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Станьте частью великого пробуждения благодати. Это пробуждение благодати даст возможность Церкви приобрести весь мир.

Никогда не было Века Рыб. И никогда не будет Века Водолея. Но есть признаки пробуждения благодати внутри Церкви. Соединяются разные части Евангелия Христова, чтобы вылиться в величайшее возрождение со времен Уэсли, со времен Лютера, со времен апостола Павла, со времен Пятидесятницы. Когда наступит возрождение, произойдет и "сдвиг парадигмы", куда более радикальный, чем Ренессанс или Реформация. Тогда и лишь тогда наступит новый миропорядок. В чем он заключается? Он есть Божье Царство Славы.

А тем временем, приобщаясь к благодати, приобщайтесь к силе Божией. Примкните к пробуждению благодати.


К главе 3

Sgg^ag^aiifo^ Age Meets ite Mateb- christian ' 29

К главе 4

1. Shuiey MacLaine, "Dancing in the Light", page 340

2. The Sunday Times, 30 August 1992, News Review, page 5

3. Brooks Alexander, "Theology from the Twilight Zone", Christianity Today, 18 September 1987, page 25.

4. J. H. Berry, New Age Movement (BTB 1988), page 8.

К главе 5

1. The Sunday Telegraph, Review section, 23 August 1992.

2. Donald Т. Reffm,Forthe Record: From WallStreetto Washington (1988), page 3.

3. R. В. Culver, Astrology: True or False - a Scientific Evaluation (1988), page ix.

4. John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Astrology (1989) page 12.

5. National and International Religion Report (4. July 1988), 1; Lawrence Jerome, Astrology Disproved (1975), page 1; J. Ankerberg and J. Weldon, op cit, pages 11' 12; С. Strohmer, What Your Horoscope Doesn't Tell You (1988), pages 1-3- Galiup Poll cited Signs of the Times (USA), May 1990, page 18.

6. С. Strohmer, op cit, pages 2, 3.

7. Ibid, page 9.

8. Ibid, page 52.

9.J. Ankerberg andJ. Weldon, op cit, pages 132 -134

10. Лев. 18:21; 20:1-6; Втор. 4:19; 17:2-5; 18:9-11; 2 Цар. 17:16; 21:3-623-4 5 24; Иер. 7:18; 8:1, 2; 19:13; Иез. 8:10,11,16; AM. 5:25,26; Соф. 1:4-6; Деян 7-42-' 1 Кор. 10:20; Гал. 5:19-21; Кол. 2:8, 20; Еф. 6:10-18. " '

11. Откр. 12:7-9.

12. Vibrant Life, July/August 1986, pages 14-19.

13. Charles Strohmer, op cit, page 71.

14. J. Ankerberg andJ. Weldon, op cit, pages 132-164; С. Strohmer, op cit, pages

/ ?s~ \\J\J.

15. Hugh Trevor Roper, Last Days of Hitler, page 100.

К главе 6

1. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s (Tarcher 1980), page 364; Russell Chandler, Understanding the New Age (Word UK 1989) page 21; Walter Martin, The New Age Cult (Bethany House Publishers 1989), page 85.

2. Ibid, pages 20, 21; Gods of the New Age, video (Riverside Films 1984), Part 2

3. H. J. Berry, New Age Movement (BTB 1988), page 39.

4. Douglas Groothuis, Unmasking the New Age (IVP 1986), pages 153, 154.

5. Kenneth Wade, Savage Future: The Sinister Side of New Age (Autumn House

лУь/ J. f.

6. Walter Martin, op cit, page 58.

7. Ibid, page 61; Gods of the New Age, op cit.

8. David Marshall, The Devil Hides Out (Autumn House 1991), page 99, Walter Martin, op cit, pages 64, 71, 72; Gods of the New Age, op cit.

9. Delta Books, 1979, page 331.

К главе 7

1. The Sunday Times, 30 August 1992, News Review, page 5. Within a year of Icke's remarkable declaration on the Wogan programme many of the pioneer leaders of Britain's Green Party had resigned believing that Icke and other high profile New Agers had robbed the party of all credibility. Sara Parkin, after twenty years with the Green (before 1985, Ecology) Party, was particularly outspoken.

2. A book emerged out of this study. V. J. Hewitt and Peter Lorie, Nostradamus:

The End of the Millennium Prophecies 1992-2001 (BCA 1992).

3. 2 Кор. 11:13-15.

К главе 8

1. Daily Record, 13 February 1992.

2. John Drane, What is the New Age saying to the Church? (Marshall Pickering

1991), page 14.

