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Waters, Mary C., 201

Wayne, John, 125, 126

Wealthy memory, 259–60, 261

Weapons: displays of, 162–66; in industry of memory, 166–67; vs. terrain, 170

Weigl, Bruce, 295

Welfare state, 131

We Should Never Meet (Phan), 206

When Heaven and Earth Changed Places (Hayslip), 203

When the Tenth Month Comes (film), 168

Where the Ashes Are (Duc), 212

White Badge (film/novel), 142–45, 149

“White Man’s Burden” (Kipling), 251

Whiteness, 221

White War (Ahn), 141–42

Williams, Raymond, 107

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 205

Woman Native Other (Trinh), 214–15

The Woman Warrior (Kingston), 194–95

Wong, Sau-ling Cynthia, 203

World War II: commodification of, 13; memory of, 5; museums of, 261; rape in, 227–28

Yamashita, Karen Tei, 156

Yang, Kao Kalia, 237, 241–43, 245–46, 250

Young, James, 10, 186

Zelizer, Barbie, 15

Zero Dark Thirty (film), 14

Zippo lighters, 177–78

Žižek, Slavoj, 234, 235