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Cross, F.M., Jr. Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic. Cambridge, Mass.: 1973.

_______, Lemke, W.E., and Miller, P.D., Jr. eds. Magnolia Dei: The Mighty Acts of God.

Festschrift G.E. Wright. Garden City: 1976.

Driver, S.R. Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament. 9th ed.; repr. Magnolia Mass.: 1972.

Dyrness, W. Themes of the Old Testament. Downers Grove: 1979.

Eichrodt, W. Theology of the Old Testament. Trans. J.A. Baker. 2 vols. OTL. Philadelphia: 1961.

Eissfeldt, O. The Old Testament: An Introduction. Trans. P.R. Ackroyd New Tork: 1965.

Frankfort, H., et al. Before Philosophy. Baltimore: 1949.

Goldingay. J. Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation. Downers Grove: 1981.

Gordon, C.H. The World of the Old Testament. Garden City: 1958.

Gottwald, N.K. A Light to the Nations. New York: 1959.

Grollenberg, L.H. Shoter Atlas of the Bible. Trans. M.F. Hedlund. New York: 1959.

Guthrie, D. and Motyer, J.A., eds. New Bible Commentary Revised. Grand Rapids: 1970.

Hahn, H.F. The Old Testament in Modern Research. 1954; repe. Philadelphia: 1966.

Harrison, R.K. Introduction to the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: 1969.

Hayes, J.H., ed. Old Testament Form Criticism. San Antonio: 1974.

_______ and Miller, J.M., eds. Israelite and Judaean History. OTL. Philadelphia: 1966.

Kaiser, O. Introduction to the Old Testament. Trans. J. Sturdy, Minneapolis: 1975.

Kaiser, W.C., Jr., Toward an Old Testament Theology. Grand Rapids: 1978.

Keil, C.F., and Delitzsch, F. Commentary on the Old Testament. Repr. 10 vols.; Grand Rapids: 1973.

Kuhl, C. The Old Testament, Its Origins and Composition. Trans. C.T.M. Herriott. Richmond: 1961.

LaSor, W.S. Great Personalities ofteh Old Testament. Westwood, N.J.: 1959.

McKenzie, J.L. Dictionary of the Bible. Milwaukee: 1965.

Martens, E.A. God's Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology. Grand Rapids: 1981.

Noth, M. The History of Israel. Trans. P.R. Ackroyd. 2nd ed. New York: 1960.

Orchard, В., ed. A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture. New York: 1953.