3. See The Observer, 31 May 1992; The Sunday Express, 9 August 1992.

К главе 9

1. Robert Runcie, "A Response to.the New Age", Christian Weekly, 24 November

1989. Christian Weekly has now been absorbed by The Church of England Newspaper.

2. Ibid.

3. George Hackett, "Ramtha, a Voice from Beyond", Newsweek, 15 December 1986, page 42.

4. Russell Chandler, Understanding the New Age (Word 1989), page 18.

5. Walter Martin, The New Age Cult (Bethany House 1989), page 15.

6. Marilyn Ferguson, TheAquarian Conspiracy (1980); Ruth Montgomery, Aliens Among Us (1985); Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of The Christ and The Masters of Wisdom (1989); Shirley MacLaine, Out on a Limb, Dancing in the Light, Going Within;]ane Roberts, The Seth Material (1987); David Spangler, .Explorations (1980); David Icke, The Truth Vibrations (1990).

7. Benjamin Creme, op cit, page 110.

8. David Spangler, op cit, pages 6, 10, 11, 13.

9. Creme, op cit, page 30.

10. Spangler, op cit, page 39.

11. Time, 7 December 1987, page 62.

'12. Jerome Clark, 1844: Religious Movements, Mental Phenomena and Psychic Cults

(SPA 1968), pages 346 et seq.

13. Brooks Alexander, "Theology from the Twilight Zone", Christianity Today, 18

September 1987, page 25.

К главе 10

1. Cited John Drane, What Is the New Age Saying to the Church? (Marshall Pickering

1991), pages 15, 16.

2. Sunday Express, 19 July 1992, page 48.

3. Ibid, pages 48, 49.

4. Church of England Newspaper, 30 October 1992, page 17.

5. Stare Back and Smile (1990), page 9. See Kenneth Wade, Savage Future:

The Sinister Side of New Age (Autumn House 1991), pages 38-41 on Dennis Weaver.

6. V. J. Hewitt and Peter Lorie, Nostradamus. The End of Millennium Prophecies (BCA 1992).

7. John Drane, op cit, page 15.

К главе 11

1. This quote is taken from page 61 of Will Baron's Deceived by the New Age: the Story of a New Age Priest published in 1990 by Pacific Press. This is the most authentic expose of the New Age and makes gripping reading.

2. Ibid, page 82; The Sunday Times, Scotland supplement, 2 August 1992.

3. See David Marshall, The Devil Hides Out (Autumn House 1991), pages 120-123.

4. Close Encounters with the New Age (Kingsway 1991) is an account of Kevin Logan's course and impressions of Findhom.

5. Will Baron, op cit, page 136.

6. Ibid, pages 154 -157.

7. John Drane, What is the New Age Saying to the Church? (Marshall Pickering 1991), pages 24-27.

8. Откр. 13:13, i4.

9. An idea of the extent of New Age infiltration of Christian congregations can be gained from The Seduction of Christianity (Harvest House 1985) by Dave Hunt and T. A. McMahon, and from Tony Higton's "The New Age Meets its Match", Christian Weekly, 29 June 1990, page 6. Frank Hammond's two books, Pigs in the Parlour and Demons and Deliverance (New Wine Press 1991 and 1992) provide guidance for pastors who find that individuals within theor Congregations are suffering spirit infestation.

10. John Hick, Death and Eternal Life (McMillan 1985), pages 130 et seq.

К главе 12

1. Cited in David Marshall, The Devil Hides Out (Autumn House 1991), page 66.

2. See the author's Battle for the Book (Autumn House 1991).

3. Beatrix Campbell, "Vortex of Evil", New Statesman, 5 October 1990, pages 12-14; The Observer, 16 September 1990; 16 February 1992; 10 March 1990; 17 March 1991; 23 February 1992; Daily Mail, 13 March 1990; Westerm Morning News, 22 July 1992; Today, 24 April 1991; Radio Times, 25-31 July 1992; Jonathan Mortimer, "New Age: Big Business", Christian Weekly, 13 June 1990; Tim Lenton, "Ritual Child Abuse", Christian Weekly, 15 March 1991; Rowena White, "The Age of Aquarius", Christian Weekly, 18 May 1990; Kevin Logan, "Hell and Heaven", and Robert Runcie and John Stott "Denning New Age", Christian Weekly 25 May 1990; Rachel Downey, "Pom is the Theory", Social Work Today, 28 February 1991, page 9. See also The Devil Hides Out, pages 38-43. 4. See Josh McDowell and Don Stewart's two books, The Occult and The Deceivers (both published by Scripture Press 1992); Kenneth Wade, Savage Future: The Sinister Side of New Age (Autumn House 1991); Roy and Rae Livesey, New Age to New Birth (New Wine Press 1986); Kevin Logan, Paganism and the Occult (Kingsway 1988); Russell Chandler, Understanding the New Age (Word 1988);

Russ Parker, The Occult: Deliverance from Evil (IVP 1989); Roger Ellis, The Occult and YoungPeople (Kingsway 1989); Peter Wagner and Douglas Pennoyer (edsO, Wrestling with Dark Angels (Monarch 1990). Guidance with regard to withdrawing from all forms of srpiritual abuse is contained in David Johnson

and Jeff VanVonderen, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse (Bethany House 1991).

