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"Goll-lee! Wudja look at that!"

"She's been whipped. Musta done som'tin bad!"

El smoothed down her skirt, her face flush with embarrassment. She just wanted to return to the safety of her office. Scotty helped her get out through the crowd. Behind her, she could hear, “No way Tom's boys are going to beat us!” She smiled to herself, knowing Jack would be pleased.

When she returned, she buzzed Jack to let him know. Then, without being asked, she removed her skirt and dropped it onto the desk. She sat, bringing her right hand back to her pussy. She was rather sore now. She had to fuck Tom in an hour, and she hoped he would be the last today.

She didn't know how she was going to survive two years of this. Her emotions were all mixed up. On one hand, she had the most powerful orgasm she'd ever had when being fucked by Bob, but on the other hand, the embarrassment she had to endure was taking its toll on her. In a very short time, all pretense that El had been a woman of substance and value would be gone, and everyone would treat her like the whore she'd become.


El got out of the limo and walked tiredly to her front door. Raphael, the driver, waved as he pulled away. Following Jack's orders, she had given him a blowjob to thank him for the ride and now her mouth tasted bitter. She wanted to shower and have a drink.

Bill opened the door before she could reach the doorknob and stepped aside, a concerned look on his face. “Ellen? Are you all right?"

"I'm fine,” she said. The last thing she wanted right now was to try to explain her behavior to her husband.

But Bill wouldn't let it go. “I've been worried about you-that you've been reassigned, the way you dressed today. What's going on?"

"Did you get a job?” El tried to short-circuit the conversation.

"No. It's only been one day, Ellen."

Her temper flared. “I can't support you any more, Bill. You have to make enough to pay half the expenses! Take anything! Don't let your pride ruin everything."

"I don't understand why you're still working there! If they caught you stealing, why haven't you been fired? Or arrested? Tell me what your situation is, dammit!"

El sighed. She knew she'd have to tell him eventually. Right now she was just too tired. “Let me take a shower, then fix me a drink and I'll try to fill you in."

As she headed toward the bathroom, an image flicked through her head: Bill, after being told the whole sad story, crouching between her bare thighs, carefully shaving her pussy for Jack. She shook her head, ridding her mind of the thought.

She took a long, hot shower. When she washed her sensitive pussy and ass, she was reminded of her long day. She might've made the wrong choice. Being disgraced and jailed could well be preferable to this.

After drying off, she wrapped herself in a thick terrycloth robe and came out to the living room. Bill was waiting there with a scotch on the rocks, her favorite drink.

She took a sip, then sat on the couch. Bill hovered expectantly nearby.

"First of all,” she began, trying to set some ground rules, “you should know that this was all my decision. No one forced me to do anything.” She took another sip and began her story from the beginning. She had told him yesterday (was it just yesterday?) that Jack had caught her stealing and she'd been reassigned, but she hadn't provided any details.

Now she told him she was being used to entertain clients and workers, without going into a lot of detail about her humiliating treatment at the plant. Bill sat there, his mouth ajar, his eyes wide. He seemed too shocked to be angry at first, but then his mood darkened.

"That bastard! He can't get away with this! That's extortion!"

She put a hand on his arm. “You can't, Bill. You can't do anything rash. Promise me."

"You don't have to do this, El,” he said, using his nickname for Ellen that had now been corrupted by Jack. “We can move away, start fresh somewhere else."

"No. You haven't been listening. I have to pay him back or he'll call the cops. If I run, they'll track me down and I'll be arrested and my life ruined. No one would hire a CPA who's been convicted of embezzling! This is the only way out, don't you see?"

Bill shook his head. “No, I don't see. There must be another way."

Her anger flared anew. “You could get a fucking job!"

Bill turned away, hurt “I'm going to, I promise. Tomorrow."

She softened a little then. “Good. Otherwise, we won't make it."

Bill's head swiveled around. “Is he paying you?"

El hung her head. She told him of the arrangement she had with Jack and that she hoped to be able to pay him back within a couple of years.

"A couple of years? That's impossible! I'm not going to stand by while my wife becomes the sex slave to a maniacal businessman."

"Yes you will. You'll do nothing to disturb our arrangement. You can help me or you can divorce me. Those are your choices."

Bill sat back, stunned. El could read his face: He felt guilty for being out of work for so long. He probably had suspected El was bringing home too much money, but he'd never asked her about it.

"Well, what's it going to be? Are you in or are you out?"

Bill locked his eyes on hers. “When I married you, I promised to stick by you in sickness and in health, good days and bad,” he began. Ellen's heart lept with joy. He was going to help her. “But those same vows said something about being true to each other, forsaking all others, right? If you think I'm going to be able to sit by while you get fucked by strangers, you're mistaken. I don't care if you did steal money to help us."

El opened her mouth in shock. The joy she briefly felt vanished along with her remaining dignity. Then she became angry. She had gotten into this situation because of him and now he was getting ‘holier than thou’ on her?

"You bastard. You lazy bastard! You think I like this? You think I get off on this? I'm doing this for us, don't you see? I found a way out of an impossible situation and all you can do is sit there and act pious?"

Bill shook his head. “You're not doing this for us. You're doing this to save your career. My career will get started again. I haven't stolen anything-or fucked anyone. Above all, you didn't talk to me about this before you started spreading your legs!"

He stood up. “You can fuck Jack and anyone he chooses, but if you think I'm going to play cuckold, you're out of your mind.” He stalked out of the room.

El sat there, unable to think clearly. She was still angry with him for getting her into this mess, but she had to admit, he was right: she had made the decision unilaterally. She told him the way it was going to be. For some reason, she thought he would understand, that he would feel remorse for his lack of effort. That he would abandon her had never seemed like a real possibility.

She got up and went to the bedroom. Bill had a suitcase on the bed and was packing. “Where are you going?"

"For now, back to my parents.” He looked up. “I know, I'm too old to be running home to mamma, but I don't have the funds to start myself up somewhere else right now. Once I get a job, I'll find a place."

"Just like that, you're throwing six years of marriage out the window?"

"No, not ‘just like that.’ It took a stunning act of betrayal to do it."

El's mouth worked, but no sounds came out. Her anger, her humiliation, her fear all combined and contradicted each other in her mind. Then another voice, a tiny, wicked voice called out: Now you can do what you've always wanted to do. She shook the stray thought out of her head. She didn't want to do this, how crazy that idea was! But it was like a tickle or an itch she couldn't scratch.

Bill finished packing. El stood there, trying to think of something to say. Did she want him to go? She could cancel the deal, go to prison. Would Bill wait for her?