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At a distance of little more than a dozen feet thousands of arrows were poured into the trapped Paravaci and yet they pressed forward, on and over their brethren, and then arrows spent, we met them on the wagons themselves with lances in our hands, thrusting them back and down.

About a pasang distant we could see new forces of the Paravaci forming on the crest of a sweeping gradient. The sound of their bask horns was welcome to us, sig- naling the retreat of those at the wagons.

Bloody, covered with sweat, gasping, we saw the living Paravaci draw back, falling back between the newly forming lines on the gradient above.

I issued orders swiftly and exhausted men poured from beneath and between the wagons to haul as many of the fallen kaiila and riders as possible from the wagons, that there might not be a wall of dying animals and men giving access to the height of our wagons.

Scarcely had we cleared the ground before the wagons when the Paravaci bask horns sounded again and another wave of kaiila and riders, lances set, raced towards us. Four times they charged thus and four times we held them back. My men and those of Harold had now been decimated and there were few that had not lost blood. I estimated that there was scarcely a quarter of those living who had ridden with us to the defense of the herds and wagons.

Once again Harold and I issued our orders that any wish- ing to depart might now do so.

Again no man moved.

"Look," cried an archer, pointing to the gradient. There we could see new thousands forming, the standards of Hundreds and Thousands taking up their position. "It is the Paravaci main body," said Harold. "It is the end." I looked to the left and right over the torn, bloody barri cade of wagons, at the remains of my men, wounded and exhausted, many of them lying on the barricade or on the ground behind it, trying to gain but a moment's respite. Free women, and even some Turian slave girls, went to and fro, bringing water and, here and there, where there was point in it, binding wounds. Some of the Tuchuks began to sing the Blue Sky Song, the refrain of which is that though I die, yet there will be the bask, the grass and sky.

I stood with Harold on a planked platform fixed across the wagon box of the wagon at our center, whose domed frame work had been torn away. Together we looked out over the field. We watched the milling of kaiila and riders in the distance, the movement of standards.

"We have done well," said Harold.

"Yes," I said, "I think so."

We heard the bosk horns of the Paravaci signaling to the assembled Thousands.

"I wish you well," said Harold.

I turned and smiled at him. "I wish you well," I said. Then again we heard the bask horns and the Paravaci, in vast ranks, like sweeping crescents, like steel scythes of men and animals and arms, far extending beyond our own lines, began to move slowly towards us, gaining steadily in momen tum and speed with each traversed yard of stained prairie. Harold and I, and those of our men that remained, stood with the wagons, watching the nearing waves of warriors, observing the moment when the chain face guards of the Paravaci helmets were thrown forward, the moment when the lances, like that of a single man, were leveled. We could now hear the drumming of the paws of the kaiila, growing ever more rapid and intense, the squealing of animals here and there along the line, the rustle of weapons and accou terments.

"Listen!" cried Harold.

I listened, but seemed to hear only the maddeningly inten sifying thunder of the Paravaci kaiila sweeping towards us, but then I heard, from the far left and right, the sound of distant bosk horns. "Bosk horns!" cried Harold.

"What does it matter?" I asked.

I wondered how many Paravaci there could possibly be. I watched the nearing warriors, lances ready, the swiftness of the charge hurtling into full career.

"Look!" cried Harold, sweeping his hand to the left and right.

My heart sank. Suddenly rising over the crest of rolling hills, like black floods, from both the left and the right, I saw on racing kaiila what must have been thousands of warriors, thousands upon thousands.

I unsheathed my sword. I supposed it would he the last time I would do so.

"Look!" cried Harold.

"I see," I said, "what does it matter?"

"Look!" he screamed, leaping up and down.

And I looked and saw suddenly and my heart stopped beating and then I uttered a wild cry for from the left, riding with the Thousands sweeping over the hills, I saw the stan- dard of the Yellow Bow, and on the right, flying forward with the hurtling Thousands, its leather streaming behind its pole, I saw the standard of the Three-Weighted Bola. "Katain!" screamed Harold, hugging me. "Kassars!"

I stood dumbfounded on the planking and saw the two great wedges of the Kataii and the Kassars close like tongs on the trapped Paravaci, taking them in the unprotected flanks, crushing the ranks before them with the weight of their charge. And even the sky seemed dark for a moment as, from the left and right, thousands upon thousands of arrows fell like dark rain among the startled, stumbling, turning Paravaci.

"We might help," remarked Harold.

'Yes!" I cried.

"Korobans are slow to think of such matters," he re- marked.

I turned to the men. "Open the wagons!" I cried. "To your animals!"

And in an instant it seemed the wagon lashing kind been cut by quivas and our hundreds of warriors, the pitiful remnant of our two Thousands, swept forth upon the Parava- ci, riding as though they had been fresh rested and ready, shouting the wild war cry of the Tuchuks.

It was not until late that afternoon that I met with Hakim- ba of the Kataii and Conrad of the Kassars. On the field we met and, as comrades in arms, we embraced one another. "We have our own wagons," said Hakimba, "but yet we are of the Wagon Peoples." "It is so, too, with us," said Conrad, he of the Kassars. "I regret only," I said, "that I sent word to Kamchak and even now he has withdrawn his men from Turia and is returning to the wagons."

"No," said Hakimba, "we sent riders to Turia even as we left our own camp. Kamchak knew of our movements long before you."

"And of ours," said Conrad, "for we too sent him word thinking it well to keep him informed in these matters." "For a Kataii and a Kassar," said Harold, "you two are not bad fellows." And then he added. "See that you do not ride off with any of our bask or women."

"The Paravaci left their camp largely unguarded," said Hakimba. "Their strength was brought here."

I laughed.

"Yes," said Conrad, "most of the Paravaci bask are now in the herds of the Kataii and Kassars."

"Reasonably evenly divided I trust," remarked Hakimba. "I think so," said Conrad. "If not, we can always iron matters out with a bit of bask raiding."

"That is true," granted Hakimba, the yellow and red scars wrinkling into a grin on his lean, black face.

"when the Paravaci those who escaped us return to their wagons," remarked Conrad, "they will find a surprise in store for them."

"Oh?" I inquired.

"We burned most of their wagons those we could," said Hakimba."

"And their goods and women?" inquired Harold.

"Those that pleased us both of goods and women," re- marked Conrad, "we carried off of goods that did not please us, we burned them of women that did not please us, we left them stripped and weeping among the wagons." "This will mean war," I said, "for many years among the Wagon Peoples."

"No," said Conrad, "the Paravaci will want back their bask and women and perhaps they may have them for a price."

"You are wise," said Harold.

"I do not think they will slay bask or join with Turians again," said Hakimba.

I supposed he was right. Later in the afternoon the last of the Paravaci had been cleared from the Tuchuk wagons, wherever they might be found. Harold and I sent a rider back to Kamchak with news of the victory. Following him, in a few hours, would be a Thousand each from the Kataii and the Kassars, to lend him what aid they might in his work in, Turia.