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He found Ng Vee standing by the kitchen stove, stirring a saucepan of savoury-smelling food.

That smells great,’ Kling said. ‘I’m starving! What is it?’

‘Curried beef, rice and green peppers, sir,’ Ng said, not looking at Kling. ‘It’ll be ready in five minutes.’

‘Great!’ Kling moved out of the kitchen. ‘We’ll talk as we eat.’

He turned on the TV set. He was feeling triumphant. In ten days’ time, he would be worth five million dollars! He had certainly handled this sonofabitch Jamison beautifully. He stared for a moment at a busty girl screaming into a mike and, grimacing, he switched off the set.

The table was laid. He nodded. This kid certainly was a find! He never seemed to put a foot wrong, and his cooking was out of this world.

Kling took his place at the table and began to nibble bread.

Five million dollars!

He would be able to kiss the Mafia bosses goodbye. He would no longer have to plan to knock off some pest. With five million dollars, he would be able to live as he had so often dreamed of living.

Ng came in and set a big dish of the curried beef and a side plate of fried bananas and rice before Kling.

‘Terrific, kid!’ Kling said, as he began to pile the food on his plate. ‘Man! I’m starving!’

He didn’t notice that Ng only helped himself to a token portion of the food. Nor did he notice that Ng only toyed with his food while he ate ferociously.

After ten minutes or so, Kling, his hunger slightly appeased, grinned at Ng.

‘How did it go, kid? How did she behave?’

His face expressionless, Ng said, ‘No problem, sir.’

Kling gave his short, barking laugh.

‘Come the day, kid, when you say there is a problem. Then I’ll really get worried.’ He shovelled more food into his mouth. ‘This is top-class,’ he went on. ‘What happened when she surfaced?’

Ng moved his food around with his fork.

‘She was very calm, sir,’ he said. ‘I explained that she had been kidnapped. There was no trouble. She accepted the situation.’

Kling continued to eat.

‘You’ve done a great job, kid. Now, I’ll tell you something. I’ve talked to Jamison. In ten days, he’s going to part with five million dollars. I had him in a squeeze. There was nothing else he could do. So, in ten days’ time, I’ll be worth five million dollars! And, as you’re always saying, with no problems. How do you like that, kid?’

‘I am glad for you, sir,’ Ng said. He felt if he put any more food in his mouth, he would throw up. ‘What will happen to Mrs Jamison?’

‘I’ll tell you what I’m going to do when I get this money,’ Kling said, ignoring Ng’s question. ‘I’m going to charter a big yacht, and I’m going to drift around the world.’ Kling’s smile widened. ‘I want you to come with me. Get it?’

Ng bowed politely.

‘Thank you, sir.’ He got to his feet and began to gather up the dishes. ‘I have an ice with fruit, sir, if you would like it.’

Kling shoved back his chair and stood up.

‘No. I’ve had enough. A great meal, kid. You know what I’m going to do now? I’m going to town to celebrate earning five million bucks! I’m going to find a red head, well stuffed into her dress, and I’m going to screw her until she yells blue murder!’

Ng continued to collect the dishes.

‘Yes, sir,’ he said.

‘Hey, kid! Let’s go together. It’s time you had a girl,’ Kling said. ‘Come on! Leave that junk. Let’s you and me paint the town red.’

‘Thank you, sir, but please excuse me. I would rather watch TV if you don’t mind.’

‘Jesus!’ Kling exclaimed. ‘What a character you are!’

‘Yes, sir. May I ask what will happen to Mrs Jamison?’

As Kling lit a cigarette, his face turned ruthless.

‘What do you think, kid? Let me spell it out. I am a professional killer. When someone comes to me and tells me he wants someone rubbed out because he or she is a nuisance, and if this guy gives me the money I ask for, then I do the job. I’ve worked for years with the Mafia. They know I can be relied on. They don’t give a damn if I do an occasional private job, but they would give a damn if the word got out that I hadn’t delivered. So, you ask what will happen to this woman? So, I’ll tell you. She’s going to be rubbed out, and you and I will go on a world cruise.’

Holding the dishes, Ng stood motionless, looking like an ivory statue.

He asked, in a low, flat voice, ‘How will you kill her, sir?’

Kling shrugged impatiently.

‘I have ten days to think about that… nothing messy.’ He looked thoughtfully at Ng. ‘Suppose you do your blood-vessel trick? How about it, kid?’

Ng shivered.

‘I have never killed a woman, sir.’

Kling grinned.

‘There’s always a first time. Think about it,’ and with a wave of his hand he unlocked the cabin door and went out into the hot, humid darkness to his car.

* * *

Half an hour later, the dishes washed and put away and the kitchen once more spick and span, Ng walked into the living-room and sat down.

She is going to be rubbed out.

Kling’s words burned in Ng’s brain.

He sat huddled up, his clenched fists gripped between his knees, and he kept thinking of those words. A sick horror engulfed him. This lovely, gentle woman would be ruthlessly killed. He thought of Kling: a man who had saved him from starvation and raised his mother from utter poverty, who had taken care of him and had treated him as a loyal partner.

A little moan of agony escaped from Ng’s tightly closed lips.

How could he save the life of this lovely woman without being disloyal to his master? After what Kling had done for him and his mother, it would be unthinkable for him to be disloyal!

Ten days!

At least there was time to think and perhaps plan. Ng forced himself to relax. Surely in ten days, some solution would arrive.

Sitting back in the big lounging-chair, his mind shifted to those two wonderful hours he had spent with Shannon Jamison.

The memory was so vivid, it was as if he were watching a movie.

Again, he saw her, lying, unconscious on the bed. He had waited, then finally he saw her stir, then slowly open her eyes. He watched her puzzled expression as she looked up at the quilted, white ceiling. Then she lifted her head and looked directly at him.

He smiled at her, willing kindness and love into his smile.

He saw her stiffen, close her eyes as if absorbing a shock, then those beautiful eyes opened, and she half sat up.

‘It’s all right, ma’am,’ he said softly. ‘You have nothing to fear.’

Shannon stared at this slightly built Vietnamese. She felt she was dreaming.

‘Who are you?’ she forced herself to ask.

‘It it all right, ma’am. Please don’t be alarmed.’

She looked hurriedly around the big, well furnished room without windows, then back to him.

‘Where am I? What’s happening?’

‘Ma’am, you have been kidnapped. I am here to look after you. Please, you have nothing to worry about.’


Shannon swung her long legs off the bed and sat up. She possessed considerable strength of character. She refused to let herself panic and forced herself to remain calm.

‘Are you telling me that I have been kidnapped?’

Ng nodded.

‘Yes, ma’am.’

She looked around the room: ‘Where am I?’

‘I’m sorry, ma’am. I can’t tell you that.’

She took a long steady look at Ng. She saw he was a Vietnamese, and she was quick to see he was regarding her the way a spaniel dog regards his mistress. This expression gave her confidence.