77 Million Paintings (video project), 248
2001: A Space Odyssey
Abraham ibn Ezra, 173
adventure films, 11
advertising, 239–240, 253
Age of Wire and String, The, 172, 172n
alcohol, 27, 93, 258–259
Ambien, 265–270, 271
America, 154, 176, 254
anagrams, 191
Anderson, Pamela, 155, 159
anesthesia, 75, 80, 250n
Anger, Kenneth
animal spirits, 72–73
antibiotics, 28, 83
antidepressants, 264
antihistamines, 260
Arand, D. L., 21n
Arbus, Diane, 185
architecture, 240, 246
dream, 193, 258
in films, 183, 184–186
of flesh, 197–198, 263
housing, 9–10, 71, 184–189
Aristotle, 72–73, 78
Artaud, Antonin, 51n, 84, 184
Ascher, L. M., 59n
Aserinsky, Eugene, 85
automatism, 61, 171–172, 181
Bachelard, Gaston, 186–187
balloon imagery, 1–3, 143, 218
Barnes, Djuna, 193
Barthelme, Donald, 103–104
Bataille, Georges
baths, 77
Baumgärtel, Tilman, 246n
BBS (Bulletin Board System), 165
Beckett, Samuel, 67n, 85
bedding, 25, 30–31, 32–33, 36, 52, 78, 113, 207–208
beds, 7, 23–24, 36–37, 70, 75, 80, 81, 83, 91, 92, 149–150
Bell Witch, 146, 147
Benadryl, 260
Berger, Hans, 83–84
Bernhard, Thomas, 19, 56
Bidart, Frank, 229
bipolar disorder, 27, 28, 29
birth process, 3, 282
Blanchot, Maurice
blank mind state, 19–21
blinking, 55
blood, 48n, 69, 222, 226–227, 230, 231
drugs in, 79, 90, 92, 258–259
from gums, 48, 48n
during sleep, 69, 71, 76–77, 86, 89
bloodletting, 71, 73, 234–235
Blumenbach, Johann, 76
Bonnet, M. H., 21n
books, 16, 191–197, 210
bedtime reading, 97, 144–146
in dreams, 283–290
sleep manuals, 260–263
boredom, 5–6, 7
Borges, Jorge Luis, 195–196, 196n, 209
Bouchard, Abel, 79
boulder imagery, 95–98, 100, 123, 124
Brackman, Roman, 233n
breakfast cereals, 152–153
breathing problems, 27, 81, 271
Brown, John, 235n
bruxism, 265
“busy brain,” 57–59
caffeine, 27, 73
Cage, John, 86, 104–106
Calvino, Italo, 66n, 194, 194n
Carson, Anne, 98–99
cells, 75
night terrors, 7–8, 9–10, 12, 15, 23–25, 27, 95–103
overstimulation, 81–82
chloral hydrate, 79
chronic fatigue, 83
chronic insomnia, 34–35
Cinema 1: The Movement-Image (Deleuze), 198, 198n
Cioran, E. M., 65n, 230
circadian rhythm, 27, 74, 84
clocks, 49–50, 53, 87, 88, 107
Cockeram, Henry, 73
Cocteau, Jean
Colette, 110n
Collected Fictions (Borges), 195–196
computers, 40–43, 93, 147–149, 162, 165–168, 237–246, 248–254, 278–279
Cornell, Joseph
Cortázar, Julio, 193–194
Cox, Michael, 176
Crawford, Stanley
cribs, 7, 80, 83
Cronopios and Famas (Cortázar), 193–194
Crowley, Aleister, 173
Cure for Insomnia, The (film), 92
cybersex, 165–168
Dad Says He Saw You at the Mall (Sparling), 210n
Dahmer, Jeffrey, 90–91
Damiens, Robert-François, 73–74
date-rape drugs, 79, 93
Daumal, René, 177–178
daytime rebound, 270
Dear Ra (Göransson), 250, 250n
fear of, 29
killing others while asleep, 174–175
sleep as, 6–7, 26, 29, 46n, 97–98
by suicide, 44–47, 92, 176, 185, 230, 236, 272
while sleeping, 26
Dejerine, Joseph Jules, 82–83
Deleuze, Gilles, 41–42n, 50n, 90, 92, 198–199, 244–245
dementia, 27, 101, 126–130, 201–210, 219–220, 231, 277–278
depression, 27, 28, 34, 93, 264
Dern, Laura
Derrida, Jacques, 58–59
Descartes, René, 72, 73, 185
Difference and Repetition (Deleuze), 245n
disappearance, 2, 4, 11, 110, 123, 154, 160, 163, 166, 170, 178–179, 197, 207, 214, 282
domain names, 240–244
Don’t Look Now
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Douchet, Jean, 188n
dream questions, 173
dreams, 71, 72, 74, 78, 82
automatism and, 171–172
boulder imagery, 95–98, 100, 123, 124
as film, 199–200
lucid, 159–163, 173–174
man in white car imagery, 123–126, 128, 129, 130–139, 214, 218–221
wire imagery, 214–219
driving while asleep, 174
Dupin, Jacques, 46n
Edison, Thomas, 79
EEG (electroencephalograph), 21, 83, 85, 174–175
Endless Short Story, The (Sukenick), 194–195
Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The
Eno, Brian, 248
Eraserhead (film), 188
Eroto-Comatose Lucidity, 173–174
Errera, Leo, 79
evening routine, 55–56
Evenson, Brian, 44n
exercise, 77
Eyes Wide Shut (film), 253–254
Facebook, 40–43, 93, 253
fat, 64, 107–108, 152–154, 162–163, 231, 280–281
fatal familial insomnia, 231
Fatalist, The (Hejinian), 151, 151n
fear. See also terror
of body, 141–168
of death, 29
of self, 201–227
of sleep, 29
of sleeplessness, 102
of space, 169–200
feet, 32–33, 78
Finnegans Wake
Flet (McSweeney), 65, 65n
Flight of the Navigator (film), 11
Fonte, Jorge, 54n
Foucault, Michel, 61, 87
Fraser, Simon, 174
Freud, Sigmund, 78, 82
Friday the 13th films, 11–12
Gacy, John Wayne, 233
Gailly, Christian, 51n, 230
Galen of Pergamon, 72, 72n
Gardner, Randy, 114
Gass, William, 48n
gevortsing, 188–190
Giarnella, Lori, 74n
Giger, H. R.
Gilliam, Terry
Giorno, John, 181–182
Gizmodo.com, 254
glitch, 184, 185, 222
Global Positioning System (GPS), 93, 186, 198
Goldsmith, Kenneth, 181n, 182n
Golgi, Camillo, 77
Google, 93, 238–240
Google Alerts
Google Image Search
Google Maps, 186, 249–253
Google Reader, 254