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There were gasps behind her as others overheard her outrageous statement.

“Oh, yes, of course,” Lady Gayfield gasped also, in mingled horror and delight. Who knew what Lady Weston would say next? She almost hoped it would be something just as shocking. If only the Westons would see fit to conduct themselves in a scandalous fashion, her reputation as a hostess of the most interesting ton parties would be made.

Gillian made her excuses and escaped both Lady Gayfield and Lord Rosse and went in search of her cousin. She had passed from a reception room to the supper room but couldn’t find her, and was just about to peer into the card room when she spied a familiar figure seated in a corner next to an enormous palm.

“Sir,” she said, making a formal curtsy.

“Eh? Oh, it’s you, gel. Thought I’d see you here this evening.”

Gillian seated herself on the love seat next to the wizened figure and prepared to interrogate the old man about his connection with Noble.

His brilliant blue eyes sparkled at her from beneath his bushy white eyebrows, almost as if he could guess her thoughts.

“You look as if you’d just met with a highwayman.”

“I believe I did. An honorable one at that.”

“Eh? Oh, Carlisle.”

Gillian stared openmouthed at the frail old man. “Yes, how did you know?”

“Bound to happen if you were looking in the proper place to uncover the secrets. Secrets and lies, I told you, and secrets and lies are what you’ve found.”

Gillian reflected on that for a moment. “But which are the lies and which are the truths?”

“ ’Tis for you to tell.” The old man clasped his rheumy hands together and leaned back against the red cushions. “Your heart knows what’s true and what’s false. A smart woman would listen to what her heart tells her.”

Gillian sighed. “That’s just the problem. When I listen to my heart and try to act on its advice, I end up in trouble. Now Noble has challenged Lord Carlisle to a duel all because of my heart, and I have to save him. It’s not easy being a woman, you know.”

Palmerston snorted and closed his eyes. “No one said this journey would be easy, gel. If it’s a life of ease you want, it’s within your grasp. All you have to do is take it.”

“But at what cost?” Gillian asked softly. “Noble’s happiness? I’d rather struggle on with the journey if that’s the price. He needs me, Palmerston, and I’m not about to give up on him when he needs me.”

The old man didn’t answer. Gillian wasn’t sure if this was his way of dismissing her, or if he had actually fallen asleep. He was very old; it was probably the latter. She gave him a gentle pat on his knobby hand and slipped away quietly.

She found her cousin a few minutes later.

“Good evening, Aunt, Uncle.”

Her aunt greeted her in a flustered, hesitant manner but didn’t seem to have forbidden Charlotte to be in her niece’s presence. Gillian curtsyed to her uncle, received a frosty look in return, and hurried over to claim Charlotte.

“Char, I must speak with you.”

“Later, Gilly. Mama is fishing for an introduction to the most divine viscount, and I believe Lady Weatherby is going to finally admit defeat with her poor plain-faced Anne and introduce me to him.”

“This is more important than your divine viscount.”

Charlotte looked disbelieving. “I doubt if anything could be more important than a divine viscount.” She snapped open her fan. “Unless, of course, it’s a divine earl, marquis, or duke.”

“This concerns an earl, and one whom you were, a few hours ago, making the most obvious sheep’s eyes over.”

“Lord Carlisle?” Charlotte asked.

“The very same.”

Charlotte whispered a few words to her mother and then followed after her cousin to a secluded corner.

“I had assumed that Lord Weston would have forbidden you to see Lord Carlisle again after that delicious scene this afternoon.”

“It’s hardly delicious when one’s husband’s life is in danger, Charlotte. And he did forbid me, but that’s of no matter now, because I simply must save him. Look, this came a few hours ago.”

She handed Charlotte the letter she had received.

“Oh, my,” Charlotte said, a worried frown wrinkling her brow as she took in the few lines. “You’re not going to do it, are you? Meet with him secretly? Tonight?”

“It says he has important information vital to our quest, Charlotte.”

“Well, as to that, you weren’t very forthcoming with him about your quest, you know.”

“That’s because Noble believes him to be behind the attack. I had to throw him off the scent by implying we believed it was someone else who planned such a heinous crime.”

“But I thought you believed that.”

“I do, but Noble doesn’t, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, dear cousin, it’s the importance of keeping an open mind. No, my duty is quite clear. I must meet with Lord Carlisle, and not only ascertain what vital information he has, but also — not that it will do any good — beg him to consider apologizing to Noble and thus halting the duel.”

“And if he won’t?”

Gillian sighed. “I shall take steps to ensure they won’t meet tomorrow. I don’t wish to — they’re rather drastic steps — but I have Noble to think about.”

“Why do I have a feeling your Noble won’t be happy with you thinking about him in such a manner?”

Gillian waved off the question. “You must come with me once the meeting spot is named and be my witness.”

“Have you been contacted yet?”

“No, but the note didn’t say when I would be contacted, just that someone would let me know when and where I was to meet him.”

“I will come with you, Gilly, but I think you should reconsider your actions. Lord Weston — oh, Gilly, there he is!”


“No, the divine viscount. Isn’t he delicious?”

“Quite fashionable,” Gillian said, viewing the dandified viscount with a giggle. “Those curls must have taken him forever to achieve.”

“Mmm, but it’s worth the effort.” Charlotte started to move off toward her mother and the viscount.

“Don’t forget, you promised you’d come with me!”

Charlotte waved a hand in acknowledgment and went to meet the sprig of fashion.

Gillian mingled, chatted, and even danced a few country dances before she received the instructions she awaited. A footman approached, bowed, and handed her a slip of paper. She read it quickly; then, with a glance through the rooms to make sure Noble had not yet shown up, she went to find Charlotte.

“Well, blast,” she muttered when she found her. Charlotte was involved in a lengthy looking dance and was sure to be busy for some time. Gillian glanced at the note again.

Third room on the left, second floor. I’ll wait ten minutes, then leave. Come alone. Well, she certainly wasn’t enough of a ninny to go alone to a stranger’s bedchamber with a man who was not her husband, but she did not wish to miss this chance to learn what Lord Carlisle knew, and to beg him to apologize to Noble. She waited until Charlotte was standing during a quiet moment in the set, and passed the note to her. Charlotte read it, nodded, and slipped the paper into her glove.

Gillian waited as long as she could, watching a gilt ormolu clock nervously, but there was nothing for it but to go upstairs by herself. Charlotte was still engaged in the dance with her divine viscount, and nothing was going to pull her from that sort of an opportunity.

Gillian toyed with the idea of asking a footman to accompany her but had a much better idea. She looked around for a servant, noticed a short, burly footman just behind her, and signaled to him.