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Brady leaned forward, pressing against her harder, and kissed the same trail he had made with his hand. She whimpered, trying to keep from squirming at his slow progression. His grip on her waist tightened as he kissed across her breast and down her stomach. She could hardly keep her eyes open, but she had to watch him as he knelt before her.

She would never forget the day she brought a Senator to his knees. She couldn’t keep the smirk off her face at the thought.

“What’s that look for?” he asked, his eyes meeting hers. She tried not to look too devious. He immediately stood, and she bit down on her lip, looking up at him, refusing to break his rule. “You can answer,” he told her.

“I was thinking about bringing a Senator to his knees,” she said, her voice throaty and hoarse, trying to keep her desire in check long enough to speak.

“You think I’m the only one who will be on their knees?” he asked pointedly. She knew she would do just about anything for him if he continued. Brady moved forward and kissed her lips. She sighed into him, and he pushed her hands over her head. Breaking away from her, leaving her wanting more, he asked, “If I asked you to get on your knees right now, would you?”

Liz nodded without hesitation. She would do anything he asked in that moment.

“Good,” he said, pleased. His hands found her waist again, gripping her securely and possessively. She never wanted him to let go.

Sliding his grip down across her butt and grabbing her thighs, Brady hoisted her legs up and around his waist. She immediately circled her arms around his neck and brought herself closer to him. He nipped at her bottom lip, causing her to writhe against him. What a tease!

He chuckled at her enthusiasm and managed to still her hips from their enticing motion as he carried her across the room. She could feel him digging his hands into the soft flesh on the backs of her thighs, holding her in place. She didn’t know why, but that was making her even hotter than his teasing antics.

She hadn’t gotten a glimpse of the room, as Brady had never flicked on the lights, but she could grasp that it was massive. He kicked open a partially closed double door that led to a master suite, and tossed her backward onto the king-sized bed. She lay sprawled across the comforter, her dress hiked up and one sleeve falling off her shoulder, but she didn’t readjust. She could tell he was enjoying the view.

Her eyes followed him as he slid out of his jacket, then slowly unbuttoned each button on his stark white dress shirt. He shrugged the thing off of his shoulders and tossed it on the empty desk. His white undershirt came off next, and she marveled at him as he revealed the incredibly toned six-pack lying beneath. Why he would ever cover that up was beyond Liz’s comprehension. She wanted to run her hands across it and lick her way down. He even had those gorgeous sexy lines that led right to where he was popping the button on his pants.

The zipper fell to the bottom, and her intake of breath was more than evident as his pants fell off his hips to pool at his feet. The erection beneath his boxer briefs was bulging, and she wanted nothing more than to take him right then and there.

He crawled across the bed toward her, and she suddenly realized how clothed she was in comparison. “Don’t,” he said immediately as she tried to shimmy out of her dress. She stilled her hands and waited impatiently. “I want to do it.”

He reached out and grabbed her foot, yanking her flat against the bed and bunching her dress up around her waist in the process. She felt exposed in her cream thong, but the way he was looking at her made her forget all her worries. He was clearly enjoying her athletic build.

Brady’s hands deftly found the side zipper and pulled it down to her hip. Sliding his hands up her sides, he pulled the dress over her head. As he tossed the dress to the ground, his eyes roamed her body. Liz met his eyes when they found hers, not breaking away despite the intensity of his stare. Her mind was lost in the depths of those dark eyes.

He didn’t make a move for a while and she was growing antsy for his touch once more. How had she already gotten so desperate for him? Only a week ago, she had been standing in a sea of reporters while he announced his bid to run. Now she was lying under his heated gaze, nearly naked. She wasn’t embarrassed or mortified by her actions. She would leave that for another day. Right now, all she wanted was Brady, however she could have him.

Liz licked her lips teasingly when his eyes shifted down to her mouth. “Are you going to kiss me?” she murmured.


She smiled as he leaned down and brushed his lips against each cheek, her nose, her chin. She tried to angle her face so she could touch his lips, but he was totally in control. Moving farther down, his mouth traveled along her throat, leaving light kisses on her collarbone. His hands moved underneath her body, flicking the clasp of her bra and easing her out of it.

“Mmm,” he groaned when her breasts were in full view. She knew she had a nice rack, and she couldn’t deny it gave her satisfaction to see how much he appreciated them.

Brady’s hands were on her breasts in a moment, massaging them until her nipples were hard. He pulled one into his mouth, circling his tongue around it until she writhed, then moved to the next one, showing it the same attention. She wound her fingers into his dark hair and tugged, never wanting him to stop.

His thumb replaced his mouth, stroking the peak to keep her heated as he traveled farther south down her flat stomach to the edge of her thong. He released her aching breast so he could hook his thumbs under the material and yank it off in one swift motion, leaving her completely nude beneath him.

Normally she would have felt self-conscious. No one usually assessed her body quite so thoroughly, but he seemed to be drinking in every single inch of her, admiring every curve, letting his tongue touch every ounce of flesh he could. And something about the way he looked at her dissolved all nervousness she might have had.

Brady was admiring her as if she were an angel fit for the heavens, and the way he was touching her made her feel like she had tasted ambrosia itself.

His hand came up and ran along her inner thigh and down between her legs. Liz groaned as he slipped one finger in and out of her.

“God, you’re wet,” he growled. He was clearly restraining himself.

“Brady,” she moaned, her grip tightening in his hair. He looked up at her and landed another kiss on her stomach. “All I can think about is you fucking my brains out.”

“Fuck,” he said, gripping her inner thigh. His breath came out ragged for a second before he moved off the bed, dropped his boxers to the floor, slid on a condom, and moved over her.

Liz had less than a second of forethought before he entered her. She cried out at the hardness of his dick pushing farther into her, filling her completely.

“You feel so fucking amazing,” he said into her ear when he was all the way in. Liz couldn’t even manage a coherent sentence. Nothing had ever felt this good, and she was sure nothing else ever would. Her body throbbed all over, and she was aching for a climax.

She didn’t even want to think about how long it had been since she’d last had sex. It wouldn’t have changed how right it felt to be with him. She had always thought that the first time with someone new was awkward, but apparently Brady wasn’t awkward with anything.

He began moving inside of her at an uneven pace—pulling out slowly and then slamming fast into her, causing her to whimper in pleasure each time. He kept up the pace until she felt her body tightening so hard she was close to convulsions. His breathing was rough as he pushed into her faster, reaching for an even deeper position.