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Gewey washed and dressed. He wished he had a mirror. Thestream moved too swiftly to see his reflection.

“Gewey,” called a voice a few yards away,just beyond the brush.

Gewey turn to see Linis walking with long strides towardhim. A smile beamed across his face.

“How do I look?” asked Gewey.

Linis examined him carefully then said, “Presentable…all things considered. How do you feel?”

Gewey took a deep breath. “A bit nervous… butexcited.” He took another breath. “Mostly nervous.”

“Just remember what I told you and you will dofine,” Linis reassured. “But if you'd like we can go overthe ceremony again.”

“I'd like that,” admitted Gewey. “Buttell me. Did you speak to your brethren?”

“I did,” he replied, with a flash of anger.“I am not pleased that they let someone through. It will nothappen again.” His smile returned. “I can't wait to seethe look on the elders’ faces.” He began to laugh. “Theirown arrogance has forced them to witness their worst fear.”

“I'm sorry,” said Gewey. “But I don'tthink it's very funny.”

Linis forced back his laughter. “Forgive me, myfriend. I forget myself. This is a joyous occasion, not to be taintedby the petty squabbles between me and the elders.”

As they returned to the camp, Gewey and Linis went overthe ceremony one last time. Upon arrival, Gewey could see that theelders had gathered and all their eyes were on him.

“This should be interesting,” mutteredGewey, as he approached the group. The grim expressions on theirfaces told Gewey that they were none too pleased.

“Gewey Stedding,” said Lord Chiron. “Asyou probably know, we are not in favor of this union.”

“I understa-” Gewey began, but Chironheld up his hand to silence him.

“Allow me to finish,” he continued. “Weare not in favor of this, but there is nothing we can do to stop it.As you know, this is among our most sacred rites, and you and Kayliaare the first in more than one-hundred years to be bonded in thisway. We would not have it done here in the middle of nowhere. We feelthat to be a sacrilege.” All but Theopolou nodded in agreement.“We ask only that you delay this until we reach the Chamber ofthe Maker. It is a more fitting site for such an event.” Hetook a small step forward. “Kaylia has already agreed, but onlyif you do as well. What say you?”

Gewey's eyes drifted to Theopolou, but his face wasstone.

“It may be a wise choice,” Linis whisperedin Gewey's ear.

Finally, Gewey squared his shoulders and said, “Ido understand that this ritual is sacred to you. And if Kaylia is inagreement, then so am I. We can wait until we arrive.”

Chiron bowed. “I thank you.” The othersbowed and dispersed.

“One more thing,” called Gewey. The eldersturned. “We will complete the bonding beforeI face your judgment.”

“Agreed.” Chiron walked away.

Only Theopolou lingered.

“A wise decision,” said Theopolou, almostsmiling. “This could go a long way to furthering your cause.The rite of bonding, performed in the Chamber of the Maker, issymbolic beyond your understanding.”

“Who suggested this?” asked Linis.

“Lord Chiron,” Theopolou replied. “Hecould be an important ally to you. He has been a friend to me formany of your lifetimes.”

“And the others?” asked Gewey. “How dothey feel about this?”

“Their opinions are mixed,” Theopolouadmitted. “Though they all agree that the rite should beperformed in a more appropriate location, they still have a difficulttime with the fact that a “human” is to be bonded to anelf. They may try to convince you not to do this, though they cannotstop you… or Kaylia.”

“They can try all they want,” said Gewey.“The choice has been made.”

“Do not underestimate their guile,”Theopolou warned. “They have far more experience bending thewill of others than you. Their arguments will be… persuasive.”

Gewey nodded with understanding.

Bellisia approached. “Gewey Stedding. I wouldspeak with you alone.” Theopolou and Linis bowed to her andwalked away, out of earshot.

“If you are here to talk me out of completing thebond with Kaylia-” started Gewey.

“I am here to warn you,” said Bellisia.

“Warn me?”

“I know that you intend to try and sway the elvesto join you in your fight against Angraal,” she said.“And you may accomplish your goal. But should you bond withKaylia-”

“Stop right there,” said Gewey angrily. “Myrelationship with Kaylia has nothing to do with Angraal, ormy reasons for being here.”

“You think not?” she shot back. “Doyou think the powers in the north are fools? What will they do oncethey find out they you are bonded to an elf woman?” She paused.“They will kill her.”

Gewey opened his mouth to speak but no words came.

“That's right,” she continued. “Theywill hunt Kaylia down and kill her. And they will do it to kill you.”

A cold chill filled Gewey's chest. “Why would youthink they would care about me?”

Bellisia sniffed. “You think we do not know thatthe King of Angraal is searching for you? Every elf tribeknows your name. We have all been made aware that he seeks you, andhave been made offers of friendship for your deliverance…ordeath.”

“Theopolou hasn't said anything about this,”said Gewey. “He would have told me.”

“Theopolou,” she scoffed. “You thinkTheopolou is your friend? He is no more a friend to you than I am.But at least I am not trying to make you think otherwise. Theopolouhas no love for humans. He is motivated by his love for his niece.Make no mistake, if he had his way, he would break your bond toKaylia and see you dead. “

“I don't believe you,” said Gewey. “Itwas his idea that we complete the bonding. Why would he do that ifwhat you say is true?”

“His idea?” she laughed. “And whosuggested that you wait until we get to the Chamber of the Maker?Theopolou's closest friend… Lord Chiron.”

“That doesn't prove a thing,” said Gewey.“You're just trying to confuse me.”

“No,” said Bellisia. “I am trying toclear your mind.” She glanced over to Theopolou.

Kaylia was at his side, talking quietly. “He willnot allow you to complete the bond. He thinks there is a way to breakit. He is wrong, of course. But his love for his niece blinds him.”She turned back to Gewey. “That your spirit was able to combinewith Kaylia's has caused much doubt among the elders. Enough that youmight be able to convince them to side with you against Angraal.But you will not get the chance.”

“What do you mean?” asked Gewey. “I'msupposed to prove that I'm not a threat to your people.”

“Yes. And you intend to use that as an opportunityto plead your case. But I assure you, it will not happen. You will bedead before you utter your first word inside the Chamber.”

“Are you saying Theopolou plans to have mekilled?” he cried.

“No,” said Bellisia. “I am saying thatTheopolou will stop you from completing the bond. But have youforgotten the assassin? Someone sent him. Perhaps someone among us.Whether it was Theopolou, I cannot say, but he certainly has themotivation to do so.”

“And what are your motivations?” askedGewey.

“I only want my people to be safe and free,”she replied. “You are a being of great power. That much isclear, even if I don't know what you truly are. If killing youprotects my people, then I would not hesitate. But I do not thinkthat would do any good. And I do not believe that Angraalwill leave us in peace. You may be the only way we can escapedestruction.”

“Then why not join me?” asked Gewey.

Her eyes locked with Gewey's. “Because I am notwilling to sacrifice our souls in order to survive. Whatever you are,your heart is human. To join you is to join them. That I cannot do.”

“What would you have me do?” asked Gewey.“You said it yourself. Angraal will not leave you inpeace. The Dark One will march over the land like a plague, and bothour peoples will suffer. Our only hope is to cooperate, even if it'sonly for a little while.”