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Forty men rolled out of their blankets, snatching for weapons, leaping to their feet in horror as the horde of hradani erupted into their midst. There was no time to don armor; those who’d shed their mail for the night were forced to let it lie, and their vulnerability filled them with its own panic.

A man dodged frantically, scrambling to evade Bahzell, but there was no time for that, either. The Horse Stealer’s massive blade whistled, and his victim went down, screaming as his guts spilled out in a cloud of steam. Brandark thundered past, leaning from the saddle, longsword sweeping like a scythe. A raised blade sought desperately to block the stroke, but its wielder’s arm flew in a spray of blood, and he shrieked as the Bloody Sword rode him down. The shrieks cut off with sickening suddenness under trained, iron-shod hooves, and the warhorse pivoted, spurning the body as Brandark reined it around to split the skull of a fleeing foe. Another enemy, this one braver, helmetless but clad in chain mail, leapt to engage Bahzell, and the Horse Stealer smashed him into bloody ruin with a single mighty stroke.

Steel clashed all around him, and even through the Rage and the fury of battle a corner of his mind marveled at the depth of Wencit’s illusion. His phantom allies couldn’t actually harm anyone-that would have been against the Strictures-but that was the only thing they couldn’t do. The men who engaged them “felt” and “heard” their own blows go home against armor or shield. They knew-didn’t just think, but knew -they were locked in mortal combat with real enemies, and Bahzell and Brandark rampaged through them like dire cats. The hradani were the only ones in that entire mad melee who knew the truth. They were unhampered by any confusion as to who could kill them and who couldn’t, and they forged straight for the knot of figures beside the fire.

Two unarmed men leapt to their feet in almost comical disbelief, but they were wizards. Even through the cacophony of shouts and shrieks and clashing steel, Bahzell heard one of them scream a curse as he recognized the illusory horde for what it was. The man’s head darted from side to side, seeking the real attackers he knew had to be present, and his hand went up as Bahzell crashed through his panicked retainers. Light flashed on his palm, and the Horse Stealer felt something tug at him even as he kicked a guardsman in the belly and lopped his head as he went down. But the wizard behind that spell was no Wencit of Rūm. The elemental fury of the Rage brushed his spell aside, and both wizards stumbled back as Bahzell vaulted over the body of his latest victim towards them.

Steel glinted as one of their men whirled towards a slender, blanket-wrapped figure beside the fire. Zarantha didn’t stir as the blade went up. She simply lay there, watching it rise, seeing it sweep down. She fought desperately against the spell which held her motionless, but there was no escape. She couldn’t even scream-and then a gory thunderbolt swept up beneath the descending blade. It smashed the death stroke aside, and the man who’d tried to kill her screamed as Bahzell cut his legs from under him.

Bahzell straddled Zarantha’s motionless body. Two more guards came at him, and he snarled with the terrible glory of the Rage as he smashed them back. Brandark’s horse reared, trampling another victim, forehooves crashing down like the War God’s mace, and the Bloody Sword lashed out with a backhand blow that flung a body aside in a gout of blood. All around them, men threw aside weapons, turned their backs, fled madly into the snow. Half a dozen of them thought of their horses and ran desperately for the picket line, but Brandark was on their heels. He rode two of them down and scattered the rest, and Bahzell hacked aside the last guardsman foolhardy enough to come at him.

The Horse Stealer whirled on the wizards, blade hissing as he drove a furious slash at the nearer one, but their retainers’ deaths had bought them a few precious seconds. Sparks showered and flashed as Bahzell’s blade slammed into an unseen barrier and rebounded, and the wizard behind that barrier spat a curse and raised both hands-not at the hradani, this time, but at Zarantha.

Bahzell flung himself between those hands and their target. He had no idea if his Rage would protect another from a spell, or even guard him against death magic, but it was the only defense he could give Zarantha. He went to his knees, snarling up at the wizard, covering her with his own body, and the wizard bared his teeth in triumph as he brought both hands down in a convulsive, throwing gesture.

Light glared and hissed between his clenched fists, spitting towards Bahzell like evil green lightning, but it never struck. Something flashed in its path-a brilliant blue disk, brighter even than the lightning-and the hissing light-snake shattered like glass.

The wizard staggered back in disbelief, then jerked his head around as another horseman rode slowly forward. The rider’s eyes flamed brighter than the camp’s fire, and the sword in his hand glittered with the same blue light that had shielded Bahzell and Zarantha. The surviving dog brothers vanished into the howling snow and the last guardsmen yelped in panic and cast down their weapons at the sight, and the wizard who’d tried to kill Zarantha seemed to shrink in on himself. He and his fellow stood rooted to the ground, faces whiter than the blizzard, and Wencit stopped his horse. He dismounted with slow, graceful precision, and sheathed his sword, never taking his wildfire gaze from his enemies.

“My name,” he didn’t raise his voice, but it carried crisp and clear and coldly formal through the howl of the wind in a dialect unheard in Norfressa in centuries, “is Wencit of Rūm, and by my paramount authority as Lord of the Council of Ottovar I judge thee guilty of offense against the Strictures. Wouldst thou defend thyselves, or must I slay thee where thou standest?”

One of the wizards whimpered, but the Carnadosan priest who’d tried to kill Zarantha was made of sterner stuff. He wasted no time on words; his right hand darted to his belt, snatching out a short, thick wand, and brought it up in a darting arc at Wencit.

The wild wizard raised his own hand almost negligently, and the wand exploded in a shower of smoking fragments. The wizard howled and seized his right wrist in his left hand, shaking it frantically as a curl of flame rose from his palm, and Wencit nodded.

“So be it.” His voice held an executioner’s dispassion, and he pointed a finger at his writhing foe. “As thou hast chosen, so shalt thou answer.”

A spear of light-the same wildfire light as his eyes-leapt from his finger, and the priest screamed as it struck his chest. His spine arched, convulsing in agony, and the wildfire crawled up inside him. It spewed from his shrieking mouth in a tide of brilliance, glaring and pulsing with the rhythm of his wildly racing heart, and then he collapsed in upon himself like a figure of straw in the heart of a furnace. Smoke poured up from his crumpling body in a stinking tide, whipped and shredded by the wind, and when it cleared only a smoldering heap of ash remained.

The second wizard fell to his knees, mouth working soundlessly as he raised his hands in piteous supplication, but Wencit’s face was colder than the storm. His hand swung, his finger pointed, a second shaft of light lanced out from it, and his victim shrieked like a soul in hell as he blazed.

Bahzell crouched on his knees, still shielding Zarantha, and even through the Rage he felt a stab of pure, atavistic terror as he stared at Wencit. Wind roared across the hollow, roofing it in a boiling cauldron of white, and the wild wizard loomed against it like a figure out of Kontovar’s most terrifying myths. He lowered his hand slowly while the smoke of his enemies streamed up to whip away on the gale, and his words carried with that same, impossible clarity through the blizzard’s bellow.