“But the Internet is so convenient,” Eileen insisted. “In a couple of days-bingo! It appears in your mailbox.”
“I get my contact lenses by mail,” Darlene said.
“That’s different,” said Marty. “That’s medical. I’m retired and I get my vitamins, blood pressure medicine, you name it, by mail.”
Virginia waved an opal ring in front of Marty’s face. “I got this ring yesterday. Only sixty-nine ninety-nine.”
Marty caught her flailing hand and squinted at the ring. “You should own stock in the Home Shopping Network, Virginia. Didn’t you just buy a necklace and some fancy no-fat cooking grill?”
Virginia reclaimed her hand and turned it back and forth so that the stone caught the light.
“Weren’t you afraid someone would steal it out of your mailbox?” Daddy inquired, eyeing the ring.
Virginia shook her head. “Pshaw! Not in Chestertown!”
“Pshaw? Pshaw? You sound just like my great-aunt Matilda,” said Marty.
Virginia blushed to her silver roots.
I decided to stick in my oar. “I try to buy everything locally. By the time you pay for shipping and handling on that mail-order stuff, you eat up all the money you might have saved.”
It wasn’t until she spoke that I realized that LouElla had been standing just behind me, listening to the conversation. “The CIA was always rifling through my mail. That’s why I had to get a post office box.”
“Well, it’s true.”
Darlene ladled herself another eggnog. “I don’t know about the CIA, LouElla, but my mailbox was so stuffed with junk mail that I had to get a bigger one.”
Marty seemed to be the expert in these matters. “I told you not to order all that stuff from mail-order catalogs. All it takes is one order and-ka-ching!-you’re on every mailing list from here to the planet Pluto.”
Daddy had been staring, apparently bored, at a spot just over my left shoulder, but he suddenly joined the conversation. “I heard that the DMV even sells their mailing list.”
“There oughta be a law,” said Eileen.
While Darlene argued cheerfully with LouElla over the United States government’s peculiar interest in the contents of her, LouElla’s, mailbox, I took the opportunity to drift away. I cornered Deirdre next to the fruit punch and introduced myself. “I guess we’ll be seeing more of each other now.”
She topped off her cup with bourbon poured from a silver pitcher. “I guess.”
“We don’t know very much about each other, do we?”
So much for breaking the ice. Deirdre seemed as cold and inflexible as the molded ice ring bobbing about in the punch bowl. I didn’t have time to wait for the bourbon to loosen her tongue, so I tried again. “Frankly… Deirdre, is it?”
She nodded almost imperceptibly.
“Deirdre. I’m glad Daddy’s found someone to share his life. He’s been so lonely since our mother died.”
Deirdre stared at me over the rim of her cup. Her lower lip seemed stuck to it.
“Has your mother told you much about us?”
Deirdre swallowed. Holding her cup in both hands she said, “Not much. We’ve never been very close.”
“Maybe now that you’re living nearby?”
“I doubt it. Frankly, Hannah, I’m only here because I’m curious. About your father. About the lot of you.” She set her empty cup down on the table. “But I’m disappointed that your sisters weren’t able to attend.”
“We didn’t have much notice.”
Deirdre squinted at me in puzzlement. I explained about Ruth and Georgina. “But surely you’ve met my daughter, Emily?”
“Oh, yes. She was talking to my brother in the living room.” One corner of her mouth turned up in what I took to be a smile. “He was putting the moves on her. Chip off the old block.”
“Your father was a womanizer?”
She hooted. “Hardly! I meant Mother!” She leaned toward me. “You realize, don’t you, that if your father marries my mother he’ll be number four.”
“Daddy doesn’t seem to mind.” I shrugged.
“Mother doesn’t have much luck with husbands.”
“What happened to your father, Deirdre?”
“He died of a heart attack when I was eleven.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It was a long time ago.”
“How soon before she remarried?”
“Not long. Mother disappears into her relationships, like she’s standing in front of some flowered wallpaper wearing a flowered dress. She can’t seem to define herself in terms other than wife. Widow is a role she doesn’t like to play.” Deirdre’s eyes darted to the left. “Is it, Mother?”
Darlene’s voice screeched like a clarinet tuning up in my ear. “What on earth are you going on about, Deirdre?”
Deirdre’s eyes sparkled in the candlelight. “Nothing much, Mother.”
“Impossible girl!” Darlene tugged on my arm, drawing me toward the food table, effectively dismissing her daughter. “Your father wanted me to ask you something, Hannah.”
“We wanted to borrow the silverware for the party, but when we went to look for it, it wasn’t in the drawer.”
I nearly choked on my chocolate-covered strawberry. “There were lots of things they hadn’t had time to unpack before Mom got sick,” I said, which was true as far as it went. Mom and Dad had lived in the house less than three months when she died. The basement was still full of boxes.
Darlene stared. “He can’t find the crystal, either.”
“As I said, Darlene, tell Daddy to check the boxes in the basement.” I swallowed my revulsion at seeing Mother’s necklace bobbling on Darlene’s incomparable chest as she breathed. Did she know the necklace had belonged to my mother? Did she care?
Heat from the nearby radiator swept over me in waves-the scent of the candles, the ripe aroma of the gorgonzola, Darlene’s heavy perfume. A pounding began in my ears. Any second I would pass out. “Excuse me,” I mumbled. I waved my glass vaguely, then scuttled into the living room where I leaned against a bookcase, breathing deeply, and watched Emily work her magic on Darryl. I thanked my lucky stars that Dante wasn’t there to observe what was going on, although I rather suspected that the jealousy gene was completely missing from Dante’s particular strand of DNA.
Freshly diapered, Chloe lay asleep on a flowered chintz sofa, her little body tucked in by a needlepoint pillow. The music ended; when nobody seemed to care, I moved to change it. I was pawing through a pile of CD’s Darlene had stacked on a nearby end table-many of which I recognized-and was just tipping Mozart’s Greatest Arias into the carrier drawer of the CD player when LouElla materialized at my elbow. From over my shoulder, she studied the plastic jewel case I was holding. “He is alive, isn’t he?”
“That chap.” She pointed with a purple fingernail to a picture of the conductor, resplendent in his tails.
“I should think so,” I said.
“Good.” She pushed a button and we both watched while the CD was sucked inside. “Because I don’t like listening to dead people.”
This place was getting seriously weird. “Excuse me,” I said, desperate to escape. But LouElla followed me into the dining room. While I gulped down some punch, she positioned a shrimp on her plate next to a precarious tower of carrot and celery sticks cross-stacked over a glob of sour cream onion dip like a well-laid camp-fire. “Your father is a handsome man, Hannah. Darlene is a lucky woman.”
“Are you married, LouElla?”
“I was, many, many years ago.” She slid a mushroom cap into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully while staring into the corner of the dining room where my father and Darlene were still pinned by Virginia and Dr. McWaters. “Look at him! Except for the bandage, you’d never know he’d been in an accident, would you?” LouElla laid three well-manicured fingertips on my arm. “Poor man. First your mother, then the accident…”