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Several times during the evening, Sophia had nearly blurted out the whole story, not only to Floyd but also to the van Asters, but she had checked herself.

Floyd was like a bull at a gate. There was nothing subtle about him. Murder meant the police. It would never cross his mind not to call the police.

If she could, she was determined to save him and herself from the horror of the publicity, but that didn’t mean she was going to let Jay go unpunished. Once she was sure the police didn’t suspect that he had been responsible for the girl’s death and once they were out of France, she would tell Floyd. Arrangements would have to be made to put the boy in a home and they must make sure he would never get out.

He must never be allowed his liberty again. He might easily be tempted to repeat the experiment later on and some other unsuspecting girl would die at his hands.

Sophia was annoyed with herself for betraying her pre-occupation. She quickly steered Floyd away from the real subject of her thoughts.

“Sorry, Floyd. I’ve been thinking about my silver mink. I must have the collar altered,” she said lightly. “It’s quite a problem. I saw Maggie in hers yesterday. It’s cut like mine and what a fright she looked!”

Delaney drew in a long breath of exasperation.

“For heaven’s sake! Do you mean to tell me you’ve been worrying about that coat all the evening? I was beginning to think there was something seriously wrong.”

“If I’m going to look the way Maggie looked, darling, then something is seriously wrong.”

Delaney shook his head, helpless. He reached out and patted her knee.

“Forget it. Get another coat. I’ll pay. I don’t want you to worry about a thing like that. Have a look around to-morrow. You may find something you like. If you do — buy it.”

Sophia leaned against him, rubbing her face against his shoulder.

“My man!” she said softly. “My lovely, kind, generous man!”

Delaney expanded his chest. This was better. This was the treatment he could absorb twenty-four hours of the day.

“Well, maybe I’m not so lousy,” he said, grinning, “but that’s a bet, honey.” He increased the speed of the car as they got on to the broad sea road leading to Antibes. “You know, the older I get and the longer I live, the surer I am that money fixes everything. You get blue because your mink coat looks wrong. Okay, I can get you another and you’re not blue anymore. Take this car. I like a good car. I don’t want a showy thing all chromium and yards long. I want a car that looks a million bucks, acts a million bucks and makes me feel like two million bucks. If I hadn’t the money, wanting a car like that would eat my heart out. But I’ve got the money, so I can buy this beauty and I don’t get a frustration complex. Money fixes everything. You’ve just got to have enough of it.”

But all Floyd’s money wouldn’t fix this dreadful thing that Jay had done, Sophia thought. It wouldn’t fix murder. He might try to pull strings, get the smartest attorneys, even talk to the judge, but once the facts were put to the jury, Jay would be found guilty and no money on earth could buy off the press nor hush up the horror that Floyd Delaney’s son was a homicidal lunatic.

It was as they were crawling through the bottle-neck just outside Antibes, to get on to the main road to Cannes, that Delaney said suddenly: “I’ve decided not to take Jay to Venice. I’m going to leave him in Nice.”

Sophia stiffened. She looked quickly at her husband.

“Is that such a good idea, darling?”

“Yeah. The boy doesn’t know the first thing about film making. Verneuil is making a movie at the Nice Studios. He’s a good technician and he knows his job inside out. I want Jay to watch him work. It’ll be more useful to him than lounging about in Venice.”

Sophia became alarmed. Jay wasn’t fit to be left alone. There was no knowing what he might get up to. Besides, when the police began their investigation, it would be much safer to have him out of France.

“He’s looking forward to Venice,” she said tentatively. “Is it quite fair, Floyd? After all, he is on vacation. It may be his last chance for years to see the place and we know it is well worth seeing.”

Delaney’s face darkened.

“Look, honey, let me handle this. It’s more important for the boy to learn his trade than to fool around in Venice. Plenty of time for him to go there. I want him to get to know something of the French technique while he is here.”

By now Sophia knew Floyd well enough not to press him. Once he had made up his mind, he reacted badly to any opposition.

She thought with dismay of the danger of leaving Jay here alone and again she was tempted to tell Floyd the truth. But she resisted the temptation to be free of the responsibility. They had still three more days before they left for Venice. She would wait and see what happened during those three days before making a decision.

She looked at the lighted clock on the dashboard of the car. It was now twenty minutes to three. She must talk to Jay when she got back to the hotel. She had to know what he intended to do with the girl’s body. She felt cold and ill when she thought of that. How could Jay hope to get the girl’s body out of the hotel without being seen?

What was he doing at this moment? she wondered.

It would have alarmed her if she had known just what Jay was doing as Floyd drove her along the main road to Cannes.

Jay had waited an hour and a half for Ginette’s return. When he heard the steady beat of the outboard engine, he had got to his feet, aware of an undiscovered feeling of pleasure and excitement.

Ginette was surprised to find him waiting for her and for a moment she hesitated before taking his outstretched hand to help her out of the boat.

“Did you have any luck?” he asked as she stooped to tie-up the boat.

“A little: better than last night. To-morrow night will be better because the tide will be earlier.” She set down the basket she had got from the boat and surveyed him. “Have you been waiting here all the time?”

“Yes. It’s nice here. Besides, I wanted to see you again.”

She looked straight at him, smiling and there was no coyness in her eyes.

“Did you? I wondered about you when I was fishing.”

“I should have asked you to let me come with you. Could I come to-morrow?”

She nodded.

“Of course, if you want to. I shall be here about midnight.”

“Then I’ll meet you here.”

“All right.”

She picked up the basket and fishing lines and moved over to her bicycle.

“Where did you say your café was?”

“Rue Foch. It’s at the corner. It is called La Boule d’Or.” She laughed. “There’s nothing gold about it except the goldfish in the window.” She paused, looking at him. “What are you going to do now?”

“I’m going to bed.”

“Where are you staying?”

He felt instinctively that it would be a mistake to tell her he was staying at the Plaza hotel. She mustn’t know that he was the son of a millionaire. He was sure it would affect their association together.

“I’m staying at the Paris,” he said, naming a modest hotel on the Boulevard Alsace. Then, after a moment’s hesitation, he added. “I think you are beautiful. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”

In the hard light of the moon, he saw the blood mount to her face.

“Do you?” She smiled and he could see she was pleased. “Thank you. I am glad you think so.” She slung the basket by its strap over her shoulder and prepared to mount her cycle. “Then I will see you to-morrow night?”

Yes, you’ll see me to-morrow night, Jay thought, unless I am caught carrying the body of that girl out of the suite and into the elevator. What did the Catholics say? Between the stirrup and the ground? So much could happen between this intimate moment and to-morrow night.

“I’ll be here to-morrow at midnight.”

She held out her hand.

“Then good night.”