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‘Look, Freddy, you are quite sure all this is the truth?’

‘I’m telling you,’ the fat boy said impatiently. ‘You don’t have to believe me. Where’s this hamburger? I’m hungry.’

Lepski drew in a deep breath and picked up the telephone receiver. In minutes, he was reporting to Terrell.

‘I’ll be right down,’ Terrell said. ‘Keep the boy with you,’ and he hung up.

A patrolman came into the Detectives’ room, carrying a plastic sack.

‘Someone here wants a hamburger with onions?’ he asked, an injured look on his face.

‘Give it to him!’ Lepski snarled, waving to the fat boy. ‘And take that stupid look off your stupid face!’

The patrolman dropped the sack onto the fat boy’s lap and beat a hurried retreat.

Lepski telephoned Beigler, knowing he was probably drinking coffee and watching the games on the television.

The news Lepski told him made Beigler grunt with dismay.

‘I’ll be right down. The Chief know?’

‘He’s on his way,’ Lepski said, and hung up.

The fat boy was beginning to munch one of the hamburgers.

Lepski suddenly remembered that Carroll would be waiting for him to take her to a movie and then to dinner. He looked at his watch, then released a moan. Snatching up the telephone receiver, he called Charlie Tanner.

‘Charlie! Call Carroll and tell her I have an emergency and won’t be able to take her out tonight. Call her right away!’

‘Not me!’ Tanner said. He knew only too well of Carroll’s explosive temper. ‘I want to keep my right ear-drum intact. You call her.’

‘You heard what I said!’ Lepski yelled. ‘Call her or I’ll tear your liver out!’ and he slammed down the receiver.

The fat boy, his mouth full, nodded his approval.

‘You are sure the best detective on the force, Mr Lepski,’ he mumbled. ‘Boy! That’s telling him!’

Ten minutes later, Chief of Police Fred Terrell, a big, burly man with sandy hair, strode into the Detectives’ room. He took the fat boy into his office and listened to the account of the kidnapping, making occasional notes.

‘That’s fine, Freddy,’ he said, when he was satisfied the fat boy had nothing further to tell him. ‘You have been most helpful. I am now relying on you not to say anything about this to anyone. It is vitally important when dealing with kidnappers to keep them guessing.’

‘Mr Lepski told me that,’ the fat boy said. ‘Okay.’

‘Thank you. Would you like to be driven home in a patrol car?’

The fat boy shook his head.

‘No, thanks. My folks don’t expect me back so I guess I’ll go skating.’

‘Good idea.’ Terrell, who had a soft spot for children, not having any of his own, took out his wallet and produced a ten-dollar bill. ‘Suppose you have a feed before you go skating?’

‘Sure will,’ the fat boy said, his eyes glistening. ‘Thanks.’

When he had gone, Terrell called in Lepski and Beigler.

‘Looks as if we have a kidnapping in our laps,’ he said. ‘I’m sure the kid was speaking the truth. It’s now close on eleven hours since Mrs Jamison was snatched. The chances are Jamison has already received a ransom note. The fact he hasn’t reported to us indicates there was a threat not to contact us. That doesn’t mean we do nothing. The first move is to contact Jamison and get his reactions.’

Terrell reached for the telephone and asked the operator to connect him with the Jamisons’ residence.


At 08.30, Ng Vee drove the stolen car down the steep ramp that led to Lucy Loveheart’s underground garage.

Kling sat by his side. Shannon Jamison’s unconscious body lay on the floor of the rear of the car, covered with a rug.

‘I’ll take a look,’ Kling said as Ng pulled up by the elevator door. He slid out of the car, checked no one was in the garage, then nodded to Ng. He went swiftly to the elevator and pressed the down button.

‘Move fast, kid,’ he said as the elevator door swung open.

Ng opened the rear door of the car, grasped Shannon’s ankles and pulled her out of the car. He caught hold of her, lifted her, his right arm around her limp body, his left hand under her knees.

‘Want help, kid?’ Kling asked.

‘Oh no, sir. No problem.’

Ng carried Shannon to the elevator, entered and leaned against the wall as Kling got in and pressed the up button.

Holding Shannon, feeling her scented hair against his face, feeling her round, firm breast in his right hand, and her soft thighs under his left hand, Ng experienced a sensation he had never known before.

During his teenage life, he never had the money to associate with girls. His mother had warned him girls were always expensive, and to keep away from them. Ng had found this no hardship. There were times when he felt the stirring of sex within him, but because of his way of life and his mother’s repeated warnings, he had crushed down this urge and, up to this moment, women had meant nothing to him.

The sensation he now experienced as he held Shannon’s limp body against him gave him an extraordinary feeling of pleasure. It was during the elevator’s climb to the top floor, without realizing it, Ng fell in love with Shannon Jamison.

Kling was speaking, and Ng had to force himself to concentrate on what his master was saying.

‘Will she be okay, kid?’ Kling was asking. ‘She looks knocked out.’

‘Oh yes, sir,’ Ng said. ‘In less than a couple of hours, she will be fine.’

The elevator door swung open. Kling moved forward, checked there was no one around, then stepped across the corridor and, using the key Lucan had given him, unlocked the door of the Whipping room.

‘Get her in here, kid, and fast.’

Holding Shannon closely against him, Ng carried her through the open doorway and into the big, luxuriously furnished bedroom. He crossed to the bed and laid her gently down. He stood back, feeling his heart thumping.

‘Okay, kid,’ Kling said. ‘You stay with her. I’ll get rid of the car. Take a look around. When she comes to the surface, tell her she’s been kidnapped and she has nothing to worry about. I don’t want her to start flipping her lid. Get the photo?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘I got Lucky to stock the refrigerator,’ Kling went on. ‘She’ll be here for at least a week. Look after her, kid. Lucky also bought clothes for her. They’re in the closet. She’s to have the VIP treatment. Jamison might be tricky, and I don’t want her complaining if we release her.’

Ng stared at him.

‘But you will release her?’

‘It depends on Jamison. Don’t worry your head about that. You can leave all that to me.’ He handed the key of the apartment to Ng. ‘Lock her in when you leave, and come back to the motel dinner-time.’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘Okay. I’ll get rid of the car. Take a taxi back to the motel. Look after her, kid. No rough stuff for the moment.’

‘No, sir,’ Ng said huskily.

‘You’re great, kid. I’m relying on you,’ and Kling left the apartment.

When the door closed behind him, Ng turned and regarded Shannon as she lay on the bed. She was wearing a white, simply cut dress and it had rucked up, revealing her long legs and shapely thighs.

Ng moved forward and gently adjusted the skirt of the dress. He stood for some minutes looking down at her. What a beautiful woman! he thought, and again this sensation of sex and love moved through him. He felt he could stand there and look at her forever, but he made an effort and turned away. He went into the tiny kitchen and inspected the refrigerator which was packed with Quick frozen meals. He grimaced. Dreary food, he thought. He found a coffee percolator and two sacks of ground coffee. He inspected the bathroom and found towels and soap.