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I waited, lingering over my tea and rice pudding, and when Finnegan left, I followed him. I hadn’t wanted to confront him in the restaurant and cause a scene, so I waited until we came near a ginnel not far from my own street, then I speeded up, grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him into it.

Finnegan was not very strong – in fact, he was a scrawny, sickly sort of fellow, which is why he wasn’t fit for service – but he was slippery as an eel, and it took all my energy to hang on to him until I got him where I wanted him, with his back to the wall and my fists gripping his lapels. I slammed him against the wall a couple of times to take any remaining wind out of his sails, then when he went limp, I was ready to start.

‘Bloody hell, Constable Bascombe!’ he said when he’d got his breath back. ‘I didn’t recognize you at first. You didn’t have to do that, you know. If there’s owt you want to know why don’t you just ask me? Let’s be civilians about it.’

‘The word is civilized. With you? Come off it, Fingers.’

‘My name’s Michael.’

‘Listen, Michael, I want some answers and I want them now.’

‘Answers to what?’

‘During last night’s air raid I saw you coming out of a house on Cardigan Road.’

‘I never.’

‘Don’t lie to me. I know it was you.’

‘So what? I might’ve been at my cousin’s. He lives on Cardigan Road.’

‘You were carrying something.’

‘He gave me a couple of kippers.’

‘You’re lying to me, Fingers, but we’ll let that pass for the moment. I’m interested in the raid before that one.’

‘When was that, then?’

‘Last Wednesday.’

‘How d’you expect me to remember what I was doing that long ago?’

‘Because murder can be quite a memorable experience, Fingers.’

He turned pale and slithered in my grip. My palms were sweaty. ‘Murder? Me? You’ve got to be joking! I’ve never killed nobody.’

I didn’t bother pointing out that that meant he must have killed somebody – linguistic niceties such as that being as pointless with someone of Finnegan’s intelligence as speaking loudly to a foreigner and hoping to be understood – so I pressed on. ‘Did you break into Rose Faversham’s house on Aston Place last Wednesday during the raid?’

‘Rose Faversham. Who the bloody hell’s she when she’s at home? Never heard of her.’

‘You might have known her as Mad Maggie.’

Mad Maggie. Now why would a bloke like me want to break into her house? That’s assuming he did things like that in the first place, hypnotically, like.’

Hypnotically? Did he mean hypothetically? I didn’t even ask. ‘To rob her, perhaps?’

‘Nah. You reckon a woman who went around looking like she did would have anything worth stealing? Hypnotically, again, of course.’

‘Of course, Fingers. This entire conversation is hypnotic. I understand that.’

‘Mad Maggie hardly draws attention to herself as a person worth robbing. Not unless you’re into antiques.’

‘And you’re not?’

‘Wouldn’t know a Chippendale from a Gainsborough.’

‘Know anybody who is?’


‘What about the thousands of pounds they say she had hidden in her mattress?’

‘And pigs can fly, Constable Bascombe.’

‘What about silverware?’

‘There’s a bob or two in a nice canteen of cutlery. Hypnotically, of course.’

The one thing that might have been of value to someone other than herself was Rose’s silverware, and that had been left alone. Even if Fingers had been surprised by her and killed her, he would hardly have left his sole prize behind when he ran off. On the other hand, with a murder charge hanging over it, the silverware might have turned out to be more of a liability than an asset. I looked at his face, into his eyes, trying to decide whether he was telling the truth. You couldn’t tell anything from Fin-negan’s face, though; it was like a ferret mask.

‘Look,’ he said, licking his lips, ‘I might be able to help you.’

‘Help me?’

‘Yeah. But… you know… not standing here, like this…’

I realized I was still holding him by the lapels, and I had hoisted him so high he had to stand on his tiptoes. I relaxed my grip. ‘What do you have in mind?’

‘We could go to the Prince Albert, have a nice quiet drink. They’ll still be open.’

I thought for a moment. The hard way hadn’t got me very far. Maybe a little diplomacy was in order. Though it galled me to be going for a drink with a thieving illiterate like Fingers Finnegan, there were larger things at stake. I swallowed my pride and said, ‘Why not?’

Nobody paid us a second glance, which was all right by me. I bought us both a pint, and we took a quiet table by the empty fireplace. Fingers brought a packet of Woodbines out of his pocket and lit up. His smoke burned my lungs and caused me a minor coughing fit, but he didn’t seem concerned by it.

‘What makes you think you can help me?’ I asked him when I’d recovered.

‘I’ll bet you’re after Mad Maggie’s murderer, aren’t you?’

‘How do you know that?’

‘Word gets around. The real police think it was gypsies, you know. They’ve got one of them in the cells right now. Found some silver candlesticks in his possession.’

‘How did they know whether Rose had any silver candlesticks?’

He curled his lip and looked at me as if I were stupid. ‘They don’t, but they don’t know that she didn’t, do they? All they need’s a confession, and he’s a brute in the interrogation room is that short-arse bastard.’


‘Longbottom. It’s what we call him. Longbottom. Short-arse. Get it?’

‘I’m falling off my chair with laughter. Have you got anything interesting to tell me or haven’t you?’

‘I might have seen someone, mightn’t I?’

‘Seen someone? Who? Where?’

He rattled his empty glass on the table. ‘That’d be telling, wouldn’t it?’

I sighed, pushed back the disgust I felt rising like vomit in my craw and bought him another pint. He was smirking all over his ferret face when I got back.

‘Ta very much, Constable Bascombe. You’re a true gentleman, you are.’

The bugger was enjoying this. ‘Fingers,’ I said, ‘you don’t know how much your praise means to me. Now, to get back to what you were saying.’

‘It’s Michael. I told you. And none of your Micks or Mikes. My name’s Michael.’

‘Right, Michael. You know, I’m a patient man, but I’m beginning to feel just a wee bit let down here. I’m thinking that perhaps it might not be a bad idea for me to take you to Detective Sergeant Longbottom and see if he can’t persuade you to tell him what you know.’

Fingers jerked upright. ‘Hang on a minute. There’s no need for anything drastic like that. I’m just having my little bit of fun, that’s all. You wouldn’t deny a fellow his little bit of fun, would you?’

‘Heaven forbid,’ I muttered. ‘So now you’ve had your fun, Fin- er… Michael, perhaps we can get back to business?’

‘Right… well… theatrically speaking, of course, I might have been in Aston Place on the night you’re talking about.’

Theatrically? Let it go, Frank. ‘Last Wednesday, during the air raid?’

‘Right. Well I might have been, just, you know, being a concerned citizen and all, going round checking up all the women and kids was in the shelters, like.’

‘And the old people. Don’t forget the old people.’

‘Especially the old people. Anyway, like I said, I just might have been passing down Aston Place during the air raid, seeing that everyone was all right, like, and I might just have seen someone coming out of Mad Maggie’s house.’