. Waving his hand, he gestured for them to enter. “Please, follow me.” Duncan’s hand tightened on hers, but he didn’t correct the butler. They didn’t have time to mess with the fae’s prejudices. They followed the butler past the sweeping, grand staircase to a room off to the left. Moira’s sneakers squeaked on the polished marble floors. The entire entry was done in blinding white and gold, from the Carrera marbled floors to the gilded stair rail. It made Moira’s eyes hurt just looking at it. She preferred the cooler tones of blue and green to this cold museum-like décor.

The butler threw open a door. “Lord Malmayne to see you, sir.”

“Show him in, Bradley.”

Moira bit her tongue at how they’d been announced. The butler hadn’t even said “and guest”, leaving Moira to question just where Charles Malmayne lumped her in Duncan’s life.

She didn’t have to wait for long. “Ah, I see you brought your…wife with you.” The sneer that crossed Charles’s face and the relaxed, easy posture he held by the mantelpiece were belied by the shaking of his hand as he lit his pipe. “To what do I owe the honor?”

Duncan walked forward, taking Moira with him. From the look on her Sidhe lord’s face, things were not going to go well for Charles. “I know you sent the powrie to kill me.”

Moira hid her surprise. Powrie? She hadn’t heard that name for redcaps in years, not since that trip to visit the Dunne half of her family in Ireland. The powrie lived more in Scotland and Ireland, and the Dunne sprites were very familiar with the vile redcaps.

“What makes you think I want you dead?”

“I looked into the mind of one of them before Sean Dunne took steps to remove the threat.” Duncan’s body language was just as relaxed as Charles’s, but he kept a firm grip on Moira’s hand, his thumb stroking across the back. “His orders were to kill me. What he planned to do to Moira was merely icing on his sick cake.”

Charles’s eyes darted to her before returning to his pipe. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He took a drag, blowing out a fragrant stream of smoke. “Besides, it’s entirely possible that an enemy of ours merely made the redcap think I’m the one who gave him those orders.”

“Oh, no. I know tampering when I see it, and I saw no signs of it. This was all done by you, Charles.”

Charles gave him a cocky grin. “You can’t prove that, Duncan, and we both know it.”

“One of the powrie was in your employ as a bodyguard.”

Charles shook his head. “I would never employ a redcap, Duncan. I did have an invasion of them, true, but it was dealt with.”

“Oh? How?”

“At least two of them were found unconscious near the entrance to my attic. Several more were found beaten around the estate. They were removed forthwith by my own men.” He took another drag off the stem of his pipe, blowing the smoke right at Moira. “I wonder how they came to be here?” He shifted, shoving one of his hands into his pocket. “They are Black Court, and it’s well known the Malmaynes are White Court.” He eyed Duncan sideways, a sly smile on his mouth. “One of them appeared to have been bitten. Perhaps your pet vampire knows something about that?”