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Rob Carnell

Nuclear Surprise

Cast of Characters


Kamal Pashwari — Billionaire businessman

Rezak Pashwari — Kamal’s father

Tamar Pashwari — Kamal’s wife

Thoraya Pashwari — Kamal’s mother

Muhommad Pashwari — Kamal’s rich playboy son and trainee pilot

Inspector Ravik — Saudi Police Detective

Anandh Singh — Caliph Hotel Manager

Reza — Caliph Hotel Assistant Manager

Dr. al-Din — Medical

Doctor Nicoli — Intelligence Attache Russian Embassy

Hamid — Caliph hotel driver


Brian Peacock — USS Port Royal — Missile technician

Vaughan Walters — USS Port Royal — Radar Operator

Steve Johnson — USS Port Royal — Commander

Mark Douglas — USS Port Royal — Executive Officer


Matt Peterson — CIA Analyst

Bill Simpson — CIA Intelligence Chief

Adam Scott — CIA Director

Admiral Tom "Horatio" Nelson — Chairman of Joint Chiefs

Adam Connolly — President of the United States

Monica Connolly — First Lady of the United States

Jenny — White House Operator

Imam/Ayotallah Hillali — Muslim cleric

Osama bin Laden — Terrorist

Tom Burns — CIA Security Officer

Robert Brett — National Security Adviser

Neil Baker — Secret Service Chief of Detail

Tom Allinson — White House Security

Bob Evans — Coast Guard Commander

Katie Ryan — Junior Secretary to Vice-President

Jennifer Warwick — White House Press Secretary

Geraldine Flynn — Kamal’s girlfriend

Roy — Terrorist in waiting

Detective Greg O’Brien — Cambridge detective

Detective Mike Slattery — Cambridge detective

Wendy — Escort

George Winters — M.I.T. Professor

Amir — Manager Boston Muslim Brotherhood

Rebecca Flynn — Geraldine’s mother


Vladimir Petrov aka "The Leopard" — Russian Mafia boss

Nicolai — Bodyguard

Eva — Receptionist

Natasha Karpov — Intelligence operative

Dimitri Ostrowski — Boat builder

Ivan — Boat builder

Arseny — Driver/Bodyguard

Oleg Karpov — Chief of Russian Intelligence

Igor — Boat yard manager


Ben Naqi — Arranger

Claudia Timms — Escort

Bonnie — Madam

Chastity — Escort

Tyler — Escort

Yvette — Escort

Henri — Maitre ’d


Juergen Miltser — Bank Manager

Mario Villani — Art Expert

Thomas Stein — Gold Dealer


Amrozi — Terrorist

Schapelle Corby — Convicted drug trafficker

Part I


Chapter 1

Pashwari Palace
Saudi Arabia
October 11, 3.50am

Either way, this was to be the last day on earth for nineteen year old Muhommad Pashwari. He was already a dead man walking. Muhommad already counted himself amongst the martyrs he admired. His desire to live forever in history overshadowed his former expectation of dying of old age, while naked in bed with a nubile young lady.

His family was one of the wealthiest in the world, and he had enjoyed the worldly benefits that money provided. Travel, beautiful women, gambling and extravagant parties were all commonplace to the handsome young man. He had already spent a large fortune in his short life, so money held little meaning for him.

What he desired most of all, was to make his father proud, to prove that he was worthy of the Pashwari name.

Whilst it was a well kept secret to the rest of the world, Muhommad had heard enough whispered conversations over the years to recognize that his father Kamal was a terrorist. He preferred to think of his father as a freedom fighter and he hoped his father would be proud of the freedom fighting that he intended to embark upon today.

The previous evening, Muhommad had washed himself, unfolded his prayer rug, faced the east and prayed to Allah. He was content in the reality that he would go to a better place, with seventy two virgins to keep him satisfied for the rest of eternity. He set the alarm on his cell phone before hopping into bed to try and grab a couple of hours sleep. But, he had way too much on his mind for sleep to come. Eventually it was time, and he got up and dressed quietly. He had a strict schedule to keep if he was to accomplish his goal.

The hugely ornate Pashwari family palace was quiet as a mouse in the early hours of the morning, everyone was asleep long ago. The huge floors were highly polished marble, and no expense was spared on tradesmen. A squeaky floor or stair would not have been tolerated in this palace, so he was able to move around silently without fear of disturbing anyone.

Muhommad quietly made his way to his father’s corner office on the southern end of the ground floor. This was the only room in the palace with an expensive security system controlling access. Beside the door was a numeric keypad and he quickly tapped in a six digit code and there was an audible click. He turned the handle and the door opened.

Years before he had determined that his birth date was the combination that opened the door. In fact it was the very first set of numbers that he had actually tried.

Unknown to Muhommad’s father Kamal, the young man had been in this secure room many times over the previous five years. It was here that he had read and reread the documents that told of another side to the quiet successful businessman that was the outward persona of his father. The fact that Kamal was successful was not at issue. It was what the funds were used for that made him different. A bombing here, a bit of bribery here, and the odd murder, all arranged by his forty five year old father.

Behind the desk were the two large black plastic suitcases that Muhommad had overheard his father discussing earlier in the day. They looked innocent enough.

Kamal had taught Muhommad from the time he was an infant, that he was destined for greatness. Today, Muhommad decided it was time to prove it. Carpe Diem was the Latin phrase he remembered from his school days. Seize the day was exactly what he planned to do.

The suitcase was quite a bit heavier than Kamal had expected. He carried it outside the office, and reset the security system. His right arm was getting tired, but he managed to get it outside without making too much noise. Next he maneuvered it into his beautiful new white SL 500 Mercedes sports convertible. He strapped the case into the passenger seat with the seat belt since it was way too large for the small trunk, and he quietly drove off into the night.

The twenty minute drive to the airfield passed quickly enough. There were few cars on the road at this time of the morning and speed signs did not apply to members of the Pashwari family anyway. Muhommad navigated between a few widely spaced aircraft until he spotted the one he was looking for. He parked right beside a white Piper Arrow. The small four seat propeller driven aircraft looked in excellent condition.

The plane was tied to the tarmac with straps so the plane would not be damaged in the event of a storm. These he removed and left on the ground.

Getting the suitcase into the passenger seat was quite a challenge. Muhommad unlatched and opened the right side door. Then he lifted the case up onto the wing. There was a maximum load limit on the wing, so he could not stand on the same wing as well. It was of paramount importance that the little airplane was in top shape for today’s flight. So, he went to the other side of the plane, got in the pilot’s door, and pulled the suitcase inside after him. He completed the transition by securing the case into the seat with the seatbelt and he pulled the strap tight. When all was set, he flicked a switch on a small control panel attached to the suitcase. There was an audible beep and a red light came on.