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“I will not,” Grentos replied, sternly. Hespun around to face Malstisos. “Do you accept or not?”

Malstisos opened his mouth to answer, but Vadnaltisstepped in front of him.

“I challenge you, brother,” said Vadnaltis.His eyes were full of tears. “Do youaccept?”

“What is this?” Grentos cried. “Youcannot do this.”

“I ask again,” he pressed. “Do youaccept?”

“I…” Grentos stammered. “I… I do.”

The two elves stepped away from the horses and tookopposite positions on the road. Maybell moved close to Malstisos andgrabbed his arm. “What is going on?” she whispered.

Malstisos bowed his head. “A tragedy,” hesaid. “And an act of pure honor.”

The two elves put down their bows and quivers, and eachdrew their long knives. “Why?” asked Grentos. “Whydo you do this?”

“Because I love you too much to see you live indishonor,” he replied. “Should you strike me down, it isunlikely you will be able to defeat Malstisos after, even if he isnot a seeker. And as you well know, the challenge made cannot bewithdrawn.”

“Then I hope I die by your hand, brother.”Grentos charged.

Vadnaltis stepped aside, narrowly avoiding Grentos'initial onslaught. Time and again they traded blows, each unable togain advantage over the other.

Eventually, it was Grentos that drew first blood, as hisblade cut deep into Vadnaltis' left thigh. Blood soaked the elf'sleather trousers as it poured from the wound. Any human would havecollapsed in agony, but Vadnaltis showed no signs of weakening. Hespun around and brought his blade across the right shoulder ofGrentos. Grentos staggered forward but quickly regained his balance.Both elves stepped back for a moment, blood dripping from theirblades.

Grentos felt the wound on his shoulder and smiledsorrowfully. Tears streamed down the face of Vadnaltis.

“Deep enough,” said Grentos looking at theblood on his hand. “You have killed me. I beg you… finishit.” He dropped his weapon and fell to his knees.

Vadnaltis slowly walked over to his comrade and stood infront of him. “I will join you soon enough, brother.” Heplaced his hand on top of Grentos' head and muttered a prayer. “Isend you to the Creator.” With that, he plunged the knifethrough Grentos' heart. The elf gasped, then fell to the ground.

Maybell was weeping uncontrollably. Her thoughts went tothe death of Berathis.

Vadnaltis pulled his knife free and cleaned it on hisshirt. “Malstisos of the Finsoulos Clan.” he said withoutlooking up, “I call you to judgment for crimes against ourpeople.”

Malstisos took a step forward but did not approachVadnaltis. “I am bound to see this woman to safety,” hereplied. “But upon the fulfillment of that duty, I will facejudgment.”

“Then go in peace,” he said. “I wouldperform the rites alone.”

Malstisos bowed low and motioned for Maybell to mounther horse. They urged their mounts on in the direction of town insilence. Once they were a few hundred yards away, Malstisos began toweep. Maybell rode in silence, tears stinging her eyes. They haltedjust before they got to town.

“I know you don't understand what just happened,”said Malstisos, softly.

“I think I do,” Maybell replied. “Atleast part of it. What I don't understand is why Grentos allowedhimself to be killed.”

“He was dead either way,” answeredMalstisos. “The fight would have continued for some time, andGrentos was losing blood. Even if he were victorious, he would havebeen so weak that he could not have challenged me successfully. Hechose to die by his brother’s hand, instead.”

“Seekers and their ways are beyond myunderstanding,” said Maybell. “I could never kill asister… even that devil Salmitaya.”

“Yes,” said Malstisos. “But they weremore than just seekers. They were brothers.”“You don't mean…” she gasped.

Malstisos nodded slowly. “I do. They were brothersby birth.”

“How do you know?” She reeled at thethought.

“He is performing the burial rites alone,”he replied. “That is only done under two circumstances. Ifthere are no others to help… or if it is blood kin, killed by yourown hand.”

“Monstrous,” Maybell cried. “And youintend to let such people judge you?”

“They are mypeople!” he yelled, causing Maybell to recoil. He took a breathand calmed himself. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't expect you tounderstand. Forgive me.”

“There is nothing to forgive,” she assured.“It's just… I can't…”

“I don't expect you to understand all of ourways,” he said. “But know that I am not afraid to facejudgment. In fact, after today, I welcome it. I am tired of thedivision within my people. Perhaps this is the only way that we canheal.” He urged his horse forward.

They spent the rest of the day in utter silence. Maybellpicked up a few supplies, but was in no mood to linger. The onlything she wanted to do was get back to her tent and sleep. On thetrip home she could smell the funeral pyre, somewhere in the forest,and she began to weep once again.

Vadnaltis did not return to the camp, not that Maybellor Malstisos expected him to. When asked, they said that the two wentoff hunting, but when they didn't turn up the next day a search partywent to look for them. After a time, it became clear that they weregone, and the camp divided their belongings, and gave Malstisos apurse with coin matching the value of the gear and possessions.Malstisos promised to give it to them should he see them again.

Something had changed in Malstisos. Maybell could senseit but did not know what it was. As the days passed, the elf becamemore withdrawn, sometime disappearing for hours. When she tried tospeak to him, he would just say that he was fine and only needed tothink. But somehow, this didn't ring true. It was as if his spiritwas broken. She prayed to the Gods that she could help him to heal.

Chapter Twenty

Lee hurriedly packed their gear and helped Dina preparea quick meal of dried meat and fruit. Jacob refused to eat at thesame table and took his meal in the living room. By the time Jansireturned, the party was ready to depart. The sun had been down formore than an hour, and the faint light from the windows of the houseslit the streets. They said farewell to Jansi, and made their way outof the city. The darkness of the streets pleased Lee. The darker thebetter, and he had even planned their exit from Baltria to avoidsections that were lit by lamps.

They wound their way through the streets, Lee leadingthe way and keeping watch for signs that they were being followed. Atfirst, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Then just as theyentered the main avenue leading to the city gates, they noticed asmall group of five people wearing dark cloaks and carrying torches,standing to their right, on the walkway. As they passed the groupfell in behind them.

“The faithful,I presume,” whispered Millet. “What should we do?”“Nothing,” Lee replied. “Do nothing until they makea move.”

As they continued, more began to emerge and follow. Bythe time the gates were in sight, there were nearly thirty behindthem.

“Be ready,” said Lee. “When I give thesignal, we'll make a run for the gate.” A lone figure steppedin front of them, barring their path.

“Move aside,” Lee commanded.

“Peace, Lord Starfinder,” said the figure,in a distinctly feminine voice. She pushed back her hood revealing afamiliar face.

“Salmitaya,” Dina hissed. “I shouldhave known you were behind this rabble.”

“You're wrong,” she replied. “I amjust a servant… and a messenger.”

“Then deliver your message.” Lee gripped thehilt of his sword. “I have no patience for the likes of you.”

Salmitaya smiled, amused. “Very well. Reconsideryour present course. Yanti knows you intend to refuse his offer. Healso assumes you intend to attempt to free your wife. This will fail,and you and your family will die.” She took a step forward.“Yanti begs you to reconsider. You could live in peace andwealth. You need not sacrifice any more than you already have. Hepromises this, and more. You could even return to Hazrah as governor,if you wish. You can go home and have the power to protect yourpeople.”