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He didn't seem to be in a hurry. He kept licking and teasing her until she knew it was close. She'd never felt so sexually alive before. He licked her again, flicking her clit and she came in a sudden rush, grabbing his head and holding it close.

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!” She didn't care who heard.

When she finally eased down from her climax, she realized she was still holding Scotty's face close against her sopping wet pussy. She released him and he let out a breath.

"Whew! I thought I was about to be suffocated!” he joked. She looked down to see his face smeared with her juices. Then she looked further down and spotted his hard cock thrusting out from between his shirttails.

"Looks like you've got a problem that I can solve,” she cooed. She opened her arms to him. He crawled up on her, his cock just inches away from her wetness. “Condom,” she reminded him. He nodded and slipped it on.

Now she could relax. She felt his thin cock slide into her. He tried to kiss her, but she just turned her head aside. He seemed to get the message. He pounded away energetically for a few minutes, then came in a rush. El could feel his cock twitch inside her. She didn't have a second orgasm, but that was all right, as long as Scotty was happy.

She whispered in his ear after his breathing slowed: “Now do you understand what's at stake if your team beats Tom's?” She could feel him nod. He climbed off her. He pulled his pants up and gave her a mock salute, then left by the door to her office. Jack came in a moment later.

He saw her sprawled out on the couch, naked and sweaty, still flush from her orgasm. “I take it things went well,” he said dryly.

"Yes, sir. Scotty seemed ‘incentivized,’ I'd say."

"Good. Tom's shift starts at four, so I'll have him stop by then. You might as well get cleaned up and report back to your desk."

For the second time that day, she found herself cleaning up in Jack's bathroom. When she emerged, Jack was sitting at his desk, working on some papers. He ignored her until she began putting on her clothes by the door. She had just pulled up her skirt when Jack caught her eye.

"Remember what I told you?"

She blushed. “Sorry, sir.” She let the skirt drop then went through the door-closing it softly behind her!-and found her seat. Her embarrassment wasn't as acute now; she hardly glanced at the glass door to see if anyone was passing. Perhaps she was getting used to it.

El scooted the chair close and wiggled her ass on the cool leather seat. She spread her legs and imagined Jack was looking at her “desk cam” at right now. Her hand drifted to her pussy and she stroked herself softly. She wondered if Bill would ask her how her day had gone and what she'd tell him.

"Oh, it was great, hon, I got fucked by a client, my boss and two shop foremen! And I blew the delivery boy! How was your day?"

Gloria stopped by about a half-hour later. She had more questions about El's new job. She was such a nosy bitch! El tried to keep as much of the desk between them as possible, but it was hopeless. When Gloria caught sight of El's nakedness from the waist down, and her hand disappearing under the desk, she gasped.

"You're naked, you slut! How dare you! Does Jack know about this?"

El's heart began to pound. “Yes, he does."

"But, why?"

"I just decided I wanted to be Ja-Mr. Sawyer's secretary, that's all. And what I wear is between me and him."

Gloria wouldn't give up. “You can't dress like that here!"

"He… said it was all right."

Gloria turned and marched into Jack's office. El wondered if she was supposed to be the gatekeeper and check with her boss before admitting anyone. But Jack hadn't told her to, so she let Gloria barge in. She tried to hear their voices, but it was hard to make out through the closed door. She could only hear Gloria's insistent voice and Jack's calm responses.

In a few minutes, it grew quiet. Her intercom buzzed. Sighing, El wondered if she would be forced to make Gloria come as well. She'd never eaten out a woman before. Would Gloria be the first? She stood and went to the door, one hand on her cunt, as required. She opened it and stepped through. She was surprised to find Gloria had already left by the main door. She stripped off her top and came to Jack's desk, then kneeled.

"Was Gloria angry, sir?"

He glanced over to her. “Is that the way you're supposed to announce your arrival?"

"No, I'm sorry, sir. How may I be of service, Master?"

Jack looked up from his work. “To answer your question, yes, Gloria is upset. She doesn't seem to be interested in my explanations. She could prove troublesome.

"But that's not why I called you in. Scotty called, said none of the men believe him about the new incentive program, so I'd like you to get dressed and go down there and let them know it's legitimate.” He looked pointedly at her. “You don't have to fuck anybody, just let them know you'll be available when the time comes."

El felt relieved to be able to put on her skirt again. She dressed quickly, afraid Jack might change his mind. Then she was out the door and into the corridor. She went downstairs to the plant floor and sought out Scotty. Her presence-and the way she was dressed-drew attention almost immediately. She heard wolf whistles as she walked around.

"Anyone seen Scotty?"

The comments and questions flew back at her. “What's going on, Ellen?"

"Why're ya dressed like that?"

"Is it true what Scotty says?"

She stopped at the last question and faced the man. He was a sallow-faced, heavyset middle-aged man, name of Richards. For some reason, El suddenly pictured him on top of her, grunting his way to a climax. “Yes, it's true,” she told him matter-of-factly. “If this shift beats Tom's shift, you guys get to spend some time with me."

"Spend some time? What's that mean?"

She leaned in close to his ear, her embarrassment rising anew. “You guys can all… have sex with me."

Richards took a step back in shock. “You're joking!"

Two others rushed up."What's this? What's happening?"

Richards explained. The others didn't believe him. They turned to El. “Come on! This has got to be a joke! We aren't allowed to do that!"

El assured them it was true. She kept an eye out for Scotty, knowing he'd back her up.

"Come on, if it's true, show us what we'd get!” one of the men said.

She turned to them. Her face felt hot. She knew she was blushing again. El looked around and saw she was too exposed here, so she pointed to the tool shop, then headed that way. The three men followed her, and soon were joined by several others, like a pack of rabid dogs.

Scotty was in the tool shop, talking to another man. He looked up over the top of the dutch door and smiled when he spotted El. “Well, lookie who's stopped by. I told you guys."

"They don't believe me, either, Scotty. Mr. Sawyer said I should convince them it's for real."

He opened the half-door for her. “Well, you'd better come in here, or you'll get mobbed.” The other man just stared at her, as if he wasn't sure if she should be allowed to invade his tiny shop. Scotty closed the half door behind her, keeping her safe from the other men.

El turned around the faced the men crowded around the door. Slyly, she raised her top until her breasts came into view, then quickly dropped it. The men hooted and whistled.

"Come on, show us the rest!"

El shook her head in mock resignation and reached down to the hem of her skirt. Then she raised it up to expose her naked pussy and pushed it down again.

"I didn't see! I didn't see!” someone shouted from the back.

"Last time,” she warned, and flashed them again. The group went wild.

"Now the ass! Show us!"

El turned around and let them see her well-marked ass. The crowd grew quiet when stripes from Jack's belt came into view.