5. See Diane Core's Chasing Satan (Gunter Books 1991), a heart-rending, at times bilious-making, detailed account of her work with Childwatch to uncover the satanic sexual abuse of children in Britain; Audrey Harper's account of her involvement in witchcraft abd paedophile rings in England in Dance with the Devil (Kingsway 1990) for which Member of Parliament Geoffrey Dickens has written a Foreword; Pat Falling's The Devil's Web (Word 1990) demonstrates how children are introduced to abuse and occult and activity by games readily available in the shops; and Neil Anderson and Steve Russo's examination of the wider correlation between the occult and the abuse of the children in the USA in The Seduction of Our Children (Harvest House 1991). The last-named book also gives guidance to the abused and to parents of abused children, as well as sound advice on safeguarding children against mental and physical abuse occasioned by New Age and the occult.

К главе 13

1. Russell Chandler, Understanding the New Age (Word 1989), pages 24, 25.

2. John Drane, What is the New Age Saying to the Church? (Marshall Pickering 1991), page 24-27,84-86,107,108; Gods of the New Age, video, (Riverside Films, 1984), Part 2.

3. См. пророчества Иисуса на Елеонской горе (Мф. 24, Мк. 13, Лк. 21), а также пророчества Павла в 2 Фее. 2 и 2 Кор. 11.

4. Neil Anderson and Steve Russo, The Seduction of our Children: Protecting Kids from Satanism, New Age and the Occult (Harvest House 1991), pages 47, 48.

5. For concise summaries of New Age beliefs see Josh McDowell and Don Stewart, The Deceivers (Scripture Press 1992), pages 219-246.

6. See Josh McDowell and Don Stewart, The Occult: The Authority of the Beliruer over the Powers of Darkness (Scripture Press 1992), pages 75-128.

7. Walter Martin, The New Age Cult (Bethany House 1989), page 39.

8. Втор. 18:9-14; 1 Ип. 4:1; Ин. 11:11-24; 1 Фее. 4:13-17; Ип. 5:28, 29; Пс. 115:17; Пс. 146:3, 4; Еккл. 9:5, 5; Иов 7:9, 10. See H. J. Berry, The New Age Movement (BTB 1988), pages 16-19, 26-34; John Stott, Essentials (Hodder and Stoughton 1988), pages 306-331; Michael Green, I Believe in Satan's Downfall (Hodder and Stoughton 1981).

9. Will Baron, Deceived by the New Age: The Story of a New Age Priest (Pacific Press 1990), pages 123, 124.

10. Kenneth Wade, Savage Future: The Sinister Side of New Age (Review and Herald 1991).

11. John Stott, Essentials, page 309. See Walter Martin, op sit, pages 44-46.

12. See Walter Martin, pages 41-44; Michael Green, op cit.

К главе 14

1. Еф. 6:12.

2. Еф 2:1, 2.

3. 1 Ин 4:8.

4. Ис 49:15, 16 (первая часть).

5. 1 Петр. 1:18, 19.


7. Лк. 15:4.

8. 2 Кор. 5:14.

9. Втор. 18:9-14.

10. 1 Ин. 4:1.

11. Stoughton, 1981.

13. Ип. 14:30.

14. See especially Иез. 28-12-17

15. Лк. 10:18.

К главе 15 1.0с. 11:8. 2. Плач Иер. 1:12.?Ba? ^^y^S' Hosea: The Heart and Holine5s °f God

4. Ос. 3:2.

5. 2 Кор. 5:21; Еф. 2:8, 9.

К главе 16

L Michael Green, I Believe in Satan's Downfall (Hodder and Stoughton 1981).

К глзве 17

2. Gods of the New Age, video (Riverside Films 1984), Part 2. This is the logical extension of the political attitudes of the gurus and New Agers nk BeS Creme. It is the fear of Fntz Haack and of a number of diplomat and academics

do'cZTn^v^1"11 - intervlewed 011 this aathoritative> -d objective

3. Лк. 21:26-28.

4. 1 Фее. 5:2,3.

5. Лк. 17:26, 27.

6. Рим. 5:1, 2.

7. Кол. 2:10; Еф. 1:6; Рим. 8:1.

К главе 18

1. Деян. 5:29.

2. Деян. 5:32.

3. Ип. 15:26; 16:13, 14.

4. Деяц. 2:24 и след.; Деяп. 3:12, 13.

5.Гал.З:10, 11.

6. Гал. 3:27.

7. Ип. 1:16, 17.

8. Еф. 2:8.