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"Oh, I just decided I needed a change.” It was a lame excuse and Scotty wouldn't be fooled by it for a minute.

"You, um, you don't seem to be wearing any, er, pants."

She cradled her head in one hand, and stared at the blotter. The other remained in her lap, as ordered, lightly stroking her pussy, though it was driving her crazy. She just knew Jack was watching her. “No, Scotty, I'm not."

"But, why?"

Before she could answer, the office door opened and Jack walked through. “Scotty!” he said with false cheer. “Just the man I've been wanting to see. Come in!"

Scotty walked by the desk, his face a mask of confusion. As he passed by, she knew he could see the naked roundness of her hip, the way her hand disappeared under the desk.

Jack turned to El. “Carry on,” he said. They both disappeared into the office. She pushed her right hand farther into her wet pussy and let her tears of shame flow.


Jack brought Scotty into his office and guided him to a chair. He sat down across from him.

"What the hell is going on around here? I've never seen Sanchez acting so weird. And why isn't she in her office? What's with that outfit?” The questions spilled out of him.

"It's a long story, one that I can't tell you because of a confidentiality agreement. But I can tell you that Ellen, whom I'm now calling ‘El', has agreed to help us incentivize the plant."

Scotty's expression made it clear that Jack's explanation meant nothing to him. “Incentivize? What are you talking about?"

Jack gave careful thought to what he was about to say. He knew Scotty had been divorced for ten years and didn't have a girlfriend at the moment. Not surprising because he was rather set in his ways. He liked to smoke cigars, so his clothes reeked all the time. He shaved only about every third day. He seemed to enjoy his new-found bachelor life. But Jack suspected he might be interested in some free pussy. His team might like it as well.

"As you know, we've been pitting the day shift against the night shift for years, trying to get you guys to outdo each other, with limited success. I guess it's hard to get up the energy to outdo Tom's team when all that's at stake are sets of steak knives or frozen turkeys. So I've come up with a plan to really make for an interesting contest."

Scotty seemed puzzled. “Yeah?"

"Yes, and that's where El comes in. She's agreed to be the prize for which team has the best productivity at the end of the quarter. That's just six weeks away."

Scotty shook his head. “Prize? What do you mean, prize?"

Jack leaned forward. “Perhaps you'd like to see for yourself.” He reached over the desk and hit the intercom. “El?"

The strained voice came back. “Yes, sir?"

"Could you come in for a minute?"

There was a momentary silence. Then: “You mean, right now?” The voice almost sounded panicked. Scotty just stared at Jack.

"Yes, right now."

"Y-yes, sir.” The intercom clicked off.

Scotty turned toward the door, watching with rapt attention. In a few seconds, the door cracked open and El came in, one hand attached to her privates. She stopped just inside the door, unsure what to do.

Jack said nothing, he just stared at her. Finally, she whimpered deep in her throat, closed the door behind her, and pulled her top off over her head. Now naked, she approached the two men, shoulders slumped. She knelt in front of Jack and asked: “How may I serve you, master?” Her face was scarlet.

Scotty's eyes bulged out. “Ellen? What's going on? Will somebody tell me what's going on?"

"Like I said, these are positive changes that have been arrived at by mutual consent. El here has agreed to help out the company in any way she can and this is one of the ways."

He turned to Jack. “But she's… she's naked!"

"Yes, that's part of the incentive program. Wouldn't your team like to share in her delights? All you have to do is beat Tom's team."

"But she's married!"

"Yes that's true. That's not going to be a problem, is it, El?"

El shook her head, her face down, her hair partially covering her features. Jack stood up. “Now, I'm going to leave you two alone for a while, Scotty. She wants to show you just what is at stake. And she'll do the same for Tom, so both of you will have a clear understanding of the contest."

He walked to the door and left, closing it softly behind him.


El's embarrassment burned like a brand on her skin. At the same time, her body betrayed her by producing more fluid along her slit. She could feel her labia engorge, her heat rise. She waited until the door closed, then she lifted her head and looked at Scotty.

"I-I know this is a shock, Scotty."

He stared at her body, his eyes roaming up and down until she felt she'd already been violated, and yet, she felt her desire grow.

"Come on, Ellen. You can tell me. What the hell is going on? This isn't like you! What's Jack done to you?"

"N-nothing. I mean, I really can't explain. It's a secret. But he's right in that I've got a new job now and it's to help this company really grow.”What have I gotten myself into?

She put her hand on Scotty's arm. “You know, you can, um, do what you want with me. That's why I'm here now."

Scotty looked around suspiciously. “Is there a camera here? Am I being set up?"

"No, nothing like that.” For a moment, El hoped the camera in the vent had been turned off. “It's just as I've said. I'm yours if you want. All I ask is that you wear a condom."

"You really want me to… you know…"

She looked up at him. “Only if you want to."

He reached down and tentatively touched her breast. “I don't know what's going on here. I think you both have lost your minds. But if this is on the level, I'm not going to pass it up.” He leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. El could smell cigar smoke and bad breath, but she didn't say anything.

"There're condoms in the center desk drawer,” she said. “You want me on the desk or the couch?"

"Jack's desk? Nah, that'd be too creepy. Let's use the couch.” El went over and lay down on her back, allowing her legs to splay apart. Scotty found the condoms and held one up to show her as he walked over. He unbuckled his pants, his eyes never leaving her bare cunt.

"You can kiss it, if you want,” she said, watching him.

He ducked his head sheepishly. “Ahh, no, I'd better not. I wouldn't know what I was doing."

"You never did that with your wife, back when you were married?"

"Naah. She thought sex was, you know, dirty."

No wonder they got divorced, El thought to herself. “Well, it's not. If you want to try it, I'd help you.” She decided not to tell him their boss had recently come inside her.

"Really?” He looked like a schoolboy, told he could kiss a girl at the dance.

"Sure. There's nothing to it. Just lick it, right in the folds of skin."

He paused, his face a foot away from her smooth pussy. “I'd never imagine that our CFO would be encouraging me to do all this,” he said, half to himself.

"Ex-CFO. I know it's a hard adjustment. After all, it's my first day in my new job, too. It'll take some getting used to."

Scotty stretched his tongue out and flicked at her slit. El shivered. Being naked, exposed, and used by men she hardly had spoken to in the hallways really affected her in ways she'd never imagined. He licked her again and she felt her cunt respond, opening up to him.

She closed her eyes and let the sensations take her. Scotty kept licking, sometimes with the flat of his tongue and sometimes just with the tip. Her clit, she could tell, had poked out and was begging for some attention.

"Lick the top,” she breathed. “Come from underneath or it'll be too tender."

She felt Scotty follow her instructions and it was delightful. She began to breathe shallowly. She could sense an orgasm approaching. El wondered if Scotty would be patient enough to let her have one.