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She realized it had never occurred to her to ask Bob to use a condom. She had been far too horny for that. She doubted it mattered-Bob seemed healthy. But she'd have to be more careful.

She sat on the toilet and let the excess fluids leak out. Without thinking, she reached down and let some drip onto her fingers, then brought them to her lips to taste the salty mixture. El used a washcloth to clean up, being careful around the rings. She should put some salve on the wounds, she decided. Her tube of ointment was still on her desk.

She came out and saw that Jack had not yet returned. El used the damp cloth to clean up the mess they'd left on his desk. She went to her office, still naked, and sat directly on the wet stain she'd left before. Somehow, she didn't feel right cleaning it up first-not unless Jack said it was okay. The seat was cooling to her hot pussy.

She reached for her ointment. As she was dabbing it on, she caught sight of several people drifting by outside, stopping to peer in at her again. This can't be helping productivity, she mused.

She waited patiently, unconcerned about her nudity, until the intercom buzzed. She touched herself and answered it. “Yes, master?"

"It's almost time to go. Come in."

"Yes, sir."

She rose and went to the door. It pleased her that she didn't have to stop and strip off her clothes again. She knelt. “How may I be of service, master?"

"Tell me all about it."

El couldn't stop smiling as she described her orgasms, Bob's pleasure, and the contract she'd helped land. All the while, Jack fingered her jewelry, causing the heat to rise in her yet again. She thought he might fuck her before they left, but he didn't. He seemed to want her on edge.

"You didn't use a condom?"

"No, sir. There, um, wasn't time."

He laughed and told her to get dressed. Her clothes seemed tight and restrictive. In the car, she opened herself for him and let his fingers dance over her damp pussy, occasionally tugging at the ring above. It made her squirm in her seat.

Jack dropped her off at her house, and handed her the cell phone, telling her to call him when she needed a ride. The realtor's car was already parked out front. He was waiting on the porch. He came down, greeting her like a long-lost relative. El knew he was eager for a commission, but she could tell he was interested in her as well.

His name was Robert Abernathy, which brought a flicker of a smile to El's face-looks like she'll be fucking two Bobs today. This Bob was completely different-he was of average height, slender, and handsome in a prep boy kind of way. He couldn't be more than thirty-five.

They toured the house. It wasn't a big house, so it didn't take long. El managed to flirt with Bob as they walked through the rooms, at once point brushing one of her breasts against his upper arm. El told Bob about the first and second mortgages, and some other debts that had piled up while Bill had been unemployed.

"All the furniture's going to be sold or put into storage in the next few days, I think,” El said. She'd have to ask Jack. “I should be out of here within a week."

"Well, I don't think you're going to clear much from this place,” Bob was saying, “but it will be good for your credit rating to get out from under it."

"You know, I've had a lot of difficulties lately. My husband left me, I've… been having some trouble at work and I nearly lost my job-is there any way you could trim your commission for me?” She batted her eyes at him.

He grimaced. “Uh, I don't know. You know, six percent is standard in our industry, and we all adhere to it, so if you're thinking you can get five-and-a-half or five percent in a bidding war, you probably won't find someone. And if you do, they'll be beginners or incompetents."

It was a well-rehearsed lie, but El figured many sellers bought it. But she had already done the math. “The problem is, Bob, you'll get more out of this house than I will, after I split everything with my husband."

"Well, I don't know what we can do about that,” he said suggestively. El knew he was interested, but she was waiting for him to make the first move.

She decided not to beat around the bush, so to speak. “I'll tell you what,” she approached him and put one hand on his shoulder, “if you cut your commission by a percent, I'll let you fuck me once a day for the next two months. And if you cut two percent off, you can fuck me once a day for the next five months."

Bob's eyes grew wide. El could see him thinking, running the numbers. It was a fair deal. “You mean, like, anytime? Like right now?"

She nodded, then stepped back and pulled her top off. When he saw the rings, his cock swelled in his pants, forcing him to tug on his belt to give it more room. “You've got nipple rings,” he said stupidly.

"Yes, I just got them today. You like?"

"Uh huh,” his head bounced up and down. His eyes never left her breasts.

"There's more to see-and experience. But let's decide, shall we?” She moved in close until her ringed nipples were rubbing across his Brooks Brothers shirt.

"Uh, how do I know this is on the level? How do I know you won't go back on your word later?"

"I always honor my commitments,” she breathed into his ear, running her hands through his carefully combed hair. “Besides, if I failed in my duties, you could call my boss, Jack Sawyer."

"You mean, he knows about this?"

"Mr. Sawyer knows everything about me,” she said simply.

"He, uh, won't get involved in the, you know…"

"The sex?” She laughed. “No. He'll leave that to me. But he'll make sure I follow through."

"That's a strange working arrangement you have there."

"I suppose it is.” She stepped back. “So, what's it going to be-or do I have to call another realtor?"

"Uh, no! Don't do that. I'll take it. I mean, I'll take the two-month deal, for one percent off."

She came back into his arms. “Tell you what, Bob. After two months, when you will have wished you'd gone for the other deal, I'll let you fuck me anytime after that for, um, seventy-five bucks a lay.” She knew she'd be getting credit for two-fifty from Jack.

She could see him calculating the figures in his head. “But, that's a lot more than I'll be paying now!"

"Well, then take the better deal. If you don't, I know you'll regret it later."

He thought about it while El stroked his hard cock. “All right! All right! You win. Two percent off and I can have you any time over the next five months."

"No more than once a day, okay?"

He nodded.

"Great.” She hooked her thumbs into her skirt and slid it down her thighs. Bob's mouth dropped open when he saw the ring through her skin, just above her slit.

"Good god!"

"It makes me horny all the time, Bob,” she said, taking his hand and letting him touch it. “Do you want to start right away? Because I'm so horny I can't stand it."

His head bobbed up and down. He unbuckled his pants and let them fall to his ankles. He pushed her back onto the couch and thrust into her without any foreplay. El didn't need any-she was always ready. She lolled back and let him have her. It felt so right to be fucking a stranger in the house she had shared with Bill. She had gotten into this mess because of him and now she was fucking him out of her system, right on the couch they used to share.

Bob came quickly, apparently overwhelmed by her charms. El squeezed her legs around him, enjoying the sensation of his cock throbbing inside her. After a minute, he pulled away and grinned. “You understand I really am going to fuck you every day, don't you?"

El thought if he comes that fast every time, it won't matter a bit. She could take ten minutes out to fuck him while she's getting ready for work. “Sure,” she said. “You just have to call me first so I can fit you in."

"Fit me in? You said anytime."

"Well, yes, but you aren't the only one I'm beholden to."

He opened his mouth, then closed it again. “You mean, if I just show up, I might run into someone else?"