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Life became a blur to El over the next few weeks. She no longer had to think about anything-every decision was made for her: Spread your legs, sign these papers for your house, suck this man's cock, show me your tits, let me play with your rings. Throughout, her mind was distracted by the constant stimulation of her clit.

She abandoned her clothes for the most part. They proved to be in the way. El kept a short, silk robe in her office that she used whenever Jack had a new customer visiting. He didn't want to shock them right off the bat. He needn't have worried, however, for customers began coming to Sawyer Metalworkingbecause of El, not just because Jack's plant produced quality equipment.

Jack moved her into his house, but she didn't sleep with him and she rarely fucked him there. He preferred to use her at the office. She stayed in a small bedroom on the ground floor, near the kitchen. Probably at one time it had been the maid's quarters. She had her own bathroom and her own entrance, the back door off the kitchen that Jack insisted she use at all times.

She entertained her “guests” that way as well. Bob, the realtor, came by nearly every day, as promised. Most of the time, he scheduled himself at seven-fifteen for a quick fuck before work. He'd knock on the back door and El would let him in, naked, and reach down to feel his hard cock. They'd fuck in her bed, or, if it was warm enough, he'd take her in the backyard, as they both enjoyed outdoor sex.

Bob continued to ejaculate quickly, giving El plenty of time to shower and get ready for work. He brought his own condoms, but El had gotten fucked so many times without them that she no longer thought about protection, although she continued to take her birth control pills.

When it was time to go to work, she'd exit the back door and wait by the garage until Jack came out. If it was cold, she'd stand inside the back door until he honked. Then she'd get in and spread her legs and let Jack fondle her on the way to work.

To avoid being arrested for having a nude woman with him, Jack had the side windows tinted. Now, only oncoming drivers might catch a fleeting glimpse of her breasts. Few probably believed what they saw.

At the plant, there always seemed to be a crowd waiting for his car. Jack would jump out and walk ahead of El, and the crowd would follow along with her, watching her breasts bounce with each step. For El, these little trips only accentuated the quivering buzz in her clit caused by the heavy gold ring.

The crowd knew better than to bother her too much, as Jack was quite strict about wasting time staring at El when they could be working. He'd had to lower the boom on Ralph, threatening to fire him if he kept coming into El's office to fondle her. After word got out, workers realized that she was there to be seen and to entertain the top performers, but she wasn't a toy for general amusement. Still, the novelty of her nudity never quite wore off.

Jack sent her back to the salon to get another bikini wax, so her cunt was smooth and shiny at all times. He also had one more piece of jewelry installed: A gold pin in her navel that spelled out “slut” in small letters. She now wore false eyelashes along with her heavy makeup. Jack also ordered that her hair be cut short into a cute pageboy. When she looked in a mirror, she seemed like a completely different person.

As the weeks passed, El tried to keep up with the rate of her debt reduction, but the numbers that used to make sense to her no longer did. She couldn't believe she was getting dumber and chalked it up to the increased blood flow to her sex organs. There's something about being in a constant state of arousal that pushed all other thoughts out of her head.

As a further incentive to the workers, Jack told her to walk around the plant floor naked every day at ten-thirty and four-thirty, so both shifts could see her. They'd line up, clapping and cheering as she walked around. Although no touching was allowed, the bouncing of her rings kept her on edge. By the time she returned from her walks, she couldn't wait for someone to fuck her. Fortunately, it seemed Jack usually had someone waiting for her.

The day shift won their contest with the night shift, much to Tom's dismay. Scotty walked around with a big grin on his face long before he accepted his award. Since he had gone first with El, he graciously let all the others go ahead of him. This time, El remembered to ask the men to use condoms. After all, there were eleven of them in a row. Jack didn't want to tie up his office, so the men brought a small bed into the tool shop and set her up there, behind closed doors. It took most of the day to satisfy everyone.

When it came Darlene's turn, El told her she'd be happy to service her, but she might need a little direction. Darlene laughed and responded: “Just do to me what you like done to you.” El didn't quite get it until Darlene pulled out a strap-on dildo that she'd brought from home.

"But then, why don't you like men?” El had asked, truly curious.

"Oh, I like men just fine, it's just that they don't like me much,” the heavy-set woman had replied. “So I find lesbians are just as good or even better."

El understood. When Darlene took off her clothes, El made a point of telling her how nice her pussy looked. The woman kept her hair neatly trimmed, so El wouldn't have a mouthful to dodge. She dove in, using the techniques she had encouraged the men in her life to use and soon brought Darlene to a delightful orgasm. Then she strapped on the dildo and pounded her from behind. Darlene bucked like a horse and El was exhausted when the woman finally came again.


El sat in her office, naked as usual, and waited for someone to tell her what to do. People passing by in the corridor hardly gave a glance at the slender slut now. She kept her legs spread under the desk and hoped Jack would call her in soon.

After installing a third camera, mounted over the glass door, pointed down at El, Jack had kindly sent the closed circuit pictures of her to the lunch room monitor, so workers could see slutty El at any time. She didn't mind, as it kept people from fondling her too much in the hallways.

It was hard for her to remember her life as a CFO. She'd been so busy these past few months that those old memories had been pushed out of her mind. She didn't mind being told what to do-it simplified her life.

The intercom buzzed. She answered it immediately, knowing at the same time that anyone in the lunchroom could see her fingers rubbing her pussy. The idea thrilled her.

"Yes, master?"

"Come in, El."

She rose at once and came into his office. Jack was alone. She padded over to his desk and kneeled down. “How may I-"

"El,” he interrupted, “you've done it."

El was confused. “Done what, sir?” For a minute she thought she was in trouble, although it had been months since Jack had spanked her.

Jack turned the monitor toward her. She tried to make sense of the numbers. “You've paid off all your debt-Two hundred, seventy thousand dollars. Principal, plus interest. What do you think about that?"

El was confused. “I'm paid up? That's good, huh?” She tried to remember why she had owed that much money. Oh, yes, she had stolen it from the company a long time ago.

"Yes, it means, if you'd like, you can leave us now. Go be a CFO at another company. I'll give you a good recommendation."

She shook her head, trying to clear it. Did he want her to leave? Did she want her former life back? It seemed so remote. She liked her life here. She didn't have to think about anything and she got to have so many tremendous orgasms she couldn't imagine putting an end to them.

"Do I have to, master?"

He took her by her arms and drew her to him. “Of course not, El. It's just that I promised you I'd keep accurate records and I have. You've now paid for all the money you stole-and you've helped bring in new business. We're expanding the plant because of your hard work."