Tiger studied her for a long moment before he nodded curtly. “Go ahead. We’ll be right here.
He’ll hear and smell us coming. We need to stay back this far but we will come if you call out.”
“Thanks.” Her heart hammered fast as she smoothed down her skirt in a nervous gesture.
Destiny grumbled. “She should wear pants. I said this. It will only make it easier for him if he attempts to mount her.”
Tiger softly growled in warning. “Enough. It wouldn’t matter if she wore pants or a skirt if he intends to attack. He would tear both from her body if that is his objective.”
“Um…” Alli cleared her throat. “I’m right here. Could you stop trying to scare the living crap out of me?”
“Don’t do this.” Destiny gave her a pleading look. “He is dangerous.”
“I need to talk to him if he wants to see me.
I owe him answers.” She straightened her shoulders and marched down the hallway. They had returned 880 to his original room and she paused by the open doorway.
“Come here,” a deep baritone voice ordered.
Shit! She took that final step and her gaze found 880 sitting on the edge of a queen-size bed that appeared to be custom-made to fit his tall frame. They’d removed the hospital bed for something more homey. His hair fell freely down over his shoulders in the front to the waist of his black sweats. His chest was bare and so were his feet. His amazing stare held hers as she braved entering his room by a few feet.
“Hello, 880. I’m Alli.” She paused. “Dr. Allison Baker. You can call me whichever one you prefer.”
He sniffed. “Come closer.” His hands rested on his lower thighs near the bend of his knees but one lifted to point a finger at the floor between his spread thighs. “Here.”
“I’m supposed to stay by the door.”
“I heard.” His intense gaze narrowed. “Come here.” He kept his finger trained on the spot in front of him, not budging it. “I won’t harm you.”
It was a really bad idea, foolish even, but she took one step, then another. His face had filled out in the past few days and her gaze lowered to his torso. Each rib no longer showed through his skin since he’d put on more weight than she thought anyone possibly could in such a short amount of time. She only stopped when her body almost bumped his extended index finger.
He lowered his hand to his thigh again and she inched closer until their faces were level. Only a foot separated them. It didn’t matter that he was seated. 880 still looked intimidating and large.
He studied her face while she did the same to his. There was an unsettling quiet in the room, only their breathing could be heard. Her teeth dented her lower lip from nerves when his gaze focused on her mouth. He sniffed at her again and it made his nose wrinkle. She stared into his brown eyes until he met her gaze.
“Why did I come? You asked to see me.”
His mouth hardened into a tight line. “Why did you steal me to take risks others wouldn’t?”
“You were dying. You wouldn’t rouse from the coma.” She took a deep breath and tried to force her heart rate to slow. He hadn’t attacked and that was a plus. “I thought a woman’s scent might interest you.”
The lighter brown color of his eyes seemed to bleed black and they narrowed again. “Interest me how? Did you want me to mount you?”
Surprise jolted through her at his question.
“No. I mean, I thought you’d be curious and maybe wake to see who she was. Who I was.”
“Don’t move.”
He moved and her heartbeat increased with fear as he gently took her hand. She didn’t pull it away as he turned it to stare at her palm. His other hand lifted and calloused fingertips trailed over her skin. He studied her closely, opened his hand under hers, and seemed to note their size difference. He met her gaze again.
“I felt you touching me.”
Her cheeks grew warm. “I had to check your catheter. I’m really sorry about that.”
“On my chest.”
“Oh.” She could breathe easier again.
His fingers curled around her wrist and he drew her fingers to his chest to place the tips of them flat between his nipples. “Do it again.
Stroke me.”
Alli was at a loss for what to do for a few seconds while he waited. His skin was hot and firm under her palm as she carefully moved it. It was difficult to do with him holding her wrist but she rubbed him gently. His eyes closed and all the tension faded from his features.
A sense of amazement filled her that her touch seemed to make him feel at ease. She silently wondered if it was a sign of some brain issues.
He released her wrist and his hands dropped. She tried to pull away.
“Keep doing that.”
It was an order, plain and simple. His stern voice brooked no argument. She took slow breaths and continued to caress his skin. His eyes snapped open a split second before he moved so fast she gasped when his hand curled behind her neck. He jerked her against his body until she was pressed tight against him. She feared he might kill her by smothering her against his skin.
She gasped in air and realized that he held her loosely enough to allow her to breathe. He smelled of soap and man. She could even detect his shampoo since her nose was pressed against skin and long hair. His other arm wrapped around her back at the waist to trap her in place as his mouth found her ear.
“Don’t scream or I’ll break you. It would be easy to do. You’re frail. They won’t reach you in time. Do you understand me?”
Panic struck hard at the very soft threat he rasped, sure she was the only one who could hear him. A whimper left her mouth but she didn’t scream.
He just held her and she felt caged when his thighs closed to grip her hips to help hold her in place. He wasn’t hurting her but he could. That was apparent.
His nose brushed her throat under her ear as he inhaled, turning his head enough to sniff at her hair. He pulled her a little tighter against him with his arm anchored around her back. Her breasts were crushed against his chest and the hand behind her neck remained firm, to hold her in place.
“I am no longer helpless or chained. Your males killed my mate.”
Hot tears filled her eyes while she feared he’d take his revenge on her. Destiny had been right and it sucked big-time.
“Please,” she whispered. “I had nothing to do with that.”
He softly growled and his nose tickled when he pressed it against her throat as he sniffed at her again. His body jerked suddenly before he pulled away. He allowed some space between them when his hold eased on the back of her neck and she ended up nose to nose with him as he peered into her eyes. Shock widened his.
“You cry? I am not causing you pain.”
“You’re scaring me,” she admitted. “I don’t want to die.”
His mouth curved downward. “Don’t scream and you will be fine. No tears. I don’t like them on my skin.”
Her lips sealed together while she battled her emotions until she managed to get them under control. She blinked rapidly to hold back more tears. He still kept hold of her and every breath he took fanned her lips. She knew he had to feel the same from her since they were so close.
His head tilted slightly as if he heard something and a soft growl rumbled from him.
“Tell them you are fine.”
She pulled in air, debated doing what he said or if she should scream for help. He wasn’t hurting her so far. “I’m fine.” She spoke loud enough that she knew it would be heard down the hallway.