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“You are bold,” said Theopolou. “I wastold as much. I was also told you ended the life of Berathis.”

Lee’s expression did not change. “I did. Hedied with honor facing me in single combat. His passing weighs heavyon my heart.”

The elves whispered to each other, but Theopolou onlynodded somberly. “If you are concerned for the safety of yourmother, you needn't fear. I gave my word to Linis just before weentered the hall, that we will commit no violence within these walls.It was the only way to keep him out.”

“Why would you want to keep him out?” askedLee.

“That is between Linis and me,” the old elfreplied. “But rest assured he is not far. I can have himsummoned if he is needed.” His eyes fixed on Selena. “Iassume you have brought it with you.”

Selena reached beneath her chair and pulled forth thebox containing the Book of Souls. An audible gasp came from the elvesas the High Lady held it aloft.

“As I promised, it is here,” she said.

“That belongs to the elves,” blurted out ayoung elf sitting at the end of the table.

“Silence,” commanded Theopolou.

The young elf lowered his eyes in obedience. “MayI approach, High Lady?” Theopolou asked.

Selena nodded and he rose to his feet and walked over toher chair. She handed him the box, and Theopolou gently ran hisfingers across the ancient letters.

“It isthe Book of Souls.” He handed the box back to Selena. “Howdid you come by this?”

“It was in my possession,” said Lee. “Iinherited it from my former lord and master, Dauvis Nal’Thain.”

“I see,” Theopolou muttered and returned tohis seat. “The Nal’Thain family is known to me. They werefierce adversaries during the Great War. It is likely that it wasthey who stole the book in the first place.”

“Some may say it was stolen,” said Lee.“Some might call it the spoils of war.”

“Some might,” said Theopolou. “Itmatters little. What concerns my people is what is to become of itnow. We were the keepers of the Book of Souls for generations andbelieve it best left in our care.”

“I don't understand,” said Lee. “Fromwhat I've learned the Book of Souls was written by the Gods. UnlessI'm mistaken, you and your people don't exactly hold the Gods in highregard.”

“You are not mistaken. But we do not believe itwas written by the Gods alone. We believe it was written by the handof the Creator, and then passed into our care. We were charged withits keeping until the time of the ‘coming of the Emancipator’.The Emancipator will free us from the curse that took away ourunderstanding of The All Father. Without the Book of Souls, we willbe forever lost.”

“I understand why you would want it so badly,”said Selena. “But we believe it may hold the key to our ownsalvation, as well.”

“You refer to the power that grows in the north,”said Theopolou. “We are aware of the one you call the DarkKnight, and know that he seeks your destruction, as well as thedestruction of the Gods.”

“And we are aware that he has contacted yourpeople,” said Selena. “And that many believe him to bethe reincarnation of the Demon King Ratsterfel.”

“You know much,” said Theopolou. “Thenyou must also know that we have not agreed to join his cause.”His tone darkened. “At least not yet.”

“A threat?” asked Selena.

“No, High Lady. A fact. There are many who feelthat should Angraal march, we should join them. But we havenot decided to do so. We are still uncertain of his true intentions.”

“I'll tell you what his intentions are,”roared Lee. “He wants to destroy everything and reshape theworld in his own image. If he is not stopped, blood will cover theland.”

Selena placed her hand on Lee's forearm to calm him. “Doyou truly believe that there will be a place for your people in hisnew world?”

“It is that question that has caused much debate.”Theopolou kept his eyes on Selena, ignoring Lee's agitation. “Andalso why it is important that you return the Book to us.”

“If the Book of Souls was in your possession,”said Lee, “what's to stop you from giving it to the Dark One?”

“How dare you!” Theopolou’s age meltedaway, and he looked very much an elf warrior. The other elves jumpedto their feet, shouting curses, but none reached for their weapons.

“It's a fair question,” said Selena calmly.“Should we hand over the Book, what is to say that it will notbe used against us later? It is said that it only can be opened byone who possesses the power of heaven. The Dark Knight has the Swordof Truth. He may be able to use it to open the Book.”

“We would never give it to him.” Theopolousettled back down. “This I swear.”

“Yet it may be taken from you if he knows you haveit,” said Lee. “It was taken once before.”

“It may be taken from you as well,”Theopolou shot back. “From what I have seen of your defensesthat could easily happen.”

“Aside from you, your escort, and a few others,”replied Selena. “None know the location of this temple. Andthough you may not think so, we have the means to defend ourselves.”

“This location is not as secret as you think. Mypeople have known of it since it was first built. It would not bedifficult for the spies of Angraal to find it, if they havenot already done so.”

“You assume the Book would be kept here,”said Selena with a wry smile.

“I assumeyou have summoned me to return it.”

“Let's not play games. You know why I summoned youhere.”

“I saw Kaylia and her young friend,” saidTheopolou. “I told you there is nothing I can do for them. Theyare beyond my reach.”

“We had hoped that you would know a way to openthe Book,” said Selena. “Perhaps within its pages wecould find a way to help them.”

Theopolou shook his head. “I cannot. My family hasbeen the Book’s keeper and guardian, but we have no knowledgeof how to open it or what is truly inside. Even if I knew, Iwouldn't? It is not meant for me, or any but the Emancipator.”

“Perhaps not,” said Lee. “But thethought of handing over a potential weapon to a people who have suchdeep hatred of humans does not sit well with me.”

“I understand,” Theopolou repliedthoughtfully. “As I have given my word, we will not take it byforce. But you must know that once word of this reaches my people,they will not suffer you or anyone else to possess it. They willcome for it.”

“Any attempt to attack this temple will fail,”warned Lee. “And many will die in the attempt.”

“All the more reason for you to return it,”he replied. “I have no desire for bloodshed, but I cannotprevent it from happening. My kin will take back the Book of Souls.Of this I am certain.”

“As the High Lady of Valshara, I will tell youthis.” Selena’s voice was commanding and firm. “Anyattempt to take the Book of Souls by force will fail. You may know ofthe location of this temple, but you do not know its secrets. Evenshould you succeed to breach our walls, you will never find the Book.It will be lost forever.” She slowly rose to her feet. “Ipromise you the moment a single elf steps inside without invitation,will be the last moment the Book of Souls will see the light of thesun. I will cast it where no one will ever find it again.”

“This is getting us nowhere.” Theopolou’sfrustration bled through in his voice. “What will make you seereason?”

The door to the hall flew open, and Sister Wileminia ranstraight to the High Lady and whispered in her ear. Selena's eyeswidened.

“We must resume this later,” Selenaannounced. “Lee, Dina and Lord Theopolou, I need you to comewith me at once.”

“What's happened?” asked Dina.

“Gewey and Kaylia are awake. Sister Wileminia,will you see that Theopolou's companions are fed?”

Wileminia gave a quick nod and Selena rushed out of theroom. Lee, Theopolou, and Dina trailed behind.

Chapter Five

When they arrived at the healing chamber, they found itnearly empty. A healer mixed herbs with a stone pestle in the corner,and Gewey and Kaylia were sitting up in their beds, talking quietly.Their faces lit up when they saw Lee and Dina, but Kaylia'sexpression quickly changed to concern when Theopolou entered.