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“Is that all?” asked Millet.

“One more thing,” Yanti continued. “Shouldhe consider an unwise course, remind him that his wife resides in thecourt of the Reborn King.”

“I will see to it he receives your message,”said Millet. He tossed a couple of coppers on the table and rose tohis feet. “You'll pardon me. I've lost my appetite.”

Yanti smiled and nodded. “It was a pleasure.”

Millet's face was stone as he turned and headed back tothe inn.

Yanti watched him as he disappeared into the distance.He waved for the serving girl to bring more wine. Just then,Salmitaya walked up and took a seat.

“Did it go as you'd hoped?” she asked.

“It went as I expected,” Yanti replied. “AndI expect you will do your part as instructed, my love.”

“You can depend on me, my lord,” shereplied.

“Considering the dangers involved, you seem atease. You aren't thinking about betrayal, are you?” His eyesdarkened.

“I will do exactly as you have told me,” shesaid. “You have no need to worry about my loyalty to you, or mycommitment to our cause.”

“That's good to hear. I would hate to think of yousharing the fate of Lord Starfinder.”

“What fate is that?” she asked.

Yanti flashed an angry look. “You know perfectlywell not to ask these questions.” Salmitaya lowered her eyes.

Chapter Eighteen

Millet struggled not to break out into a dead run. Hisconversation with Yanti unnerved him to the core. All of theirattempts to go unnoticed had failed. It seemed that no matter wherethey went, The Dark One wasn't far behind. In fact, most of the timeit was as if he were ahead of them… waiting.

He hoped to find Jacob waiting for him, but wasdisappointed to find he had not returned. He decided there wasnothing he could do but hope that Lee would contact him soon. Hewaited in the common room, staring at the door, hoping for Jacob'sreturn. If this Yanti fellow was smart (and Millet thought heprobably was), he wouldn't move on Jacob until after he had foundLee. It was clear that he hadn't, or at least he didn't want Milletto know he had, and he couldn't think of why he would do such a thingin view of the message he was to deliver.

The door opened and Millet straightened, hoping to seeJacob. Instead, he saw another familiar face. It was Jansi, long timeservant of Lord Lanson Brimm. Jansi scanned the room until he spottedMillet, then strode over to the table.

Jansi was of medium build and average height, with paleskin, and short cropped gray hair. He wore light green cotton shirtand trousers. Millet noticed how much he had aged since he had lastseen him. He stood up, smiling and embraced the man warmly.

“It is certainly good to see you, Jansi.”

“And you, Millet,” Jansi replied. “ThoughI wish it were on more pleasant circumstances.”

“Then you know what I'm doing in Baltria?”asked Millet, trying to hide his anxiety.

“My Lord filled me in,” he said. “Atleast to the extent I need to know. He wants you to know that LordStarfinder is in Baltria. He and a young woman named Celandine arestaying at his property near the merchant district.”

Millet nodded. He was familiar with the house. “Irequire your help. My presence is known to our enemies. I wasapproached by an agent of Angraal earlier, and they knowwhere and who I am.”

Jansi's eyes widened. “Do they know where LordStarfinder is?” he asked.

“No,” replied Millet. “As least hedidn't seem to. He asked me to give him a message when I found him.”

“Good.” Jansi sighed. “It would not dofor Lord Lanson to get mixed up with those people.”

Millet looked confused. “What people?”

Jansi lowered his voice. “The ones from Angraal.They're everywhere these days-you didn't know?”

Millet shook his head. “I have only just arrivedin the city.”

“I see.” He took a deep breath. He proceededto inform Millet about the faithfuland the ambassador, along with recent events regarding the assaultson the temples.

Millet was dumbfounded. “You must take me to LordStarfinder. But, I must get there without being seen.”

“I have a carriage waiting just outside,”said Jansi. “If you leave through the kitchen you can get to itthrough the alley. I'll meet you there.”

Millet nodded and got to his feet. “I'll be therein a moment.” He watched as Jansi left and made his way to thekitchen. He slipped the innkeeper a gold coin and instructed him totell anyone who asked, that he had gone to his room feeling ill, andto tell Jacob to wait for him there.

He was relieved to find no one at the rear entrance ashe made his way around the back of the inn, then around the sidethrough the alleyway. He could see the carriage. Jansi was in thedriver’s seat and the door was open. Millet raced inside andslammed the door shut.

Jansi expertly navigated the streets until they reachedtheir destination. The sun was sinking over the horizon and Milletlooked out the windows for signs of pursuit. To his great relief onlya few people were about and none seemed to take notice of them. Heslowly crept from the carriage and walked to the front door.

Lee opened the door just as Millet was about to knock.He pulled him inside… Jansi quickly followed.

Lee embraced Millet so tightly he could hardly breathe.“It’s so good to see you, my old friend.”

“It's good to see you too, my lord,” Milletgrunted through the embrace.

Lee released him and walked him to living room. Dinaawaited them on the couch, a cup of wine in her hand, and wearing herwool traveling clothes. When she saw Millet, she sprang from her seatand flung her arms around him.

“I knew you'd make it,” she said.

“Indeed,” said Millet, smiling. “AndI'm pleased your trip was uneventful.”

“We moved too fast to have any adventures.”Dina laughed. “People scarcely knew we had passed.”

Millet's face turned grave. “They know now, I'mafraid.”

“Sit,” said Lee. “We can tell ourtales later. I must know where my son is.”

Millet and the others took their seats, Millet justbeside Lee. Jansi excused himself and went outside to the carriage.

“Your son is safe,” said Millet. “Bynow he's probably back at the inn. But now that I've found you, weshould leave the city immediately.” He recounted theconversation with Yanti.

Lee lowered his head, deep in thought. “I want youto take Jacob to Dantary in the eastern desert,” he saidfinally. “He'll be safe there.”

“That might be a problem, my lord,” repliedMillet. “Why is that?” asked Lee.

Millet took a deep breath before he spoke. “Yourson is a bit… stubborn. I don't think you will be able to talk himinto leaving. He's quite determined to rescue his mother.”

Lee nodded with understanding. He knew what Millet meantby stubborn.

“Then I'll have to convince him. I'm sure he holdsno love for me, but I'll not have him die needlessly.” Lee gotto his feet. “If this Yanti person knows you're here, he mayvery well know where I am. If so, it's likely he's waiting to strikeuntil we're all at the same place at the same time.” He walkedto the window and peered out.

“If that's the case,” said Dina. “Weshould split up and leave the city in different directions.”

Lee shook his head. “I'll not let any of you outof my sight.” There was no hint of compromise in his tone. Hishand slid to the hilt of his sword, his knuckles white.

“If the Dark One thinks I'll bend to his will,then he's a bigger fool than I thought.

And as far as this Yanti…if he's stupid enough to hinder us, I'll make him regret the day hewas born.”

“What about these people that call themselves thefaithful?” asked Millet. “Evenyou cannot fight a hundred men at once.”

“We'll move with speed,” said Lee. “Wewon't give them a chance to do anything about it. It takes time toorganize enough men to stop the likes of me, and if Yanti has thesame intelligence as Harlando, then he'll know what I am.”