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Finally, may I say how happy I am to be able to record in this instance a complete reversal of my expectations, ft is cases like yours that place our medical achievements to date in their proper perspective and give to the profession that desire to go on searching diligently for the cure of this unknown disease, I wish you every success and if ever you come to England I hope you will come and see me.

Yours sincerely,

Douglas Maclean-Hervey.

On the wall behind me is a big frame, a sort of montage of pictures and documents. There are the X-ray photographs, before and after, Maclean-Hervey’s letter, a picture of Campbell No. 2 before it blew in, a photograph of the dam, the original of my grandfather’s will and the document signed by Roger Fergus returning to me the mineral rights of Campbell’s Kingdom. There in that frame is the whole story of the last six months. Now I have put it down on paper. What the future has in store, I do not know. What does it matter? The great thing is to have a future. We will begin drilling operations up in the Kingdom as soon as the snows melt. Maybe I’ll end up a millionaire. But all the money in the world cannot buy what I have now.