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“It’s my fantasy,” she said, “but I kind of believe in it. They’re building this room just for me. That’s why I get to be in here. All of this. It’s because they’re helping me. Helping me build my future. This place used to be a real mess. But look at it now. It’s taking shape. It’s gonna be grand.” She patted the space next to her. “Come on, sweetie, have a rest. I’m feeling drained. You must be too.”

The couch-or whatever it was under the sheet-was surprisingly comfortable, and as soon as I’d sunk into it, I felt waves of tiredness coming over me.

“Boy, am I sleepy,” Lindy said, and her weight fell onto my shoulder. “Isn’t this a great place? I found the key in the slot, first time I came here.”

We were quiet for a while, and I felt myself falling asleep. But then I remembered something.

“Hey, Lindy.”


“Lindy. What happened to that award?”

“The award? Oh yeah. The award. I hid it. What else could I do? You know, sweetie, you really deserved that award. I hope it means something to you, my presenting it to you tonight, the way I did. It wasn’t just a whim. I thought about it. I thought about it really carefully. I don’t know if it means much to you. I don’t know if you’ll even remember it ten years, twenty years down the line.”

“I will for sure. And it does mean a lot to me. But Lindy, you say you hid it, but where? Where did you hide it?”

“Mmm?” She was falling asleep again. “I hid it the only place I could. I put it in that turkey.”

“You put it in the turkey.”

“I did exactly the same thing once when I was nine years old. I hid my sister’s glowball inside a turkey. That’s what gave me the idea. Quick thinking, right?”

“Yeah, it sure was.” I felt so tired, but I forced myself to focus. “But Lindy, how well did you hide it? I mean, would those cops have found it by now?”

“I don’t see how. There wasn’t anything sticking out, if that’s what you mean. Why would they think to look up there? I was pushing it behind my back, like this. And kept pushing. I didn’t turn around to look at it, because then those boys would have wondered what I was doing. It wasn’t just a whim, you know. Deciding to give you that award. I thought about it, real hard. I sure hope it means something to you. God, I need to sleep.”

She slumped against me and the next moment she was making snoring noises. Concerned about her surgery, I adjusted her head carefully so her cheek wasn’t pressing on my shoulder. Then I too began to drift off.

I WOKE WITH a jerk and saw signs of dawn in the big window in front of us. Lindy was still fast asleep, so I carefully extricated myself from her, stood up and stretched my arms. I went to the window and looked at the pale sky and the freeway far below. Something had been on my mind as I was falling asleep and I tried to remember what it was, but my brain was foggy and exhausted. Then I remembered, and I went to the couch and shook Lindy awake.

“What is it? What is it? Whaddaya want?” she said without opening her eyes.

“Lindy,” I said. “The award. We’ve forgotten about the award.”

“I told you already. It’s in that turkey.”

“Okay, so listen. Those cops may not have thought to look inside the turkey. But sooner or later, someone’s going to find it. Maybe someone’s carving it right now.”

“So what? So they find the thing in there. So what?”

“They find the thing in there, they report the big find. Then that cop remembers us. He remembers we were there, standing next to that turkey.”

Lindy seemed to get more awake. “Yeah,” she said. “I see what you’re saying.”

“While that trophy stays in the turkey, they can link us to the crime.”

“Crime? Hey, what do you mean crime?”

“Doesn’t matter what you call it. We need to go back there and get that thing out of the turkey. It doesn’t matter where we leave it after that. But we can’t leave it where it is now.”

“Sweetie, are you sure we have to do this? I’m so tired now.”

“We have to do it, Lindy. We leave it the way it is, you’ll get in trouble. And remember that means a big story for the press.”

Lindy thought about this, then she straightened up her posture a few notches and looked up at me. “Okay,” she said. “Let’s go back there.”

THIS TIME ROUND there were cleaning noises and voices down corridors, but we still made it back to the ballroom without encountering anyone. There was also more light to see by, and Lindy pointed out the notice beside the double doors. It said in plastic mix-and-spell letters: J. A. POOL CLEANSERS INC BREAKFAST.

“No wonder we couldn’t find that office with all the awards,” she said. “This is the wrong ballroom.”

“It makes no difference. What we want is in there now.”

We crossed the ballroom, then cautiously entered the catering room. Like before, a dim light had been left on, and now there was also some natural light from the ventilation windows. There was nobody in sight, but when I glanced along the work counters, I saw we were in trouble.

“Looks like someone’s been here,” I said.

“Yeah.” Lindy took a few steps down the gangway, glancing about her. “Yeah. Looks that way.”

All the canisters, trays, cake-boxes, silver-domed platters we’d seen earlier had vanished. In their place were neat piles of plates and napkins positioned at regular intervals.

“Okay, so they’ve moved all the food,” I said. “Question is, where to?”

Lindy wandered further down the gangway, then turned to me. “Remember, Steve, the last time we were here, before those men came in? We were having quite a discussion.”

“Yeah, I remember. But why go over that again? I know I was out of line.”

“Yeah right, let’s forget it. So where’s that turkey gone?” She glanced around some more. “You know what, Steve? When I was a kid, I so wanted to be a dancer and a singer. And I tried and tried, God knows I tried, but people just laughed, and I thought, this world is so unfair. But then I grew up a little and I realised the world wasn’t so unfair after all. That even if you were like me, one of the unblessed, there was still a chance for you, you could still find a place in the sun, you didn’t have to settle for being just public. It wasn’t going to be easy. You’d have to work at it, not mind what people said. But there was definitely still a chance.”

“Well, it looks like you did okay.”

“It’s funny the way this world works. You know, I think it was very insightful. On the part of your wife, I mean. Telling you to get this surgery.”

“Let’s leave her out of it. Hey, Lindy, do you know where that leads? Over there?”

At the far end of the room, where the counters came to an end, there were three steps leading up to a green door.

“Why don’t we try it?” Lindy said.

We opened the door as cautiously as the last one, then for a while I became utterly disoriented. Everything was very dark and each time I tried to turn I found I was beating back curtain material or else tarpaulin. Lindy, who’d taken the flashlight, seemed to be doing better somewhere in front of me. Then I stumbled out into a dark space, where she was waiting for me, shining the torch at my feet.

“I’ve noticed,” she said, in a whisper. “You don’t like talking about her. Your wife, I mean.”

“It’s not that exactly,” I whispered back. “Where are we?”

“And she never comes to visit.”

“That’s because we’re not exactly together just now. Since you must know.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be nosy.”

“You didn’t mean to be nosy?!”

“Hey, sweetie, look! This is it! We’ve found it!”

She was pointing the beam at a table a short distance away. It had a white tablecloth on it, and two silver domes side by side.

I went up to the first dome and carefully raised it. Sure enough, there was a fat roast turkey sitting there. I searched out its cavity and inserted a finger.