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"Yes, sir?"

"Come in, El."

She got up and went through the door, stopping suddenly, mouth agape. There stood the man who had just slapped her ass in the hallway. Both of their eyes were on her and they didn't seem pleased.

El closed the door and removed her clothes, her hands shaking. She approached Jack and kneeled.

"How may I help you, master?"

"El, I asked Jim here to give you a slap on the ass this morning as a test to see how well you're fitting into your new job. Would you tell me, please, your reaction to Jim's actions?"

El knew she was in trouble. Her ass still ached from yesterday's spanking. “Um, sir, I, um, glared at him."

"Why did you do that?"

"I was caught off-guard, sir. I wasn't thinking."

"That's right. What's your role here?"

El thought she might faint. She glanced up at Jim, who seemed bemused by her predicament. “I'm… a sex slave.” She heard Jim chuckle.

"Right. What should you have done when Jim spanked you, do you think?"

El thought hard. “Um, smiled at him?"

"Yes, that would've been preferable. Or wiggle your hips or blow him a kiss-anything that indicated to him that you appreciate his attentions. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"This tells me you need some additional training, doesn't it?"

"Yes, sir."

Jack nodded. “Jim has been kind enough to offer to administer the punishment."

El paled. Jim stood six-two with biceps like footballs. If he spanked her, he'd probably kill her. She made a low sound in her throat.

"I realize your bottom must still be sore from yesterday, right?"

"Oh, yes, sir!"

"So I'll give you a choice. You can either let Jim spank your tits with a ruler…” He pulled one from his desk drawer and held it up. El felt her breasts ache at the very thought. “…or you can let Jim fuck you…"

"Oh, I'll let him fuck-"

"Wait, you didn't let me finish. You'd have to fuck him in your office, not mine. And he'd tie you spread over your desk, ass toward the glass door. When he's finished, he's going to leave you like that until I come out and untie you."

El paled and nearly fainted again. To be on display like that! Yesterday, she'd been mortified to be seen without her skirt on in her office, now she could be publicly humiliated in front of whoever passes by. And she knew that once word got around, everybody would be stopping by for a look at her naked body. Some might even fuck her again.

"Oh, sir… please.” She wasn't ready for that!

"What's your decision?"

"Sp-spank my tits, sir.” Jim sighed and looked disappointed.

"Very well. Turn and face Jim.” She moved her knees around a quarter turn. She felt Jack grab her arms and tie them with a section of cotton rope he pulled from his desk. “Just so you won't try to cover yourself,” he told her.

Jim took the ruler in one large hand and approached her. El closed her eyes and steeled herself. “Open your eyes, El. While he's administering your punishment, I want you to think about how you treat your fellow employees."

She did, just in time to see him strike her left breast. Whack! The first blow took the breath from her lungs. She shuddered and wiggled, trying to lessen the pain. Whack! Now on the right breast. El didn't know if she could stand it. Maybe letting him fuck her and being on display would have been a better choice.

Whack! Whack! Top and bottom of her breasts. She was crying now, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. She nearly sobbed with relief when Jack told Jim that was enough.

He untied her. She sagged down, caressing her tender breasts, her eyes blurred by tears.

"I'm going to go get a cup of coffee. You may thank Jim for helping with your training while I'm gone.” He left.

"Th-th-thank you, Jim,” she said automatically, without looking up.

Jim's deep voice startled her. “You need to be more polite, slut. Look at me."

She raised her eyes and through the fog of tears, she saw his long black cock, sticking out of his pants, right at the level of her mouth. Now she understood what Jack had meant by “thanking him.” She opened her mouth and took Jim's thick cock inside.

He was too large for her to deep throat him, but that didn't seem to stop him from trying to force himself on her. She used one hand to stroke him in an effort to bring him off more quickly. That seemed to pacify him. She rubbed the shaft and suckled the head for several minutes while Jim built up a head of steam. El's pussy began to throb of it's own accord and she felt her wetness grow. It surprised her because she suddenly realized she wanted the big man's huge cock deep into her pussy. Would Jack allow it?

Within a few more minutes, Jim came in great quantities. El choked on his sperm, much of it running down her chin and splashing on her breasts.

When he pulled back she immediately began wiping up his precious seed with her fingers and sucking the fluid from them. He tasted good. She looked longingly at Jim's softening dick. She wanted to get up and lay down on the desk for him, but she knew he'd already been satisfied.

"You're a real sweetheart,” Jim rumbled as he zipped up. He turned and left. El felt her heart lurch when the door closed behind him. Jack must've been waiting outside, for he came in at once, a cup of coffee in one hand.

"Now, what have you learned from this?” Jack spoke to her as if she were a recalcitrant child.

El turned to attention to Jack, hoping he'd fuck her now. “To be nice to workers, no matter where I meet them.” She put her hand on his leg.

Jack ignored the effort. “That's right. I'll take off another hundred off your debt. You may go."

She scurried back to the door and put on her clothes. She winced as she pulled her top down over her sore breasts. She knew by tomorrow, she'd have bruises on them to match the ones on her ass. She decided to do whatever it takes to avoid further punishments.


El sat at her desk with very little to do, but she wasn't complaining. After all, her job required she be available to anyone who wanted her, as long as Jack said it was okay. She mulled over the amount of money she'd made in the past two days. Let's see, it was two-fifty each for Bob and Scotty, and one hundred each for the delivery boy and Tom. Oh! And Raphael. That's eight hundred. And another hundred today, so far.

The numbers encouraged her. If she averaged eight hundred a day it would total four thousand a week. She took out a calculator and ran the numbers. Two hundred, forty-seven thousand at nine percent interest, comes to about two hundred, sixty-nine thousand. Divided by four thousand a week and that's…

She smiled when she saw the numbers come up.. Fifty seven weeks! That's just a little more than a year. And if she gave Jack the proceeds from the house and car, even less time.

Now she knew what she had to do. Rather than “endure” the fuckings and the suckings, she must encourage those opportunities. Of course, she never wanted to have sex without getting credit for it. Every cock she sucked brought her one day closer to being released from her servitude. And fucking was even better. She could make them wear condoms, rather than suck down a man's raw seed into her belly. And at two-fifty a pop, she could be making five thousand a week, if she worked at it.

She replayed the scene in her mind this morning. When Jim slapped her on the ass, she should've turned and asked him if he wanted a blowjob or, better yet, to fuck her-as long as Jack agreed, of course. And when Jack offered her the choice of being fucked and put on display, she should've accepted the fucking. Not only would she have earned two-fifty, but no doubt others would've come in and fucked her. She could've made a couple of thousand before noon!