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I stare in astonishment at the... cinder block I’m holding in my hand.

My gaze moves to Flynn, and I must have the most confused look on my face because he takes the brick from me with a laugh. “That was just to weigh it down. Keep digging.”

Giving a frustrated grunt, I dive back in and start throwing out armfuls of peanuts. “You’re cleaning this mess up, Flynn... just so you know.”

He chuckles and I hear him say, “Gladly. It’s so worth it to be able to stare at your ass while you’re bent over that box.”

“Perv,” I mutter but I smile.

After a few more moments, my fingers brush against something and I pull on it. Standing up, I’m holding an envelope. Just a plain, white envelope with nothing on it. I sneak a brief look at Flynn and he’s watching me intently. I slip my finger under the edge of the flap and tear it open. I pull out a piece of folded paper and open it carefully.

It appears to have several handwritten messages on the inside and one message that appears to be taped to the paper.

I look at Flynn one more time. He actually sits down on the couch and props an ankle on his knee, draping his arm across the back. He watches me like a hawk and I have a feeling he’s trying to gauge my reaction.

I start reading. The first note says...


Awaiting for you tomorrow at JFK is a round-trip ticket in the name of Anne Marie Cleeden to St. John. You only need your driver’s license and your birth certificate to fly to the US Virgin Islands, both of which you have. The ticket has already been paid for and it cannot be refunded. If you choose not to use it to come to the wedding, you can use it to fly anywhere else for up to one year, so it is yours to do with what you wish. You also have a room booked for you in St. John that is paid for as well. And before you get mad at me, please know that I did not buy this for you myself. I had a little help. Read on.



My heart starts beating madly and I’m pissed, but I’m also incredibly humbled by this gesture. I read the messages and they are from all the people who chipped in to buy the ticket and pay for my room.

Nix writes that if I don’t come, he will be forced to fire me so he had no choice but to chip in. That actually makes me laugh out loud. Emily writes that she would be devastated not to have me there, which I think is a little over the top, but then she presses her point and tells me the wedding photos will be ruined as there will be too many male guests in the photos. I can’t help but snort because that is brilliantly manipulative.

Nora writes the most, telling me how much she wants me to be there, not only for Nix and Em, but also for Flynn, so he won’t be odd-man out. She tells me how much she adores me and she knows that I won’t let her down. And oh, shit, does that put the pressure on. Nick just wrote a brief, “Please come. We’d love to have you.”

And at the bottom, I even notice there is a printout of a text message from Renner that has been taped there. It says, “We haven’t met but I’m dying to do so, and what better way than to hook up in the tropics. Please come and I’ll tell you lots of juicy secrets about Flynn”. That one also makes me laugh.

I fold the letter back up and return it to the envelope. Walking up to Flynn, I look down at him. “I’m mad at you.”

“Why me? I didn’t pay for it by myself.”

“Yeah, but you orchestrated it.”

He gives me a sly grin. “Got me. Please say you’ll come.”

Holding my hand out to him, he takes it and I tug so he’ll stand up. I stand on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck. Putting my nose into his chest, I breathe in, and then I squeeze him in a tight hug.

Flynn squeezes me back and rests his chin on my head.

“Yes, I’ll come with you... you big bully.”

Pulling back, Flynn brings his hand up and caresses my cheek. “Thank you.”

Before I can say anything, Flynn leans down and gives me a soft kiss on my lips. My mouth willingly opens and I press back, sliding my tongue in briefly. I can feel Flynn jerk with surprise and he pulls back, his eyes searching mine.

“I’m ready, Flynn. I want more.”

His eyes flash hot and his lips turn up sensually. He takes a deep breath and says, “I can’t believe I’m getting ready to say this, but maybe we shouldn’t. Maybe we should take our time.”

Yeah, that’s not going to work for me. I’ve waffled on this issue for far too long, and caused Flynn untold grief and frustration over my indecision. He’s not going to wait a minute more, and neither am I.

Reaching my hand out, I press my palm to the front of his jeans, feeling him grow amazingly hard beneath me. I squeeze him gently and he sucks his breath in harshly, growing harder yet beneath my hand.

“We’re not waiting,” I tell him.


She doesn’t want to wait and I release my breath in a rush.

Her touch is everything I thought it would be.

And so much more.

It’s soft but confident, and I bet she could make me come just stroking me through my jeans. But I’m not about to let that happen.

I reach down and grab her hand, pushing it behind her back and pinning it there. With just a tug, I pull her forward so her body is pressed into me. Both of our free hands hang loose by our sides and we just stare at each other. I take in her gray eyes, which are bathed in the soft glow of colored lights and looking at me with that openness that I’ve come to appreciate about Rowan. I let my eyes travel, taking in her cheekbones... the slope of her nose... how her bottom lip is just slightly fuller than her top. I roam my eyes all over her face, memorizing it so when I close my eyes to sleep, I can appreciate the details.

Leaning down, I brush my lips lightly back and forth against hers. She sighs into me... a sound that is so peaceful... so content, that I’m all of a sudden nervous over the power I may hold.

I hold Rowan’s body in my hands, but more importantly, I hold her heart. She’s guarded it fiercely and now she’s opened the door to it and invited me in. The responsibility is huge and while I have no clue what the future holds for us, I know I’ll never intentionally hurt her. Not the way her parents did.

I push these thoughts aside because I don’t want to talk myself out of sinking into Rowan tonight. I know that may be selfish of me, but Rowan gave me the go ahead and I’m not stopping unless she tells me to.

Moving my lips, I feather them over her temple, down her cheek. I softly graze over her ear, and then move down her neck. Soft, light, warm kisses. Mostly just my lips, sometimes a little lick of tongue. Her skin is so soft, I could run my lips across it for hours and never tire.

With every touch she shivers, or squirms, or flexes her hips into mine.

She’s growing restless from my lazy touches and brings her hand up to wrap around my neck. She tries to urge me on, but I’m not having any of it. She’s made me wait, for what seems like an eternity, and for all I know she could spook and run tomorrow. But for tonight... she’s mine and this will be done on my timetable.

When I whisper my lips back over her mouth, I gently run my tongue along her bottom lip before moving toward her jaw. Rowan grips me by the hair and demands, “Kiss me, Flynn.”

“I am,” I tell her as I nibble along her skin.

“No,” she says with a moan laced in frustration. “Not like that.”

“Oh... you mean like this?” I move back to her neck, and just slide my lips along its silky slope. She shivers but shakes her head.

“Then how?” I ask.

“My mouth... hard... please.”